Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Kid Asriel

Source by WillFurSyahmi.

Oh, and Frisk... Be careful in the outside world, OK? Despite what everyone thinks, it's not as nice as it is here. There are a lot of Floweys out there. And not everything can be resolved by just being nice. Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright? That's the best you can strive for.

ASRIEL, wracked with grief, absorbed the human's SOUL. He transformed into a being with incredible power. With the human SOUL, ASRIEL crossed through the barrier. He carried the human's body into the sunset. Back to the village of the humans. ASRIEL reached the center of the village. There, he found a bed of golden flowers. He carried the human onto it. Suddenly, screams rang out. The villagers saw ASRIEL holding the human's body. They thought that he had killed the child. The humans attacked him with everything they had. He was struck with blow after blow. ASRIEL had the power to destroy them all. But... ASRIEL did not fight back. Clutching the human... ASRIEL smiled, and walked away.

~ The monsters' tale about Asriel

Flowey Main

Source by Pinkadillydoo

Don't you get it? This is all just a GAME. If you leave the underground satisfied, you'll "win" the game. If you "win," you won't want to "play" with me anymore. And what would I do then? But this game between us will NEVER end. I'll hold victory in front of you, just within your reach... And then tear it away just before you grasp it. Over, and over, and over... Hee hee hee. Listen. If you DO defeat me, I'll give you your "happy ending." I'll bring your friends back. I'll destroy the barrier. Everyone will finally be satisfied. But that WON'T happen. You...! I'll keep you here no matter what! Even if it means killing you 1,000,000 times!!!!

Photoshop Flowey Main

Source by Palidoozy

You... YOU... You IDIOT. Did you REALLY think... You could defeat ME!? I am the GOD of this world. And YOU? You're HOPELESS. Hopeless and alone... Golly, that's right! Your WORTHLESS friends... can't save you now. Call for help. I dare you. Cry into the darkness! "Mommy! Daddy!" "Somebody help!" See what good it does you! But nobody came. Boy! What a shame! Nobody else... Is gonna get to see you DIE!!!

Hypergod asriel wallpaper by theinkyway d9jxiq7-pre

Source by TheInkyWay

You know... I don't care about destroying this world anymore. After I defeat you and gain total control over the timeline... I just want to reset everything. All your progress... Everyone's memories. I'll bring them all back to zero! Then we can do everything ALL over again. And you know what the best part of all this is? You'll DO it. And then you'll lose to me again. And again. And again!!! Because you want a "happy ending." Because you "love your friends." Because you "never give up." Isn't that delicious? Your "determination." The power that let you get this far... It's gonna be your downfall!

Asriel (Full Power)

Source by Palidoozy

Chara... Do you know why I'm doing this...? Why I keep fighting to keep you around...? I'm doing this... Because you're special, Chara. You're the only one that understands me. You're the only one who's any fun to play with anymore. No... That's not JUST it. I... I... I'm doing this because I care about you, Chara! I care about you more than anybody else! I'm not ready for this to end. I'm not ready for you to leave. I'm not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again... So, please... STOP doing this... AND JUST LET ME WIN!!!

Background Music


Asriel Dreemurr is the son of Asgore and Toriel and the best friend of the fallen child. He is the former prince of the Underground, he is a very kind and gentle boy, being extremely innocent and naive, he was loved by all in the Underground and his friendship with the first human brought hope to all of monsterkind, and his death despair to all. After the human died due to buttercup poisoning, Asriel absorbed their soul, crossed the barrier in order to get enough SOULS to free his people, but he refused to listen to his best friend orders to destroy the humans village, and then the humans killed him because of it. Years later Dr.Alphys injected DETERMINATION in the first flower that grew in Asgore's garden, and thus Asriel was reborn inside of a flower, but without his soul, and thus the ability to feel anything. He then took the identity of Flowey the Flower, marked by his choice before he died he adopted the view "kill or be killed" because since he didn't follow what the fallen child wanted, they both died. He then experimented with his new powers to see what the world had to offer, first doing good but when he felt nothing he turned to evil, doing anything he could think of to satisfy his curiosity, but he still got bored, with Papyrus being his favorite "toy" and Sans causing his fair share of resets. One day another human fell down, one that looked very familiar to his old friend, he tried to take their SOUL but got stopped by Toriel. Then after several plans and manipulation he finally gets the equivalent of seven human SOULS and gets his original form back, but that also brings back his ability to feel, and with his feelings back he realizes the errors of his way, and decides to sacrifice his chance to be himself in order to break the barrier, finally succeeding in the goal that got him killed.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-B | Low 7-C | 8-B, higher with LOVE and DETERMINATION | Low 2-C, likely 2-C, possibly 2-B | At least 2-B, likely 2-A

