“ | Asuka, ready for battle! | „ |
~ Asuka |
Asuka (飛鳥) is a playable character in the Senran Kagura series second timeline. She is the leader of the Hanzō National Academy shinobi.
A second year student at Hanzō National Academy. Her grandfather Hanzō is renowned as a legendary shinobi, and is the academy’s namesake. Given her remarkable pedigree, she has a lot of hidden potential within her and bears a strong sense of justice.
No matter how hard she may try, though, she can never quite bring herself to look as intimidating as she wants to, likely due to her overall bright and positive personality. Over time, she’s become a source of immense moral support for her friends and fellow shinobi
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | 8-B, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | 8-A, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | 5-A, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High 7-C | 6-C, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High 3-A, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High 3-A, higher with Frantic Mode
Name: Asuka
Origin: Senran Kagura
Gender: Female
Age: 16-17
Classification: Shinobi
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Weapon Mastery (Even lesser Shinobi are masters of the blades, kunais, bows or firearms, Elite Shinobi are superior in all aspects), Earth Manipulation (Can lift rocks with her attacks), Air Manipulation (Can create tornadoes. Shinobi can use air to lift themselves. Shinobi can create tornadoes), Stealth Mastery and Camouflage (Shinobi are usually tasked to go in stealth mission that requires camouflaging), Martial Arts (Shinobi are masters of multiple martial arts, Elite Shinobi being one of the highest ranks that exist in Ninjutsu. Katsuragi is even capable of fighting with a bowl of ramen in her head without it spilling at all), Extended Weapon Range (All Shinobi can extend the range of their weapons so it covers tens of times more than their actual range, even capable of extending the range of firearms), Acrobatics (Shinobi can double jump and do flips and stunts in mid-air), Aura and Chi Manipulation (Shinobi can surround themselves with their inner energy aura, mainly seen in Frantic Mode), Cloth Manipulation (Shinobi Transformation recreates the clothes of the user. Despite the animation, it's seen that this transformation is instant), Empowerment (The power from Shinobi comes from calling the power of nature itself. Positive feelings immensely increase the potential and strength of Shinobi), Earthquake Creation (Shinobi can break the floor with their attacks), Flight (Shinobi can maintain themselves in the air for an extended period of time, potentially even being capable of doing infinite movements in the air without touching the floor. Even lesser Shinobi can briefly fly), Dimensional Storage (Shinobi can store their weapons into nothingness), Forcefield Creation, Spatial Manipulation and Reality Separation (Shinobi create a Shinobi Barrier when they fight, a dimension separated from reality that's surrounded by impenetrable forcefields. Even lesser Shinobi can warp space around them), Extrasensory Perception (Any Shinobi can sense when a Shinobi Barrier activates and can tell who did it. Shinobi can detect if others are evil or not. Shinobi can sense the presence of other enemies and where they are, even being capable of detecting others between infinite distances. Can detect the presence of others even after they hid their presence), Paralysis Inducement and Reactive Power Level (By blocking attacks, a Shinobi leaves the attacker and enemies nearby stunned, as well as getting more power after blocking. Shinobi increase their power the more they attack), Precognition (Shinobi can see the effects that the oponent's attacls will have), limited Surface Scaling (Shinobic an run up walls and stay stuck in it for a few seconds), Magnetism Manipulation (Shinobi can attract enemies to their attack area), Accelerated Development (Shinobi can immensely increase their strength after a single intensive training, to the point of surprising even Shinobi masters like Kiriya. The simple act of transforming passively increases the potential of a Shinobi. It's said that Shinobi increase in power by the day), Afterimage Creation (Shinobi like Ikaruga while being completely casual can create afterimages to fool her brother), Light Manipulation and Reactive Evolution (Shinobi instinctively activate Ninja Arts to protect themselves, and can make a halo of light appear to act as a "censorship". Shinobi have an ability card that creates light to harm others), Creation and Life Manipulation (Even weak Shinobi like Mirai can create objects like a plastic container, they can even create mannequins that have life), Shapeshifting and limited Power Mimicry (Shinobi can change form to act as other people, copying the powers and characteristics of said people), Subjective Reality (Shinobi Transformation is the manifestation of the thoughts of the Shinobi), Illusion Creation and limited Invulnerability (Shinobi can create illusions that make them invincible for a couple moments by dashing forward. Shinobi can become invulnerable by eating takoyaki. Shinobi niegan negate all damage recieved by blocking), limited Variable Manipulation (Can change her own nature by simply transforming), Teleportation and Smoke Manipulation (All Shinobi can disappear with smoke bombs. Shinobi can teleport their weapons towards them), Energy Projection and Shockwave Creation (Shinobi can create a shockwave from