Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Babidi was determined to resurrect Majin Buu so that he could continue his "father"'s work, namely conquering the universe, and thus make him proud. Babidi took over the minds of Dabura, Pui Pui, Yakon, and Vegeta to help him in this cause. Babidi's mental abilities are very powerful, surpassing those of various mystical individuals who reside in Other World such as the telepathic North Kaio, and illusionist Princess Snake. After Buu is released, Vegeta nearly kills Babidi when trying to destroy Buu. When Buu is seemingly destroyed, Piccolo bisects Babidi and leaves him for dead. After Buu revives himself, he finds Babidi who then orders Buu to revive him. Babidi orders Buu to kill Dabura, Kaioshin, Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta (before his sacrifice) and whoever else stands in his way. As Buu is very disobedient, Babidi can only control him by threatening to seal him up. After an encounter with Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Buu learns that he is stronger than Babidi. Realizing this, Buu strangles Babidi (so Babidi can't say the spell to seal him up), and then punches his head off in rebellion. Babidi is seen in hell with Cell and Frieza but wanted the Z fighters to win after having created a grudge against Majin Buu.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown

Name: Babidi

Origin: Dragon Ball

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Alien sorcerer

Powers and Abilities: Flight, Magic, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Forcefield Creation (Powerful enough to hold off Piccolo), Mind Control (Only works on those with evil in their hearts), Boosts the power of those he controls, Sealing

Attack Potency: Unknown (Lacks many destructive powers)

Speed: Unknown, possibly Massively FTL to Massively FTL+ (Can react to Piccolo and Majin Buu)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (Likely weak)

Striking Strength: Unknown (Likely weak)

Durability: Unknown. Likely High Universe level with his force fields (Resisted Majin Buu's Angry Explosion that injured Majin Vegeta)

Stamina: Fairly high

Range: Standard melee range. Planetary with abilities. Interstellar with teleportation.

Standard Equipment: An energy meter which he uses to read the ki of people

Intelligence: Clever and strategic, but often overconfident and underestimates both Buu and his enemies.

Weaknesses: Physically rather frail.

Notable Attacks/Techniques

  • Evil Control: By manipulating the evil in people's hearts, he can take control of their minds, giving them a significant increase in power in the process. This can be resisted, however - the more good there is a person's heart, the easier it is to resist. It is completely useless against those that are pure of heart.
  • Teleportation: Babidi can teleport himself or others across interstellar distances (although he is also capable of transporting the entrance to the next level of his spaceship with them, possibly creating some kind of dimensional portal - like effect).
  • Telekinesis: Babidi has used this to make people explode.

Note: Babidi thinks of Bibidi as his father, but is really a clone created through magic. Him being Bibidi's son was a mistranslation.
