Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Avatar Corrupter (Base)

Any being who would declare themselves the ultimate evil is a liar and a fraud. The ultimate evil is no one, not even me.

Avatar Corrupter



Avatar Corrupter is the main antagonist of the series JoeTEMVerse in both the novels and video series.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 2-A, likely higher | 1-A with Limitless Evil | High 1-A

Key: Base | TBA | TBA | Limitless Evil

Name: Avatar Corrupter, The Limitless Evil, The Corruption God

Origin: JoeTEMVerse

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (due to being made before time and space were made)

Classification: Corruption God

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Teleportation, Law Manipulation (turned the laws of gravity back to normal when fighting The Eternal Author.), Body Control (He was able to turn his hand into a spike.), Shapeshifting (He was able to transform into different beings from mythology and Sun Wukong.), Creation (A.C was able to create energy spheres that turned into eight different gods from mythology. When A.C fought The Knowledge God, he created an object that was stated to be infinite-dimensional by The Knowledge God.), Power Mimicry (A.C was able to copy Sun Wukong's abilities and power from mythology.), Reality Warping (When Tanjel sent out The Abstract Trollge, A.C warped him back into the fictional book Tanjel had used to summon The Abstract Trollge.), Energy Projection (Created Energy Balls), Flight (Flew around when fighting The Creator.), Size Manipulation(He was shown to be normal human size at first, but when fighting The Creator, he was the size of a continent.), Corruption

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Teleportation, Law Manipulation (turned the laws of gravity back to normal when fighting The Eternal Author.), Body Control (He was able to turn his hand into a spike.), Shapeshifting (He was able to transform into different beings from mythology and Sun Wukong.), Creation (A.C was able to create energy spheres that turned into eight different gods from mythology. When A.C fought The Knowledge God, he created an object that was stated to be infinite-dimensional by The Knowledge God.), Power Mimicry (A.C was able to copy Sun Wukong's abilities and power from mythology.), Reality Warping (When Tanjel sent out The Abstract Trollge, A.C warped him back into the fictional book Tanjel had used to summon The Abstract Trollge.), Energy Projection (Created Energy Balls), Flight (Flew around when fighting The Creator.), Size Manipulation (He was shown to be normal human size, but when fighting the Creator, he was the size of an entire continent.), Corruption

Attack Potency: Continental Level (Due to sheer size), Planetary Level (Threw The Creator so hard it destroyed Earth.), Likely Multiversal+ Level (Held back The Creator's energy beam which destroyed an entire Injurverse, which is stated to contain infinite multiverses.), At least High Hyperversal Level (Avatar corrupter created an object which is stated to be infinite dimensional by the Knowledge God.), Likely Outerversal Level (A.C is at least superior to The Eternal Author, who destroyed the entire JoeTEMVerse cosmology. When in his Limitless Evil form.), Likely High Outerversal Level (Because of a recent event that happened in The Author's Room infinite fake copies of the TAR were made each viewing the one below it as fictional and just one fake copy transcends the concept of the TDTU. The TDTU in question is stated to be transcendent to the concept of dimensionality. The true Author's Room is transcendent to the concept of the fakes.)

Speed: Atleast MFTL+ (When fighting the Creator A.C zipped across the entire distance of an Injurverse within seconds.), Possibly Infinite Speed (If we count Injurverses containing infinite multiverses as infinite distance.), Likely Inaccessible Speed (Avatar Corrupter could move around before time and space were born.), Likely Immeasurable Speed (Can manipulate time and space so its safe to assume he would have immeasurable speed and he is relative to The Creator in speed.), Possibly Irrelevant Speed (Is High Outerversal which should give you irrelevant speed automatically and is relative to The Creator in speed.)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Continental Class | Planetary Class | Multiversal+ Class | High Hyperversal Class | Outerversal Class

Durability: Atleast Outerversal Level (A.C survived The Eternal Author's attack which destroyed the entire JoeTEMVerse cosmology.), Likely High Outerversal Level (Because of a recent event that happened in The Author's Room infinite fake copies of the TAR were made each viewing the one below it as fictional and just one fake copy transcends the concept of the TDTU. The TDTU in question is stated to be transcendent to the concept of dimensionality. The true Author's Room transcends the concept of the fakes.)

Stamina: Unknown, Possibly Infinite (A.C has never shown getting tired at all in both the novel and video series.)

Range: Unknown

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Omniscient (Due to the Avatar Corrupter stealing all the knowledge from the Knowledge God. Who is stated to know everything there is and is not by Avatar Corrupter.)

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques: Corruption


JoeTEMVerse Outerversal Scan

JoeTEMVerse High Outerversal Scan