Name: Asriel Dreemurr, "Azzy", Flowey the Flower, "FLOWERY" (by Papyrus).

Origin: Undertale.

Gender: Male.

Age: Pre-teen before his death, unknown since he became a flower.

Classification: Boss Monster, Former Prince of the Underground, The ABSOLUTE God of Hyperdeath, Legendary Being, The Angel, Soulless Flower, "Your Best Friend", Your Best Nightmare.

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

All base abilities, powers and resistances on a far greater scale plus:

Resistance to:

Due to having Chara's SOUL, he should have all their DETERMINATION abilities, which are:

Likely Resistance to:

Resistance to:

Flowey possesses nearly all DETERMINATION abilities, but since he only has injected determination, instead of natural, he only has certain abilities, such as:

Resistance to:

All of Flowey's abilities, powers and resistances on a far greater scale plus:

Resistance to:

Possesses all regular DETERMINATION abilities his previous form had, plus all high-level applications, which are:

Resistance to:

Resistance to:

Due to everyone's SOUL replacing his regular SOUL, he should have all natural DETERMINATION abilities, as well as all previous DETERMINATION abilities and nearly all peak abilities, which are:

Resistance to:

Resistance to:

  • Extreme Heat (Is able to go through Hotland, which is stated to be extremely hot by several characters and where water can vaporize in an instant, without any problems)

Resistance to:

Resistance to:

Resistance to:

  • Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat (Is able to go through Snowdin/Hotland, both stated to be extremely hot/cold by several characters, without any problems)

Resistance to:

Resistance to:

The members seen by the human have abilities such as:

Resistance to:

  • Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat (Are able to go through Snowdin/Hotland, both stated to be extremely hot/cold by several characters, without any problems)

Resistance to:

  • Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat (Can live in a lab in Hotland, were it's so hot water vaporizes in an instant and in Snowdin, which is called extremely cold by several characters)

Amalgamates possess all exclusive DETERMINATION abilities to them, which are:

Resistance to:

Earth Manipulation (Vegetoid can attack with earth based attacks)

Resistance to:

Likely far more abilities and resistances due how many monsters are never seen by Frisk.

Attack Potency: At least Wall level (Is a Boss Monster, which is the strongest type of monster, Gerson states that he would have the SOUL power of his parents, making him comparable to Chara, who survived their fall, monsters such as the Ice Wolf, low determination Frisk, who tanked Undyne's house exploding and many more) | Small Town level (It is stated by both the monsters and Asriel himself that he had the power to destroy the entire human village) | Varies. City Block level at a minimum, higher with LOVE and DETERMINATION (Flowey easily beat a off-guard low-determined Frisk and moved their elevator from the True Lab to New Home when he was at his weakest due to Frisk's fall nulling his powers, stated that he killed everyone when he had the control over the timeline, which means he must have beaten the likes of Undyne, Mettaton EX, whose kicks are this strong, Knight Knight, The Royal Guard, etc.) | Universe level+, likely Low Multiverse, possibly Multiverse level (He destroyed Frisk's Save File, SAVE files represent the timeline in which the DETERMINATION user has control over, as seen by Flowey still destroying it even if Frisk has never SAVEd and with Asriel later calling it a timeline. Flowey is also shown to have multiple Save Files. He was able to crash and have control of the entire game world and as seen when Chara destroys the world the game world is the entire verse's cosmology, which is this big) | At least Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Erased a timeline with his Hyper Goner once he stopped playing around, Asriel planned to reset everything and this would be a True Reset, since it would erase even Frisk's memories, the True Reset brings everything back to when Chara fell into the underground and thus affecting all timelines, as if creating an entire new multiverse again, the True Reset is equivalent to Chara's game destroying feat, that instead of erasing everything it brings everything back to a clean slate, since he himself says that he doesn't care about destroying the world anymore, after using his full power, his sheer presence was causing the entire game world, which is the multiverse, to end, a better explanation of the cosmology in this blog. Asriel also has infinite stats while in a form where he was only using a fraction of his power, being the only monster to have so, which would make him infinitely stronger than his previous form).

