Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Axel Stone


Axel Stone is one of the main protagonists in Sega's beat 'em up series Streets of Rage(also known as Bare Knucklein Japan). He is an ex-cop and martial artist who loves video games and is best friends with Adam Hunter, Blaze Fielding and Max "Thunder" Hatchett, also getting along well with Eddie "Skate" Hunter. It is unknown when, but as a strong martial artist training, he comes to know Shiva is his rival with evil intentions.

A former police officer/detective in the first game, he later opened his own karate dojo in the outskirts of the city (although in the Japanese Bare Knuckle IIIstoryline, he is actually transferred to the Special Investigation department).

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-A to 7-B

Name: Axel Stone

Origin: Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle

Age: 33 (SoR4)

Gender: Male

Classification: Human, Martial Artist, Bodyguard, Police Officer (Bare Knuckle III; otherwise formerly), Dojo Instructor (SoR3)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts, Fire Manipulation (Can set his fists ablaze via friction and burn enemies with his moves in Streets of Rage 4), Chi Manipulation, Energy Projection (Can shoot energy blasts via sword/katana), Explosion Manipulation (Via grenade), Status Effect Inducement (Can paralyze enemies via pepper shaker)

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block Level to City Level (Can fight on par with those who can harm him. He survived a explosion which destroyed a ship and the Rakushin City Bomb. Is comparable to Floyd who uses Rakushin in his arms. Rakushin bombs are powerful enough to blow up a section of Wood Oak City. Comparable to Max, who created lightning on this level.)

Speed: Relativistic (Dodged a laser shot from particle.)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Can throw metal robots or big guys who weigh 300 pounds or more)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block Class to City Class

Durability: Multi-City Block Level to City Level

Stamina: Superhuman (Swept through a city full of thugs, punks, hookers, ninjas, martial artists, cyborgs, robots, etc. without taking a break 3 times)

Range: Standard melee range, tens of meters via throwing weapons

Standard Equipment: Baseball bat, grenade, knife, sword/kusanagi, kunai, wooden plank, bottle, steel/lead pipe, pepper shaker, radio, pretty much everything he can get his hands on

Intelligence: Above Average (Is a very skilled combatant. Master of boxing, karate, kickboxing and street-fighting. Is a dojo instructor in the international versions of SoR3. Excellent at using a weapon of any kind)

Weaknesses: Can hold only one weapon at a given moment.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