their vital energy to repel enemies), Healing (Shinobi can heal by eating. Shinobi heal completely after transforming. Shinobi can heal by attacking their opponents. Shinobi can heal others. All Shinobi possess an ability card that heals them), Purification (Shinobi remove their status effects in their bodies by transforming), Statistics Amplification (Shinobi Transformation increases the strength and defenses of the user. Frantic Mode massively increases strength. Shinobi can become stronger even without transforming), Invisibility (Shinobi can become completely invisible), Durability Negation (Shinobi can break enemy blockings with their attacks), Social Influencing (Shinobi can attract enemies to themselves), Forcefield Negation (Shinobi can detroy Shinobi Barries and forcefields), Homing Attack (All Shinobi have ability cards that generate homing attacks), Statistics Reduction (Shinobi can reduce strength, accuracy, range, damage, and even the recharge time of the opponent), Enhanced Senses (Shinobi can fight with their eyes completely blinded. Yagyū is capable of fighting flawlessly even while being completely blinded and deaf. Yumi is capable of sensing the breathing of all nearby beings), Black Hole Generation (Has an ability card that allows her to create black holes), Ice Manipulation (Has an ability card that lets her freeze opponents), Fire Manipulation (Has an ability card that lets her burn her enemies with homing fire), Poison Manipulation (Has an ability card that lets her poison her enemies with homing poison), Energy Projection (Has an ability card that lets her shoot lasers), Water Manipulation and Transmutation (Has water guns, that are infused with the Shinobi's spirit, transforming said guns into powerful weapons), Immortality (Types 2, 3 and 5; Despite having deep wounds that would make anyone pass out from the intense pain, Shinobi can survive that and keep on fighting with said wounds and keep on recieving damage without losing their strength. Meiun was capable of creating a pocker reality separated from all possibilities and existing dimensions, making it impossible to get there even with dimensional travel, even separating it from the Afterlife, making dead beings like Ryōki be alive in this reality), Regeneration (Mid-High; Shinobi can regenerate from having their bodies be boiled in oil, which would make their skin fall up to the muscles and would evaporate all of their water and blood), Size Manipulation (Shinobi can increase the size of their weapons), Perception Manipulation (Shinobi can hide their own presence), Summoning (Shinobi can summon their guardian animal. Shinobi can summon hundreds of subordinates), Soul Manipulation and Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with Ryōki, who's a ghost. Yagyū affirms she fought ghosts before. Shinobi can interact with Yōma, which are incorporeal spirits. Shinobi can interact with Black Ice, ehich is composed of dark energy), Acausality Negation (Shinobi Barriers can take Shin from their own time, taking him to the Shinobi's time), Space-Time Manipulation (Shinobi like Katsuragi or Yozakura can affect dimensiones with their attacks), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Shinobi like Daidōji can breathe in space), Indomitable Will (All Elite Shinobi have an immense willpower, capable of even repelling negative effects over them. Daidōji affirms that the willpower of her comrades is unbreakable, and they wouldn't be able to be defeated due to said willpower. Ikaruga describes Asuka as someone with an immense willpower, so much so that she can take countless dangerous missions and never give up. She recognizes her willpower is what kept her alive for so long. Her willpower surpasses Yumi's, even surprising her for being capable of standing up even stronger after being defeated. Her willpower alone lets her support the pressure from the Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll, which constantly hurts her body and soul and could destroy it if the user's willpower isn't big enough), Deconstruction (Just one of her attacks reduced a magma ball into dust), Social Influencing (Subconsciously influences Evil Shinobi so they become friendly. Just glaring at her calms others down. Her aura of power caused a deep fear in Homura), Fourth Wall Awareness (Knows she's the main protagonist. Directly talks to the player), Sealing (Learned Kagura's sealing technique), Transformation (Into Shinobi Form, Frantic Mode and Ultimate Asuka), Explosion Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement (Shinobi possess throwing bombs that induce status effects to those affects; These include Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Poison Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Power Nullification, Summoning, Invisibility, Organic Manipulation and Healing), Dying gives her: Immortality (Type 7), Non-Corporeal (After dying, Shinobi become souls like Ryōki) and Acausality (Type 4; Dead Shinobi are taken to Sayuri's dimension, another world with a space-time different than the real world's, real world's time being completely frozen)
Resistance to Deconstruction and Soul Manipulation (Can resist the effects of the Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll that induces over her body and soul), Death Manipulation (The usage of the Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll would instantly kill the user, but Asuka wasn't affected), Emotional Manipulation (Her willpower is massively stronger than Katsuragi's, who can change her emotions at will), Curse Manipulation (Her willpower is stronger than Miyabi's, who could break out of the Yōma curse, which is said to be unbreakable), Ice Manipulation (All Shinobi can break out of being completely frozen solid), Madness Manipulation and Corruption (Elite Shinobi can resist the passive effects of the pueden Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll, which completely turned all lesser Shinobi completely insane), Power Nullification (Can fight Homura, who was capable of destroying Orochi's curse via her attacks), Poison Manipulation (Homura's Crimson Squad survived a poison specifically meant to kill them), One Hit Kill (Shinobi can't be defeated by 1 hit if they have more than 20% their health left), Mind Manipulation (Even lesser Shinobi have certain defenses against hypnosis), Fire Manipulation and Hellfire Manipulation (Shinobi can fight while completely in flames, including Miyabi's hellfire), Heat Manipulation (Shinobi can survive being boiled alive or being covered in flames. Shinobi can survive with really little clothing in freezing areas or even be completely inside snow without any clothes), Gravity Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation (Shinobi can be near black holes without much problem)
Same as before but massively enhanced, Matter Manipulation (Can make her swords become whips), possibly Telekinesis (Scaling from Crimson Homura who can move her swords with her mind), Resistance to Status Effect Inducement (Is immune to all status effects, which include: Poison Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Perception Manipulation and Emotional Manipulation)
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Can make craters beneath her), higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | City Block level+ (Comparable to Homura's Crimson Squad, who, while previously being extremely weakened and at the edge of death, survived the destruction of the Hebijō Academy without even a scratch, which was this level), higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | Multi-City Block level (Dominated the Ultimate Secret Ninja Art, an art known only by really few Shinobi in all of history, allowing the user to manifest all their potential. Comparable to Yumi who can create an ice tornado of this level), higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | Large Planet level (The Cataclysmic Force is a forbideen technique that draws the power from other Shinobi, making the user so powerful that it constantly damages the user's body, making it superior to Yumi's Spatial Manipulation, which created a small pocket reality that had a moon in it), higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | Large Town level (This mode is described as breaking the chains that ties her power, and lets Shinobi unleash all their hidden power. Can damage other Shinobi in this state, which tanked this explosion) | Island level (Became much stronger, and even impressing Sayuri. Can fight Yumi and is considered her equal, who fought a current Kurokage, who created and dissipated a storm of this level), higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High Universal level (Became much stronger than before. Could defeat Daidōji alongside her friends in an intense training. could defeat Sayuri using all her power, who previously created a space-time continuum the size of an island, even being treated as another dimension. Sayuri admitted the girls are ready to fight Shin, whose so powerful he defeated Daidōji with just his pinky, this one being capable of punching a hole through space-time with her bare hands. Comparable to Katsuragi who can break dimensional space with her kicks. Could defeat the Heaven's Casket who covered the entire beach with clouds, said beach is said to be infinite in size), higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High Universal level (Could defeat True Kagura alongside Crimson Homura. Kagura is capable of ripping chunks of space-time apart with her bare hands, and she's also capable of killing Orochi, who has infinite size, and Asuka herself was capable of defeating Orochi while being powered by the Super-Secret Ninja Scroll. Superior to an angry Yagyū whose rage makes her power be comparable to Orochi's and shake the Shinobi Barrier itself), higher with Frantic Mode
Speed: Supersonic+ (A Shinobi can travel up to 50 meters in an instant) with Relativistic reactions and combat speed (Comparable to Yagyū, who can dodge lasers from Mirai), higher in Frantic Mode | Supersonic+ with Relativistic reactions and combat speed (Higher than before), higher in Frantic Mode | FTL (Ultimate Secret Ninja Arts are superior in all aspects to the Secret Ninja Arts, which would include the Satellite Gustav from Mirai, this one being a laser), higher in Frantic Mode | FTL, higher in Frantic Mode | FTL, higher in Frantic Mode | FTL, higher in Frantic Mode | Immeasurable (Superior to Meiun, who shot projectiles to other timelines), higher in Frantic Mode | Immeasurable (Comparable to Kagura, who can destroy any Yōma, one of these is capable of travelling between interdimensional spaces), higher in Frantic Mode
Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Class 1 (Comparable to Yomi, who can wield a giant broadsword with immense speeds without issue) | At least Class 25 (Comparable to who can lift 16 tons with just 1 arm extremely casually) | At least Class K (Superior to Naraku, who can move giant steel balls at high speeds), possibly higher | At least Class K (Should be superior to Naraku) | At least Clase K | Possibly Class Y (Should be at a near level, tho inferior to Kagura, who is capable of flipping the planet upside down) | Class Y (Comparable to Kagura)
Striking Strength: Small Building level, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | City Block level, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | Multi-City Block level, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | Large Planet level, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | Large Town level | Island level, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High Universal level, higher in Shinobi Form, higher with Frantic Mode | High Universal level, higher with Frantic Mode
Durability: Small Building level, higher in Shinobi Form | City Block level, higher in Shinobi Form | Multi-City Block level, higher in Shinobi Form | Large Planet level, higher in Shinobi Form | Large Town level | Island level, higher in Shinobi Form | High Universal level, higher in Shinobi Form | High Universal level
Stamina: Immense (Shinobi are can keep fighting despite having deep wounds that would make a normal person pass out. Shinobi can get their stamina back even after being completely exhausted, to right after that, continue fighting for hours. Shinobi like Katsuragi or Haruka were capable of fighting for 3 days straight without rest, collapsing from exhaustion, but still standing up right after that to keep fighting to fight with all their power. Shinobi like Hikage can fight with complete efficiency despite being completely tired and at the edge of passing out. Shinobi like Yomi was capable of fighting with all her strength despite starving to death. Asuka herself was capable of fighting with all her strength while her body was being constantly damaged from the inside out by the use of Cataclysmic Force)
Range: Tens of meters, kilometers with abilities, Tens of kilometers with ability cards, Universal+ with Extrasensory Perception
Standard Equipment: Green Willow & Red Blossom, Kunais, Shurikens, Secret Ninja Art Scroll, Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (She's a prodigy in martial arts and all Shinobi arts. Dominated the Ultimate Secret Ninja Art, an art only dominated by really few Shinobi in all of history. Her massive progress could impress even Shinobi masters like Kiriya. Superior to Hanabi, who was massively superior in martial arts to any adult Shinobi in her village when she was only 2 years old. Could fight with Kagura whose over 900 years of experience and has possibly existed since the creation of Yōma)
Weaknesses: Strictly follows the good Shinobi code, Cataclysmic Force is a mode so powerful that it constantly damages her body, Frantic Mode highly reduces her durability
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Dual Slash: Asuka sheathes both of her swords, slowly leans forward, then quickly draws both of them at once and dashes forward; slicing through any and all that are in her path. This move is sometimes done with the aide of rocks depending on the game.
- Hanzō-Style Full Bloom: Asuka takes a stance as her two swords become coated in a greenish glow. She then dashes forward and unleashes a barrage of slashes on to her enemies. Asuka would then slam both of her swords down, causing sharp rocks to rise up from the ground. The direction can be changed as she is slashing, making it easier to follow after straying enemies that are nearby.
- Hanzō-Style Storm Kick: While in th air, Asuka sheathes both of her swords, then sticks her leg out and begins to spin around, creating a whirlwind to attack enemies in the surrounding area as she descends.
- Hanzō-Style Blooming Slash: While airborne, Asuka takes both her swords and extends them outwardly to the sides. She then spins rapidly in place, creating a vortex of wind that envelopes her body. This wind carries her through the air as she ascends in the direction of her enemies, scooping them up and sending them flying all in one swift motion. Afterwards, she stops and descends back to the ground.
- Toad Summon: Asuka makes a series of hand signs, attempting to summon a large toad; which she is later successful. Once summoned, she celebrates and jumps onto the toad's back. However, the toad ignores her commands and acts on its own The toad then leaps into the air with Asuka still holding on for dear life and makes a dive for the opponent(s). Once it lands, it begins to slash wildly with it's tongue, as Asuka flails about trying to keep hold.
- Shinobi Transformation: A physical technique that uses the Atrribute of Yang, in where the fundamental essence of the shinobi is used as a battle tool by releasing the body's internal spiritual energy in all six chakras simultaneously.
- Frantic Mode: A technique that uses the Attribute of Yin, performed by stripping off one's clothing, resulting in a considerable enhancement in speed and attack power by absorbing blood spilled within the shinobi barrier. However, it is a double-edged sword, as it also incurs a significant penalty to defense
- Ultimate Form/Deep Shadow: Asuka transforms into a stronger form to boost her strength to levels above Frantic Mode. In this mode, her hair simply let down out of its ponytail and is surrounded by a green aura. The length of her blades are also increased by this aura. Homura also shares a similar ability.
Key: Pre-Intensive Training | Post-Intensive Training | Post-Ultimate Secret Ninja Art | Cataclysmic Force | Super Frantic Mode | Estival Versus | Current | Ultimate Asuka
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: