The Badniks, commonly referred to as minions, are a group that appears in the Sonic Boom series. They are a robot line that serves as the military backbone of Dr. Eggman's robot legions. The units consist of a number of mass-produced models designed for the purpose of overwhelming the enemy with numbers. Though easily replenished, they are expensive to produce and very fragile.
The Badniks have been deployed against Team Sonic and its members on numerous occasions, only to quickly be destroyed one way or another. They otherwise reside at Dr. Eggman's Lair, guarding the fortress and aiding Eggman with his projects.
The Destruction Troops (破壊兵団 Hakai heidan) are a group that appears in the Sonic Boom series. They are an army of one-eyed robot warrior drones, created by Lyric the Last Ancient to serve as his basic foot soldiers and personal army.
Power And Stats[]
Tier: The Weakest Badniks 9-B To 8-C, The Strongest Badniks 7-A To Low 6-B | The Weakest Robots 9-A To 8-C, The Strongest Robots 6-B To 5-B
Keys: Eggman´s Badniks | Lyric´s Robots
Name:Badniks, Robots, Destruction Troops (Lyric Robots)
Origin:Sonic Boom
Gender:Genderless (Almost Of them Refered As Male And Mamabot As Female)
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Fire Manipulation And Bodily Weaponry (Via Burn Bot, Crab Bot, Mantis Bot, Scorpion Bot And Shark Bot, Firebot With His Painful Claws and Fire Mini Balls, Crab Bot with His Pincer claws, Mantis Bots With Their Blade Arms, the Scorpions Bots with His Flamethrowers And Shark Bot With Their Sharped Teeths)
- Forcefield Creation (Via Beetle Bots And Mega Bot, that creates force-field in front of him)
- Mind Manipulation (Via Dreamcaster, That can Hypnotize The Team Sonic, Except Sticks)
- Flight (Via Bee Bot, Crab Bot And Motobug The Bee Bots are capable of high-speed flight, The Crab Bots are capable of flight for aerial combat.)
- Energy Projection (Via Bee Bot, Crab Bot And Motobug, They Can Shoot Energy beams)
- Self-Destruction (Via Bee Bot, They can as well detonate themselves)
- Telepathy (Via Bee Bot, Thanks to their interconnected Bee Network, the Bee Bots possess a hive mind-based intelligence, allowing them to share a collective consciousness between multiple bodies and communicate with each hive member telepathically.)
- Surface Scaling (Via Crab Bot, They are advanced climbers which can scale vertical surfaces.)
- Enhanced Swimming And Underwater Breathing (Type 2, Via Shark Bot, The Shark Bots are excellent high-speed swimmers, waterproof, and possess razor-sharp teeth for enhanced bites.)
- Limited Energy Manipulation (Via Mega Bot, Sonic With The Sneakers That Eggman Created For Him, Can Generate Energy For The Mega Bot, But There Is A Limit If Not He Will Overload)
- Explosion Manipulation And Homing Attack (Via Mega, Mega has hand grenades it can throw and ignite manually, its chest contains photon bombs which can track down opponents and explode with a powerful burst.)
- Large Size (Type 1 Via Mega, Mega Bot, Huge Bot And Vacuum Bot, They´re one of the largest Robots, Eggman Did)
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Ice Manipulation (Via Fridge Brute, He Can Freeze The Team Sonic)
- Explosion Manipulation And Forcefield Creation (Via Blaster Guard, Blaster Trooper, Bomber Elite, Swordsman Guard, Wrecks And Zapo They Can Shoot Grenades And Blast Guard and Swordman Guard, Have Shields, Zapo Can Create A Shield Of Eletrecity Around Him)
- Bodily Weaponry (Via Blunt Trooper, Buzz Saw, Swordsman Guard And Spintrap, Swordsman Trooper And Crusher Brute, With His Horn and Buzz Saw, With His Saw, Spintrap With His Sharped Teeths, The Swordsman Trooper And Guard Have His Sword On their Left hand And Crusher Brute with a mace)
- Energy Projection (Via Bomber Elite, Cliff Hanger, Gatling Elite, Rocko, Shocker, Slynko And Stinger, They Can Shoot Energy bombs and Energy waves, the Rockos can shoot Fire Energy Blasts, the Shockers Can Shoot green energy beams from their eye, The Stingers Can Shoot Lasers Beams)
- Surface Scaling (Via Cliff Hanger, Driller Snakes, Scrawl And Slynko Cliff Hanger, the Scrawls And Slynkos Can Crawl In The Walls And the Snakes Beneath The Ground)
- Fire Manipulation (Via Furnace Brute, He Has A Flamethrower)
- Limited Attack Reflection (Via Blast Guard, Blast Trooper, Bomber Elite And Gunslinger Guard, They have Shields that reflects weak Attacks, but Break with More powerful attacks)
- Genius Intelligence And Flight (Via Minion,Ring Thief, Shocker And Zipper, They Can Operate Computers And They have jetpacks to fly, The Ring Thiefs And Zippers can fly)
- Possession (Type 2, Aspect 2, Via Parasite Snake, They can reboot deactivated robots by inhabiting them)
- Limited Magnetism Manipulation (Via Ring Thief, He Can Attract Nearby Rings)
- Levitation (Via Rocko And Stinger, they can lift in Midair)
- Spin Dash And Temporary invulnerability (Via Roller Recoiler, Roller Shocker, Swordsman Guard And Swordsman Trooper, the Two Rollers can Spin Like Sonic On The Ground and while Doing The Spin-Dash, They temporarily cloak their entire bodies in a blue force field, making them invulnerable to harm.)