Speed: At least FTL (Is a Boss Monster, which is the strongest type of monster, meaning he should be faster than other types of monsters, like Napstablook) | At least FTL (Should be far faster than before, comparable to Undyne the Undying) | At least FTL (Could react and fight almost everyone in the Underground. Should be faster than Napstablook, who was able to close their blinds before the light reached them) | Inaccessible (He moved and acted in a timeless void after destroying the timeline), likely Immeasurable (He moved between timelines) | Immeasurable (Far faster than before, while using a fraction of his power, his Hyper Goner could absorb an entire timeline to one single point).

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Class M (His vines moved an entire elevator) | Unknown (Should be far stronger than before, he could hold all main characters in his vines) | Immeasurable.

Striking Strength: At least Wall Class | Small Town Class | Varies. City Block Class at a minimum, higher with LOVE and DETERMINATION | Universal+, likely Low Multiversal, possibly Multiversal | At least Multiversal, likely Multiversal+.

Durability: At least Wall level (Is a Boss Monster, which is the strongest type of monster, Gerson states that he would have the SOUL power of his parents, making him comparable to Chara, who survived their fall, monsters such as the Ice Wolf, low determination Frisk, who tanked Undyne's house exploding and many more) | Small Town level (Should have his durability comparable to his attack) | Varies. City Block level at a minimum, higher with LOVE and DETERMINATION (Flowey has killed everyone, which means he should have survived hits from Undyne, Mettaton EX, The Royal Guard, etc. Survived a casual fireball from Toriel) | Universe level+, likely Low Multiversal level, possibly Multiverse level (His defense should be comparable to his attack), City Block level at 0 defense (Could tank hits from an extremely determined Frisk) | At least Multiverse level, likely Multiverse level+ (Like his attack, his defense is also infinite, being the only monster to be so).

Stamina: Unknown | Unknown | Very High (Flowey is alive via pure determination, making him far more resilient than expected) | Unknown (Should have more stamina but to an unknown extent) | Inexhaustible (Thanks to all the people Asriel absorbed, like Mad Dummy).

Range: Standard melee range, tens of meters with his fire magic | Standard melee range, kilometers with his magic, Universal+ with RESET | At least tens of meters with his magic and vines, Universal+ with RESET | Multiversal (Photoshop Flowey could shift between timelines and had complete control over the entire cosmology) | Multiversal (His reset would affect the entire cosmology and he was ending the entire world with his presence)

Standard Equipment: Nothing notable | Chara's Soul | Nothing notable | The Six Souls | The Six Souls and every SOUL in the underground (Except Napstablook's).

Intelligence: Genius (Thanks to all the resets he has done, seeing all possibilities and outcomes, Flowey has become incredibly clever, being able to predict and manipulate the entire underground to do what he wants like it is nothing, such as sending everyone in the throne room and pretending to be defeated, just to absorb all their SOULS, as well as have been able to read every book the underground had to offer, which would obviously include many knowledge within).

Standard Tactics: Flowey might start off fights by manipulating their opponent and making them drop their guard, he also will use vines and bullets to strike his enemy while burrowing into the ground for movement, Flowey will also abuse his ability to SAVE and LOAD in order to get away from disfavorable positions and get extra strikes, catching foes unaware, Flowey might RESET if needed as well. Photoshop Flowey will abuse his ability to SAVE and LOAD even harder than before, by SAVING on different SAVE files and LOADING back when he feels it's necessary, Flowey will also warp the world in his image, such as when he warped Undertale into "Flowey"tale, he also might use the power of his 6 SOULS to absorb the SOULs of others, including his opponent, and if he feels the opponent isn't a threat to his power he will use several attacks to toy with his enemy. Asriel will start off the fight by testing his power using various types of flashing attacks, and still possesses the same attitude as his previous forms about determination abilities and absorption, with him using the True Reset in order to make his opponent play with him forever, or to erase them if he dislikes them or finds them boring, once he starts to get serious he will use his Hyper Goner and transform into his final form, in this he will quickly to destroy his opponent with his sheer power and then erase their memories and even existence with a True Reset if he finds them extremely boring to play around, had he not decided to do so beforehand, it should be noted that the reason Asriel didn't use any of his determination abilities against Frisk was because their determination nulled his own abilities, but he would use them in character like his previous forms.

Weaknesses: Asriel is still just an innocent and naive kid, all monsters are weak to extreme killing intent from a powerful soul (like Chara), therefore the crueler the intentions of their enemies, the more their attacks will hurt them, and a monster defense will weaken if they don't want to fight | Chara still has their own personality within Asriel and can control the body, and if their interests collide it could null their powers, as well as the fact his defense can lower if he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't know about any of his determination abilities, nor how to use them | Flowey still has a very childlike mentality, and can be somewhat immature | Flowey can be extremely arrogant in this form, playing around with their opponent instead of easily beating them if he finds them a non-threat. The Six Souls can revolt against him if they are convinced by a powerful, determined soul, depowering him | Asriel is still extremely cocky and possesses a childlike mind, playing around with his opponents instead of finishing them due to his loneliness. Having more determination only nulls the control over time other determination users have, but not all abilities, such as refusing to die, and cannot LOAD if he is unconscious.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Friendliness Pellets: Flowey's signature attack, the ability to shoot seed based bullets in multiple ways. In base Flowey can send either homing pellets, use them as moving walls of terror, or his favorite, circle his opponents in a ring of pellets, giving no room to escape. Photoshop Flowey can also send X-shaped pellets that fire from his lower eyes to his opponents, covering a very wide area, or Y-shaped pellets that fire from his upper eyes in triplets, together with signature ring-shaped attack.
  • Vines: Flowey has the ability to shoot various vines from his body that can do various things, from solving puzzles to moving elevators to holding people, they are one of Flowey's essential moves. Flowey usually attacks by aiming at where his opponent his and the sending various vines to impale them.
  • Flamethrowers: Photoshop Flowey has the ability to summon flamethrowers to help in combat, he fires them at each side of his opponent.
  • Plant Control: Photoshop Flowey has the ability to control various types of plants to use in combat. Plants such as a Venus Flytrap, which sucks in insects to it's mouth that harm anyone who touches them, plant stems that fire them like finger guns from the left and right in a good amount, and finally Flowey can fire three dentata, circular, cactus-like snakes with mouths, and they ricochet off the walls, damaging anyone who gets in their way
  • Mouth Blast: Flowey can charge up and fire a huge energy beam from his mouth, hurting anyone who stays in its way.
  • Flowey Bombs: Flowey can rain several bombs that have his face on them on his enemies, which explode once hitting the ground.
  • SAVE and LOAD: A determination user signature ability, whenever Flowey feels a rush of DETERMINATION flow through him, he can create a SAVE POINT, with it he can heal all his wounds, and he can SAVE, creating a SAVE FILE representing his control over the timeline and he then can LOAD back to the spot he SAVED, controlling time itself. With the human souls, his power is far greater, with him having access to several SAVE FILES of each SOUL. Flowey can use this ability in various ways, from using it to bring himself back in case he is defeated, to LOADING back in case his attacks miss, or to simply torture his enemies, as long as he is determined, he can do anything with this.
    • RESET: Flowey has the ability to RESET his SAVE FILE and thus the timeline, bringing it all back to the original point he gained control of it, creating a new timeline. This ability can be used at any time in his menu.

