“ | Howdy! Chara, are you there? It's me, your best friend. | „ |
~ Asriel |
Asriel Dreemurr is the deceased son of King Asgore and Queen Toriel, who is repeatedly mentioned in the backstory and by other characters you encounter in the Underground, eventually making his appearance during the game's true ending. Many years ago, not too long after monsters had been forced into the Underground by humanity, Asriel was the one who discovered Chara, the original Fallen Child, and took them back to his parents. The King and Queen took the child in, raising them as their own. Very soon, Chara became Asriel's closest and only friend. However, the prince soon noticed his adopted sibling's vehement hatred for humanity, and while he turned a blind eye to it at the time, he speculated that the child's reasons for running away from home in the first place were not exactly the most pleasant, clearly leaving a deep wound in their psyche that never healed.
Tier: At least Low 7-B to High 6-A | 2-A to Low 1-C, possibly 1-C as God of Hyper-Death, higher as Angel of Death
Name: Asriel Dreemurr
Origin: Undertale
Gender: Male
Age: 100+ (Chronologically. Its implied that Undertale takes place 100 years after chara's fall, in which asriel was shown to be alive before the fall happened. Chara's fall didn't happened too long after when the monsters where forced into the underground)
Classification: Prince of the Underground, Boss Monster | Former Prince of the Underground, Boss Monster, God (Described as one by the Underground's lore), "The Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath!" (By himself), the Angel (Presumably the angel of a certain legend)
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic and Non-Physical Interaction (Magic is shown to be capable of harming ghosts, as shown in the Mad Dummy fight where magic attacks are the only way to harm him as opposed to physical attacks), Inorganic Physiology (Type 1. Every monster in the game is stated to be made of magic), SOUL Manipulation, SOUL Absorption, and Fusionism (If a monster defeats a human, they can take its SOUL. Combined with Chara's SOUL of which split control of the body between them), Immortality (Type 1. Boss Monsters only age when their offspring does), likely Fire Manipulation (Both Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr have been shown to utilize fire magic, so it is likely he also has this ability), Resistance to SOUL Manipulation (Can take SOUL attacks as physical ones), Radiation Manipulation (Gamerblood Energy Drink, an energy drink containing radioactive waste, is considered a normal product in the Underground), Heat Manipulation (Is the same type of monster as his parents who can survive the heat of the hotlands and extreme cold of snowdin)
Multiple Selves (Type 2. When Asriel absorbed Chara's SOUL, the control of the body was split between them), Extrasensory Perception (Was aware of the murderous intentions of Chara's soul as well as the conflict between them), Transformation (Monsters who absorb a human soul will transform into a "horrifying beast")
Same abilities as his Human Soul Absorbed self and Photoshop Flowey to an unfathomably higher scale, now lacking the weakness of conflict with the souls and size differences, in addition to better Extrasensory Perception (Can feel the compassion of other monsters whose SOULs he absorbed. Could feel all of their hearts beating as one with the same desire), Flight, Afterimage Creation, better Transformation (as shown here), Supernatural Willpower (Harnessed extreme amounts of DETERMINATION that rivaled Frisk's, DETERMINATION is the extreme strength of will to keep living, and allows the user to survive attacks they normally wouldn't), Weapon Creation (Can create two large sabers of which to attack with), Electricity Manipulation (Can summon lighting projectiles), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, Can keep fighting while the timeline he is in is destroyed), Status Effect Inducement and Passive Paralysis Inducement (When using his true power, though Frisk eventually broke free), Immortality (Types 3) and Regeneration (Low-Godly. Should be the same as Frisk due to having equal amounts of DETERMINATION, as neither of them was able to have control over the timeline due to their DETERMINATION nullifying each other), Summoning (Capable of summoning Lost SOULS to aid in battle). As he absorbed the SOULs of The Underground, and they can be reached as lost SOULs to attack in a mindless manner. Bone Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Thread Manipulation, Animal Manipulation, Homing Attack, Sound Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Vibration Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Duplication, Clairvoyance, Reactive Power Level, Mind Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Healing, Earth Manipulation
