Autism-Cat Is The Main Character Of The Semi-Popular Youtube Series "The Adventures Of Autism-Cat" On Wilburgur's Youtube Channel, As Well As Secondary Character In The Sequal Series "Dragur X Khajiit" Series. As The Main Character Of An Elder Scrolls Game, He Has The Scaling Of Said Characters, As Well As The Powers And Abilities Of Them As Well. However, As The Series Continues There Is Some Extra Scaling Required To Comprehend This Nonsenical Series.
Powers And Abilities[]
Tier: 10-A | 9-C | 1-B
Name: Autism-Cat, A-Cat, The Prisoner, The Hero of Kvatch, The Savior of Bruma, The Champion Of Cyrodiil | The Grand Champion, The Gray Fox | The New Sheogorath, The Daedric Prince Of Madness, The Madgod, The King of Madness, The Mad Star, The Mad Lord, The Mad One, The Lord of the Never-There, Ann Marie, The Skooma Cat, The Dam Dog, Shane gro-Orath, Theodor Gorlash | The Nerverine, Moon-And-Star, The Incarnate, The Outlander, The Hortator
Origin: Wilburger (Youtube Channel),The Elder Scrolls (Technically)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (We Don't Know His Date Of Birth And There Is Many Time Travel Shenanigans| At least 200 Years (Shows Up In Dragur x Khajiit Playthrough In Skyrim, which takes place 200 Years After Oblivion)
Classification: Khajiit, Born Under The Thief, Autist Class, Prisoner, Hero, Champion of Cyrodiil | The Grand Champion Of The Arena, Listener For The Dark Brotherhood, Master Of The Fighter's Guild, Arch-Mage Of The Mage's Guild, The Gray Fox | Vampire (Formerly) | Daedric Prince Of Madness, God | Indoril Nerevar Reborn, Nerevarine Incarnate, Hortator of the Great Houses of Morrowind, Operative of the Blades, Hearthfriend of the Ashlanders
Powers And Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts, Enhanced Senses, Acausality (Type 4. As a Prisoner, The Champion of Cyrodiil is an Impossipoint, a tear in the fabric of Time which exists outside of all Possibility and is unbound by the chains of causality and deterministic fate which pervade through the Dream of the Godhead), Magic (Has access to Every Spell In The Oblivion Game, including the unobtainable ones, Plus Some Custom Ones)
All of The Previous And... Abstract Existence (Type 1. Gods are described as "manifest metaphors" and their actions as "ideologies given skin," existing as aspects of the Aurbis that each personify a specific concept, existing not as mere beings, but as the ideas themselves), Acausality (Type 5. Gods from outside of the mortal plane are completely beyond linear time and reside in a state where all events are always happening simultaneously, being as such unbound by cause, duration, consequence and eventuality, with their lives being described as unable to support most of the qualities of a narrative.), Causality Manipulation (Similar in nature and power to other greater Ada such as the Eight Divines, who are stated to be capable of modifying both the past and the future at their leisure), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3 and 5. Gods are unbound by the concepts of Life and Death, which only came to be during the creation of the Mundus, and even incomplete deities such as Vivec can resurrect themselves at will from the timeless world of the gods), Resurrection, Higher-Dimensional Physiology, Weather Manipulation (Capable of freely changing the weather and climate of the Shivering Isles, as it, being an extension of his being, reflects his moods as well. All thunderstorms are also said to be his domain, and he can be summoned wherever there is one), Time Manipulation (The nature of time in the planes of oblivion is completely subjective and determined exclusively by the will of the governing Prince, with the inhabitants of such planes being stated to not be subjected to time itself, but to their masters alone), Spatial Manipulation and Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Being simply extensions of their being, a Daedric Prince's personal realms are under their full control both in form and structure, with the more charitable ones being able to freely alter their number of dimensions as to create vistas comprehensible to the minds of mortals on a whim, as well as adopt the trappings of linear time to better suit interaction with them), Large Size (Type 10), BFR, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Non-Corporeal, Telepathy, Portal Creation, Soul Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Magic, Chaos Manipulation and Probability Manipulation (Daedric Spirits come to power by harnessing the chaos of possibilities that is the void of Oblivion, being unable to truly create, and instead only rearranging formless potential into something concrete. Dyus also describes Sheogorath as being the essence of chaos itself, with this nature making him utterly and completely unpredictable, even by Dyus, who can logically deduce all possible events in creation, both in Mundus and Oblivion, through the formulae developed by Jyggalag), Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1. Immensely