  • Patience: The light blue SOUL attacks with various knifes, based on their Toy Knife when they were alive, that spin around to catch their opponent.
  • Bravery: The orange SOUL uses rings of hands that move around the battleground downward. The group of hands slowly spin clockwise or anti-clockwise, and all groups of hands reach outward and inward at specified intervals to attack their opponent, this attack is based on their Tough Glove.
  • Integrity: The dark blue SOUL uses a line of stars above Flowey's opponent to limit its window of movement. Ballet shoes scroll in from the side and rise up and down, crushing anyone below them, this attack was based on their Ballet Shoes.
  • Perseverance: The purple SOUL creates two lines of books on the left and right side of the screen, trapping Flowey's opponent. Each book generates negative words that scroll horizontally that harm anyone who touches them, this attack was based on their Torn Notebook.
  • Kindness: The green SOUL creates three frying pans that rain fire towards Flowey's opponent, incinerating anyone on its way. This attack is based on their Burnt Pan.
  • Justice: The yellow SOUL creates a gun that shoots bullets aimed at Flowey's enemies, hitting an unaware opponent. This attack is based on their Empty Gun.

  • Fire Magic: Asriel appears to have a mastery over fire, like his parents, using it for numerous techniques. These include calling down undulating waves of fire, creating enormous, inescapable walls of fire, circles of fireballs which close in on his opponent, creating large trails of fireballs which track his opponent, and creating enormous bursts of dozens upon dozens of fireballs which are immensely difficult to dodge. He will also either make a sweeping motion with his hands and cause a large trail of fireballs to appear and chase his opponent, or cause a volley of fireballs to rain from the sky and burn up the ground around their foe.
  • Star Blazing: Large, star-shaped projectiles rain down from the top-right corner of the sky in rapid succession, each one detonating into expanding rings of smaller projectiles just above the ground followed by one final, larger star that detonates directly above with a much denser ring, that his opponent has to dodge to avoid a beating. The upgraded version, Galacta Blazing, is virtually the same except the small stars spin counterclockwise, making it slightly harder.
  • Shocker Breaker: Asriel strikes the battlefield with bolts of lightning several times, that an opponent has to be skilled enough to dodge it. The regular version simply strikes in an alternating striped pattern, first small bolts, then large ones, electrifying a regular enemy. The upgraded version, Shocker Breaker II, adds a series of targeted strikes after the small lightning bolts, and finishes by sweeping the battlefield left to right with big lightning bolts, making the attack even harder.
  • Chaos Saber: Asriel hovers directly above his enemy and swipes the surrounding area multiple times with his magical blades, finishing by swiping both sides, leaving slow-moving residual sparks picking up velocity and flying across the area, hitting an unaware opponent. The upgraded version, Chaos Slicer, is considerably more dangerous as he picks up more speed and swipes the area far more times.
  • Chaos Buster: Asriel summons a blaster and fires various waves of bullets aimed at his enemies, and finishes with a charged beam. The attack shoots in a pattern, which starts at three lines to four lines, vice versa, confusing a regular foe. The upgraded version, Chaos Blaster, removes any of the previous patterns and fires randomly, catching an unaware foe off-guard, and the charged laser creates a massive starburst that covers the entire battleground.
  • Hyper Goner: Asriel's final and strongest attack before he begins fighting at full power. His power covers the entire battleground before a large creature resembling a combination of the DT Extraction Machine and Sans's signature "Gaster Blaster" attack is summoned. It then proceeds laugh evilly, and then creates a powerful vortex that attempts to draw an entire timeline, and it's opponent, to it's center. If a weaker foe is hit during this attack, they are simply a goner.
  • The Angel: Asriel's full power, at this state his opponents are instantly paralyzed due to his insane power and are unable to move. In this form, he attacks by shooting homing energy beams to his enemies, which are very hard to dodge due to their sheer numbers.
  • Hyper Beam: Asriel strongest attack, he charges up energy in both of his hands and then joins them together, firing a massive energy beam at his opponent. This attack is so strong that it even destroys the mechanics of the verse as a side effect.
  • SAVE and LOAD: A determination user signature ability, whenever Asriel feels a rush of DETERMINATION flow through him, he can create a SAVE POINT, with it he can heal all his wounds, and he can SAVE, creating a SAVE FILE representing his control over the timeline and he then can LOAD back to the spot he SAVED, controlling time itself. With the human souls as well as (almost) every monster soul, his power is far greater, with him having access to several SAVE FILES of each SOUL. Asriel can use this ability in various ways, from using it to bring himself back in case he is defeated, to LOADING back in case his attacks miss, or to simply torture his enemies, as long as he is determined, he can do anything with this.
    • RESET: Asriel has the ability to RESET his SAVE FILE and thus the timeline, bringing it all back to the original point he gained control of it, creating a new timeline. This ability can be used at any time in his menu.
      • TRUE RESET: A far stronger variation of a regular RESET that Asriel can perform, with this Asriel can erase everything and affect people who previously resisted regular RESETS, bringing it all back to zero.