At least Small City level to Multi-Continent Level (Can scale to Toriel and Asgore, who are stronger than Tsunderplane and Papyrus) | Multiverse Level+ to Low Complex Multiverse Level, possibly Complex Multiverse Level as God of Hyper-Death (Is infinitely stronger than Photoshop Flowey, was able to shatter the barrier, something Flowey couldn't do, and was capable of bringing all the Undertale Timeline to 0, there are many statements that say that the Undertale timeline is a 5D structure), higher as Angel of Death (Stronger than in his God of Hyper-Death form, is said that his previous form was only a fraction of his true power)
At least FTL (Can scale to Napstablook, who was able to close his blinds before the light reached him), FTL+ (Can scale to Asgore) | Immeasurable (Far faster than before, while using a fraction of his power, his Hyper Goner could absorb an entire timeline to one single point), Omnipresent (He is fast enough to have all forms of matter and life frozen, corrupting all the timelines), higher as Angel of Death
Infinite (Has Infinite Strength)
At least Small City Class to Multi-Continent Class | Multiversal+ to Low Complex Multiversal, possibly Complex Multiversal as God of Hyper-Death, higher as Angel of Death
At least Small City level to Multi-Continent Level | Multiverse Level+ to Low Complex Multiverse Level, possibly Complex Multiverse Level as God of Hyper-Death (is completely incapable of being hurt by an end-game Frisk), higher as Angel of Death (Stronger than in his God of Hyper-Death form)
Standard Melee Range, likely tens of meters with magic (Should posess similar magic to his parents) | Extended Melee Range with swords, up to Low Complex Multiverse Likely Higher
The Chaos Saber
Unknown as a child. Nigh-Omniscient as the God of Hyperdeath (Has knowleadge of Undertale's timelines)
Asriel is extremely innocent and naive, being easily convinced into carrying Chara's empty body across the village. Has no real desire to hurt anyone, refusing to fight back against a crowd of bloodlusted humans which eventually leads to his death. As a monster, his defenses will weaken if he refuses to fight his opponent, and is more vulnerable to opponents with powerful souls who have murderous intentions. | Will begin to lose his homicidal intentions and craziness due regaining the ability to care and having a soul again, eventually reversing to a much more innocent child, though it took a while and special care for Frisk to "save" him. Tends to hold back and toys with opponents such as when he used a fraction of his power throughout almost his entire fight with Frisk.
- Fire Magic: Asriel calls down a rain of fireballs in a manner reminiscent of his mother Toriel.
- Chaos Buster: Asriel summons a weapon that fires a hail of bullets in either three or four rows at a time. He concludes the attack by firing an enormous, multi-colored laser that annihilates anything in its path.
- Chaos Blaster: An upgraded Chaos Buster. On top of being faster and more difficult to avoid, a spiraling cluster of stars bursts from the gun when the final laser is fired.
- Chaos Saber: Asriel summons two enormous blades, using them to slice across the battlefield before finishing with a group of deadly sparks.
- Chaos Slicer: An upgraded Chaos Saber. Far faster and stronger than its previous incarnation.
- Shocker Breaker: Asriel calls down bolts of transdimensional lightning to scour the area.
- Shocker Breaker II: A faster, stronger Shocker Breaker which covers more ground and is more difficult to avoid.
- Star Blazing: Asriel drops a hail of colossal stars onto his foe that explode into even more stars, scattering in all directions. He finishes the attack with the largest star of all, which splits into a dense ring of stars and spirals out in all directions.
- Galacta Blazing: An upgraded Star Blazing. Asriel drops even more stars than in his previous attack.
- Hyper Goner: The strongest attack Asriel uses while still only toying with Frisk. He transforms into an enormous, frightening goat skull before devouring the entire timeline.
- Angel of Death: A technique that automatically occurs upon Asriel using his true power. His opponent becomes unable to move, attack, use items or do anything except struggle, losing all power and ability to fight back as Asriel tears them apart without any chance of resistance.
Base | God of Hyperdeath & Angel of Death
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: