Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Atomix HD by rzgmon200
~ Atomix, right before defeating Ultimate Spidermonkey


Atomix is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an unknown species from an unknown planet.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 4-A

Name: Atomix

Origin: Ben 10

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Alien

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Multi-Solar System level[1] (One shotted an enraged Ultimate Humungousaur who is ten times stronger than his base form. Completely outmatched Ultimate Spidermonkey)

Speed: Massively FTL+[2] combat speed and reactions (Reacted to Ultimate Humungousaur's combat speed whose base form can keep up with Aggregor who in turn can fly accross galaxies while reacting mid flight)

Lifting Strength: Atleast Class P (Physically superior to Ultimate Humungousaur whose base form can physically overcome higly amped mana restrain in Legerdomain which in Ben's dimension is capable of pushing massive asteroids)

Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System level

Durability: Multi-Solar System level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Extended Melee Range, likely Planetary with abilities

Intelligence: Genius (Atomix acts with a kind of "righteous" personality and speaks to others with proper titles, such as referring to Max as "grandfather" and Gwen as "cousin". Much like a superhero, Atomix names his attacks by shouting "HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA-HA!" during combat, doing so will focus an attack's power and cause substantially more damage. Being a transformation of Ben every alien possesses Ben’s intelligence/skill/experience.)

Weaknesses: Atomix is extremely overconfident and can cause a total meltdown like an actual nuclear reactor. He can get tired after using up a lot of his energy.


  • Atomix was able to easily take down Negative Ultimate Humungousaur with a single punch.
  • Atomix was able to knock out and injure Negative Ultimate Spidermonkey easily with Nuclear Winner.
  • Atomix was able to create a miniature sun that to burn up Zs'Skayr thus keeping him away from ever coming back (Which would lasts years after Ben transforming back to human)