- Electricity Manipulation And Limited Shockwave Generation (Via Roller Shocker And Zapo, they can make the surface they move across emit electricity, Zapo Can Create A Aura Of Eletrecity Around Him)
- Enhanced Swimming And Underwater Breathing (Type 2, Via Spintrap And Swarmer, They Can Swin And Breath Underwater Without Need To Breath)
- Self-Destruction (Via Swarmer, they can detonate themselves upon impacting their target)
- Swordsmanship (Via Swordsman Guard And Swordsman Trooper, The Swordsman Guards and Trooper possess retractable swords on their left arm for combat)
- Aura (Via Zapo, They Can Create A Eletrecity Aura Around Him)
- Large Size (At Least Type 2, Likely Higher Via Sentinels, The Biggest Robots Made By Lyric)
- Vibration Manipulation And Energy Manipulation (Via Bomber Elite And Crusher Brute, Bomber Elite can Make a Shockwaves of Energy and Crusher Brute is capable of creating small shockwaves by hitting the ground and enduring extensive amounts of damage)
Some Abilities That Some Specific Robots Here Have Based On Another Abilities:
- Weapon Mastery (Via Swordsman Guard And Swordsman Trooper, They are Noted to be good fighters, they have at least passable skills in swordsmanship, using their sword for both offense and defense. They are also quite adaptive, capable of performing sabotage in any environment.)
- Hacking (Via Minion, They are computer operators and tech support)
- Inorganic Physiology (Via All the Robots, Self Explanatory)
Resistance to
- Fire Manipulation (Via Furnace Brute And Zapo, They Can Survive On Fire And Magma)
Attack Potency: Wall Level To Building Level (Wall Level And Building Level Badniks Would Be Motobug, Crab Bot, Bee Bot, Scorpion Bot, Shark Bot, Mantis Bot And More), Mountain Level To Small Country Level (Sticks Stated that Eggman Robots can destroy Mountains, Cowbot, Filled of Mootonium and Etc. If Destroyed it would created a explosion that was Calced to Be Small Country) | Small Building Level To Building Level (Building Level To Multi-City Block Level Robots Would Be Swordsman Guard, Swordsman Trooper, Shocker, Slynko, Stinger, Spintrap, Swarmer), Country Level To Planet Level (Country Level To Planet Level Robots Is The Sentinels and That Is The Only Who Reach On This Level)
Speed: At Least Massively Hypersonic (Can Keep Up With Sonic In His Team), Massively Hypersonic, Possibly FTL+ (Can Reach On Sonic Level And With Swifty the Shrew He Can Keep Up With Sonic Even That Was Mutiple Swifty the Shrew´s Robots) | Unknown, But At Least Massively Hypersonic (Actually Don´t Have Any Feats Of Speed With Them, I Think, But Should Be Comparable With Sonic Team), Unknown, But At Least Massively Hypersonic (Don´t Have Any Feats Of Speed With Them, but again Should Be Comparable With Them)
Lifting Strength: Unknown (Don´t Have Any Feats Of Strength Of Them), At Least Class 5 (The Strongests Can Lift A roof of a house and Destroy them) | Unknown (Don´t Have Any Feates Of Strength), Unknown, But I Think At Least Class T (Bcs if Lyric Want Destroy Any Organic Life And Create A Planet He Need A Robot Who Can Destroy All The Organic Life Things And World Things And With The Sentinels Height He Can possibly Lift A Large Mountain)
Striking Strength: Wall Class To Building Class, City Block Class To Mountain Class | Small Building Class To Building Class, Country Class To Planet Class
Durability: Wall Level To Building Level, City Block Level To Mountain Level | Small Building Level To Building Level, Country Level To Planet Level
Stamina: Inexhaustible | Inexhaustible (They Don´t Have Stamina)
Range: Standard melee range To Hundreds of meters Or Kilometers With Weapons And Bombs
Standard Equipment:Bombs, Sabers, shields, and energy blast launchers
Intelligence: Non-Sentient (Most of them don´t have conscience), Sometimes Below Average Human Level (Sometimes, they have conscience, But Can´t talk or Not Very Smart) Higher With Mama Bot (Mama-Bot Can Outsmart Eggman) | Non-Sentient (Like Eggman´s Robots, They don´t have conscience), Genius With Minion (They are computer operators and tech support)
Weaknesses: They Are Not Very Smart In Battle, so they can Easily Be Outsmarted In a Fight