above minor gods such as the Ideal Masters, who are stated to live in a platonic ideal of their own making beyond the Mundus.), Energy Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Physics Manipulation, Transmutation, Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Types 2 and 3. Personifies and holds absolute control over the very concept of madness, being himself directly responsible for every mortal that has ever gone insane, and existing as a shadow within the subconscious of all creatures), Sound Manipulation and Information Manipulation (The entirety of the Aurbis is, in fact, a song, and entities with divine power are capable of manipulating the underlying tones of existence by acknowledging that principle, shaping reality through the manipulation of stories and archetypes, making myth and metaphor manifest)
Attack Potency: Athlete Level (Khajiits, As All The Races In Tamriel, Should Be Relative To Humans In Base), Street Level (Defeated The Uderfrykte Matron, Which Defeated Two Nords Easily) Large Star Level (One-Shot Mankar Camoran, Who Was At The Heart Of Gaiar Alata, The Pocket Plane Of Oblivion Which He Created Upon Merging With The Mysterium Xarxes. Gaiar Alata Was Large Enough To Contain A Sun, And Was Sustained By Mankar's Power, Collapsing The Moment He Died) High Hyperverse Level (Two Shot And Temporarily Defeated Mehurnes Dagon, Also Defeated Jyggalag During The Graymarch) | High Hyperverse Level (As A Daedric Prince, Sheogorath Is One Of The Primary Ada That Fundamentally Maintain And Comprise The Infinitely-Dimensioned Void Of Oblivion, Holding Absolute Domain Over And Personifying One Of The Sixteen Partitions That Make Up The Entirety Of The Realm And Represent The Empty Spaces Behind The Spokes Of The Wheel Of The Mundus)| Universe level+ (Fought with, and ultimately defeated Dagoth Ur.) Likely Far Higher (Should Be Far Stronger Then Sex Slave Boy, Who One Shot And Knocked Out/Possibly Killed The Weakened Vivec, Who Was Able To Stop Dagoth Ur From Killing both Sotha Sil and Almalexia If He Did Not Intervene)
Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Battled And Defeated Incredibly Skilled Mages Such As Mankar Camoran And Mannimarco, And Reacted To Their Magic.) | Immeasureable (As Sheogorath), Omnipresent (Within The Shivering Isles)
Lifting Strength: | Immeasureable (As Sheogorath)
Striking Strength: | High Hyperverse Level (As Sheogorath)
Durability: | High Hyperverse Level (As Sheogorath)
Stamina: | Infinite (As Sheogorath)
Range: | High Hyperversal (As Sheogorath, He Can freely traverse through Oblivion, an infinite-dimensional void which encompasses all possibility and contains an endless number of individual daedric realms)
Intelligence: | Supergenius By virtue of his status as a Daedric Prince, Sheogorath, in both power and awareness, ranks highest among all Daedra, of which even the lowliest are said to have witnessed all of mortal existence, and to have a far more attuned sense of the Aurbis' scale and nature than even the most erudite of mortal scholars, boasting of a much broader ontological framework fit to dealing with the paradoxical nature of the higher realms. Further, in spite of his non-chalant, silly behavior, Sheogorath is a force to be reckoned with in the intellectual field, his madness being no hindrance to his cunning, which has allowed him to outwit all of the other Daedric Princes in occasion (Himself included).
Weaknesses: Addicted To Skooma, Does Have A Limited Magicka And Stamina Pool | Completely Mad, and thus often behaves in illogical, erratic and reckless ways, rarely taking matters seriously and often treating everything as a joke. Will Do Anything For His Sex Slave Boy, Even Give Up His Godhood.
Standard Equipment:
Fin Gleam: A Glass Helmet With Grants Water Breathing, Detect Life For 50ft, Fortifies His Speed, And Produces Light around Him For 50ft
Skooma: A Drug Autism-Cat Enjoys A Little Too Much, He Can Drink 1000 At A Time, Grants Him Immese Strength And Speed, Enough To Send Him Into Near Into Orbit, Drains His Agilty And Intelligence
Greater Powers:
Eye of Fear: Demoralizes Opponents (Drains Confidence/Willingness To Fight) For 30 Secs Once Per Day (Does Not Work On Undead), Via Being A Khajiit
Eye of Night: Grants Night-Eye (Allows User To See In The Dark) For 30 Secs On Himself, Via Being A Khajiit
Custom Spells (Used Most Often):
Cat/Kahjiit Space Mission: Launches You Into Orbit, And Allows You To Safely Travel And Land With Great Speed And Grace
Mustang Click: A Fire Projectile That Deals Fire Damage, Shock Damage, And Paralyzes The Target
Mustang Snap: A Superior Version Of Mustang Click
Kitty Seduce:
Kitty Love Spell:
Other Spells: Autism-Cat Technically Owns Every Spell In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Even The Spells That Are Unobtainable Through Normal Gameplay, Autism-Cat Does Not Use All Of These Spells, But I Am Counting Them As They Are In His Spell List, And He Can Use Them: