Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Frisk, thank you for listening to me. You should really go be with your friends now, OK? Oh, and, please... In the future, if you uh, see me... Don't think of it as me, OK? I just want you to remember me like this. Someone that was your friend for a little while

Flowey the Flower
Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!

Flowey boss
I only have six souls. I still need one more... Before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers... Monsters. Humans. Everyone. I'll show them all the REAL meaning of this world.

After I defeat you and gain total control over the timeline... I just want to reset everything. All your progress... Everyone's memories. I'll bring them all back to zero! Then we can do everything ALL over again. And you know what the best part of all this is? You'll DO it. And then you'll lose to me again. And again. And again!!! Because you want a "happy ending". Because you "love your friends". Because "you never give up". Isn't that delicious? Your "determination." The power that let you get this far... It's gonna be your downfall!

Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you...


Asriel Dreemurr is the deceased son of Asgore and Toriel. Asriel originally befriended The first fallen human which brought hope to the underground. However one day, Chara came up with a plan after accidentally poisoning Asgore with a buttercup pie to commit suicide in said manner and allow Asriel to absorb her soul, crossing the barrier and stealing the souls of the seven humans to free the monsters and then probably devour over 7 billion souls. When doing so, Asriel went to the village with Charas body, but was attacked by the humans and in refusal to fight and eventually died. With his esscence scattered onto a bed of flowers and injected with determination later by Alphys, he turned into Flowey.

Due to his loss of emotions, he is transformed into a murderer who plays out every scenario with every character in the game and adopts the mentality of "kill of be killed". Flowey stalks Frisk through the underground with a plan to steal the six human souls become a godlike being. After his defeat, Flowey in the pacifist run will tell Frisk to go back to Alphys, which leads to events bringing every monster in the underground to one location (besides napstablook) and absorbing their souls, transforming into Asriel with the plan to keep Frisk/Chara playing the game forever. After his fight and being shown who he was, he uses the souls to free the monsters from the underground and accepts his fate to become Flowey once again.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A, lower against bloodlust | 8-B, 9-A when both refusing to fight and faced against bloodlust | Likely 9-A | 8-A | At least Low 2-C possibly 2-B

Name: Asriel Dreemurr, Flowey the Flower

Origin: Undertale

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, pre-teen mentally and at the time of death

Classification: Prince of the underground, God of Hyperdeath, Boss Monster, "The Angel (of Death)", "Your best friend", Flower given life through determination

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Magical Energy Physiology (Monsters are composed of magic and very little physical matter), Non-Physical Interaction (Magical attacks can bring harm to ghosts such as Mad Dummy), Soul Manipulation (Monsters magic can damage the opponents soul dealing far more damage. With Frisk requiring armor offering mostly magical defences to better resist this) and Absorption (Can absorb human souls), Fire Manipulation, Immortality (Type 1), Danmaku, Resistance to Heat Manipulation (All monsters should be able to survive the intense heat of the hotlands as even weak monsters including Sans have shown to walk around there with no issue), Radiation Manipulation (Monsters are able to drink Gamerblood Energy, a drink made of radioactive waste) and Soul Manipulation (Monsters bodies are physically attuned to their souls, meaning they take hits to the soul as normal attacks and visa versa)

All previous abilities (Due to being fused with a human soul Asriel and any monster-human fusion may have a wider range of abilities in this state from determination. However due to conflict between him and Charas soul, which has shown in the Photoshop Flowey flight to limit abilities such as save and load, it is unknown how many determination based abilities he can use), Transformation (Absorbing a human soul transforms monsters into a "horrifying beast")

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Non-Physical Interaction (Magical attacks can bring harm to ghosts such as Mad Dummy), Soul Manipulation (Can damage the soul with his attacks) and Absorption (Can absorb human souls), Acausality (Type 1, can remember events that happened before resets), Time Manipulation/Time Travel (Can create save points and wind time back to them through loading or go back to the creation of the Save File through reset), Indomitable Will, Immortality (Type 1, 4 and 8, users of save and load will reload as long as their determination and will to keep living exists, even if their soul and/or physical body is destroyed), Body Control, Social Influencing, Cosmic Awareness, Burrowing (Can go underground), Plant Manipulation, Stealth Mastery, Danmaku, Preparation, Soullessness, Resistance to Heat Manipulation (Follows Frisk in the Hotlands) and Emotional Manipulation (Cannot feel positive emotions due to lack of a soul)

All the abilities of Flowey minus Soullessness (Posesses 6 souls. If control of the souls is lost his defences will drop, and if turned against him, he will revert back to normal flowey), In addition to Immortality (Type 3), Regeneration (At least Low-High, Scaling from the amalgamates who can regenerate from small pieces of themselves and Undyne), Fire Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Animal Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Homing Attack (Sends swarms of insects after Frisk), Energy Projection, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Reality Warping, Data Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Teleportation (Of others), BFR (Can kick the player out the game and teleport Frisk past the barrier), Light Manipulation, wider scale, Extrasensory Perception (Can feel the souls inside him wriggling), Soul Manipulation and Absorption, (Absorbed the souls of every monster in the underground with a flash of light), Dimensional Travel, Creation, Pocket Reality Manipulation (Can switch between save files and create a pocket dimension to fight Frisk in) and Weapon Creation, Summoning (Can use the human souls to attack Frisk)