  • Soul Manipulation: Green Mode: Undyne turns her opponent's soul green, freezing them in place and preventing them from moving from their current location. However, due to her chivalrous nature, Undyne refuses to use this as a way to end fights, giving her opponent a spear to use as a shield and allowing them to use it to block attacks while stuck in place. She even does this against Chara, knowing the child is a threat to all life.
  • Spears (in Green Mode): Undyne fires multiple spears at her opponent from all sides, forcing them to block while stuck in place. The spears move at varying speeds and come in three colors: red, blue, and yellow. Red will always be the spear that is the closest to the opponent while blue spears are normal ones, yellow spears will always curve at the last second, attempting to strike the opponent from behind. This can prove problematic when multiple yellow spears begin coming from different sides, at once. Undyne will sometimes follow a barrage of spears by suddenly returning her opponent's soul to normal, flinging a spear at them and giving them just enough time to move should they be skilled enough.
  • Spears: Undyne will utilize one of two spear techniques. The first involves magically flinging spears in a straight path from all directions at her opponent. The second involved drastically reducing their area of movement, forcing them to dodge spears that burst upwards from the ground.
  • Spear Ring: Used exclusively by Undyne the Undying. Along with her other techniques drastically increasing in speed and damage, Undyne will also form rings of spears around her opponent. These will either manifest as large rings of spears with little space between them that will quickly close in on her opponent, or wider circles that will almost instantly fire straight inwards towards the foe.

  • Soul Manipulation: Yellow Mode: Alphys has the ability to turn her and allies souls yellow and inverted. This gives her the ability to shoot energy projectiles from her soul, giving her a new way of attacking her opponents. Alphys also has shown that she can give this ability even via technology, as when she upgraded Frisk's phone adding it in order for them to fight Mettaton on an equal footing.​
  • Lightning Magic: Alphys has the power to control electricity itself, being capable of sending powerful magical lightning at her opponents, like when she used it to protect the human from Flowey.
  • Mini Mettatons: Alphys will summon tiny copies of Mettaton's base form which will attack her opponent with deadly heart projectiles embroidered with the letter M as they reach the bottom of the board, they will often toss a second set upwards just as they are leaving the bottom of the board.
  • Cross Bombs: Alphys will rain bombs down on her opponent. When hit, the bombs will explode into bursts of energy in the form of a '+', the blast can be dodged by moving aside if the opponent is fast enough, as long as the bomb was detonated sufficiently far away. The explosions can destroy blocks and trigger other bombs, usually Alphys uses this attack with her white squares, making it necessary for the opponent to detonate her bombs otherwise they will be hit by them.

  • Soul Manipulation: Blue Mode: Both of them can turn their opponent's soul blue, giving it "gravity" and allowing them to more easily hit their foes. However, Sans appears to have a far greater mastery of this ability than Papyrus, allowing him to effortlessly fling his foe around by manipulating their soul, or effectively "changing gravity" and forcing them to move along the walls or ceiling. But unlike Sans, Papyrus also has shown that he has control over how much weight he can give his opponents, such as when he made Frisk light enough to jump over his giant bone.
  • Bone Attacks: Sans will send a massive amount of bones at his opponent, forcing them to think on their feet to dodge all of them. He will mix up his style, forcing his foes to jump through small gaps between bones, over pits full of dozens of bones, or even to rush along the platforms so that they don't fall into a deadly trap composed of dozens upon dozens of bones. Sans will often throw in blue bones, which while they have far greater range than the regular bones, they will only hurt his opponent if they attempt to move through them as opposed to allowing it to pass harmlessly through. While these attacks hardly seem to do any damage initially, the damage quickly racks up from remaining in contact with them, allowing this relatively weak opponent a way of bypassing the defenses of superior foes. Meanwhile Papyrus might not have his brother's way of bypassing defense with his bones, but he can still send numerous bones like his brother, which he can also expand and contract them at will, at his opponent in varying patterns and speeds. He will also often throw in unique structures, such as bones who say the words "Cool Dude", bones riding a skateboard, an entire "ocean" of bones ending of with a giant bone that is too big for a regular jump.
  • Gaster Blasters (Papyrus's Special Attack): Strange devices in the shape of skulls which fire powerful lasers from their maws, Papyrus's special attack and the brothers strongest attack. Like Sans' bones, Gaster Blasters will often be used in numbers and will deal KR damage.
  • Teleportation: While Sans is unable to reset the universe in the manner of someone such as Frisk or Flowey, he has shown to have a useful form of teleportation, allowing him to teleport not only himself but objects and other people, as well. During a battle, Sans will often teleport his opponent, himself, and his attacks, not only moving out of harm's way but moving his foe into the path of a new attack. He has also shown the ability to restrain an enemy by repeatedly warping them back to their initial position.
  • Sans's Special Attack: Sans's has his turn forever, and thus his opponent cannot harm him during it. Sans usually leaves this as his final attack in case nothing else works, and so he is already very tired when the "attack" is used.

  • Fire Magic: Toriel and Asgore appear to have a mastery over fire, using it for numerous techniques. These include calling down undulating waves of fire, creating enormous, inescapable walls of fire, circles of fireballs which close in on their opponent, creating large trails of fireballs which track their opponent, and creating enormous bursts of dozens upon dozens of fireballs which are immensely difficult to dodge. They will also either make a sweeping motion with their hands and cause a large trail of fireballs to appear and chase their opponent, or cause a volley of fireballs to rain from the sky and burn up the ground around their foe.
  • Trident: Asgore has shown to be extremely proficient with his trident, swiping it across the battlefield in an attempt to hit his opponent. The trident will leave behind trails of magic, making it impossible to dodge by conventional means. When the magic is orange, Asgore's opponent must be moving in order to not be hurt. When the magic is blue, his opponent must remain stationary.

Key: Base | With Chara's SOUL | Flowey | Photoshop Flowey | The Angel


Note: Shout-out to the Undertale wikia for the Notable Attacks section.

Note 2: Although Asriel died with Chara's SOUL even if he had determination that was because both he and Chara were fighting for control, and as seen with Photoshop Flowey the LOAD can fail if there's conflict, there's also the fact he wouldn't know about the powers of determination back then, nor would he feel determined to live because of the circumstances surrounding his death.



Undertale - Omega Flowey -No death-


Undertale - Asriel Dreemurr Fight (Pacifist Run)


Notable Victories:

(Naruto) - Naruto's profile (CSAP Match Archive #14; Low 2-C versions were used and speed was equalized)

Goddess of Fate Purple Heart (Hyperdimension Neptunia) Purple Heart's profile (CSAP Match Archive #28; Low 2-C versions were used and speed was equalized)

Notable Losses:

Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog Comics) - Archie Sonic's Profile (CSAP Match Archive #18; Strongest 2-A versions were used)

Inconclusive Matches:

Chara (Undertale) Chara's profile (CSAP Match Archive #34; Strongest 2-A versions were used and Chara did not have Frisk's SOUL)