All abilities of Photoshop Flowey and his former self on an unfathomably higher scale including, Regeneration (At least Low-High, has determination comparable if not superior to Frisk which could restore his soul being split, should have much better regeneration than the amalgamates and Undyne), Timeline Erasure, Flight, Memory Manipulation, Afterimage Creation, Power Nullification (Scaling from the amalgamates who can register Frisk's attacks as "invalid"), Space-Time Manipulation, Subjective Reality (Should be able to replecate Frisks ability due to posessing the same level of determination), Electricity Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Paralysis Inducement (Using his full power, he can negate the ability to fight, reach for items or even move), Teleportation, Summoning of the magic of every monster in the underground which would include Bone Manipulation, Karma/Soul Poison, Intangible Attacks, Telekinesis, Glyph Creation, Gravity Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Thread Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Statistics Amplification, Vibration Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Duplication, Reactive Power Level, Ice Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, and Earth Manipulation

Attack Potency: Small Building level, lower against bloodlust (As a boss monster he has an incredibly powerful soul and should be an exceptionally powerful monster as a result. However due to still being a child, it is unknown how close he is to his parents) | City Block level, Small Building level when both refusing to fight and faced against bloodlust (Fused with a human soul, which posesses the combine power of every monster in the underground, of which there are at least 12,000 based on mettatons ratings being referred to as his "view count". Would have been able to wipe out an entire crowd of bloodlusted humans if he chose to who should be comparable to if not superior to top tier monsters such as Asgore) | Likely Small Building level (Can almost one shot Frisk at the start of the game. Capable of killing every monster in the underground through the use of murderous intent as well as a weakened Asgore) | Multi-City Block level (Possesses 6 human souls. May have created his own pocket dimension of unknown size to fight Frisk in. Easily and repeatedly one shot Frisk at the end of their fight) | At least Universe level+, possibly Multiverse level (Has infinite stats. Purged the timeline with a fraction of his power. When powered up he was going to perform the true reset, which completely resets the game and wipes out all past memory in its totality. Was causing the world to end by existing, which is undertales context is used to describe the game. The true reset additionally has the exact same effect on the game as Charas endgame feat minus the black mark Chara leaves. Possibly implied by Flowey to be superior to Chara)

Speed: Likely Superhuman | Subsonic | Superhuman (Capable of defeating every monster and should be capable of reacting to them. Could destroy Asgore's soul before Frisk could do anything) | Likely at least Supersonic (Flowey and the rest of his attacks should at least be comparable to the yellow souls giant gun) | At least Massively FTL+ (Superior to Frisk who can dodge his hyper goner at this speed, likely Immeasurable (Moved around in a void after the destruction of the timeline and was going to perform the true reset in the same fashion as Chara who he scales to)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Class 5 (Scaling to top tier monsters) | Likely Class 5 with vines (Moved an elevator at these speeds) | At least Class 25 (His sheer size takes up the entire room) | Unknown

Striking Strength: Small Building Class, lower against bloodlust | City Block Class, Small Building Class when both refusing to fight and faced against bloodlust | Likely Small Building class with vines and magic | Multi-City Block Class | At least Universal+, possibly Multiversal

Durability: Small Building level, lower when refusing to fight or against bloodlust | City Block level, Small Building level when both refusing to fight and faced against bloodlust (Took dozens of blows from an crowd of bloodlusted humans while resisting the urge from Chara to fight (all weaknesses exposed) before eventually going down once they made it back to the underground. In comparison Undyne the Undying fought on par with an incredibly bloodlusted opponent likely at a similar level while being serious. Making a fused monster likely comparable if not superior) | At most Street level (One shotted by Frisk, has died to Sans on numerous occasions, who has no real way to negate floweys durability due to lack of a soul. Took a hit from Toriel, though it is unknown how serious she was) | Multi-City Block level, City Block level with the souls turned against him (His defences drop to 0 and Frisk is capable of dealing meaningful damage to him, who is in term capable of surviving direct attacks from the souls and likely backscales. His sheer size cant even fit on the screen) | At least Universe level+, possibly Multiverse level

Stamina: Likely Average | Extremely High. Could take an extreme beating from a crowd of humans and make it back to the underground before going down | Likely extremely high due to the determination he posesses | Unknown, likely Limitless

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of meters with magic | Universal+ with Save and Load | At least Universal+, Likely Multiversal

Intelligence: Gifted. Flowey/Asriel is incredibly clever, being able to manipulate and predict everyones behaviour due to living out every possible outcome, including the likes of Frisk to some degree who they could never fully predict.

Weaknesses: Incredibly innocent with no real desire to harm anyone, refusing to hurt a group of humans even while they are killing him which lead to his death. Easy to manipulate. Monsters are vulnerable to murderous intentions, beings with powerful souls, as well as their defences dropping should they stop wanting to fight | Flowey has a childish and murderous mentality. Doesnt have the capacity to feel any positive emotion. If their determination is surpassed they will lose control of their save file | Same as before. Lacks full control over the 6 human souls which turned on him in his fight | Same physical weakness his original self, likely to a lower degree. Incredibly cocky and childlike, often toying with his opponent. Can be pacified if reminded of his past and who he was. If he gives up the souls or somehow loses them. He will be unable to retain himself and eventually turn back into Flowey. If their determination is surpassed they will lose control of their save file.

Key: Normal Asriel | Human Soul Absorbed | Flowey | Six Souls/Photoshop Flowey | Seven Souls/God Asriel



Undertale - Omega Flowey -No death-


Undertale - Asriel Dreemurr Fight (Pacifist Run)


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
