“ | I make GMOD videos. My favorite map is Badwater. | „ |
~ BadwaterVideos2009's channel description |
“ | YOU MUST HIDE....RUN | „ |
~ The voice in the radio in "Passage" |

BadwaterVideos2009 is the titular and villainous protagonist of the BadwaterVideos2009 ARG, an ARG that puts it's own spin on a already existing formula while keeping the original purpose of it; to make homage of the old era of GMod Machinimas.
In the ARG, BadwaterVideos2009 forces people like Scout and Melon Man to be in the machinimas he makes, while torturing the ragdolls, which are all living.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Unknown
Name: BadwaterVideos2009
Origin: BadWaterVideos2009
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Immortal Film Producer
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Existence Erasure (via Remover tool, Clean Up, and Remove), True Flight and Phasing (via Noclip and No Collide), Creation (Can create multiple objects), Matter Manipulation, Duplication (via Duplicator tool), Biological Manipulation (via Eye, Face, and Finger poser tools), Bone Manipulation (via Bone tool), Transmutation (via Color and Material tools), Physics Manipulation (With Gravity Gun and Physics Gun), Thread Manipulation (via Rope tool), Light Manipulation (via Light and Lamp tools), Immortality (Type 1), Zero-Point Energy Manipulation, Welding Mastery & Joint Locking
Attack Potency: Unknown (Hasn't shown any physical feats)
Speed: Superhuman (Was able to catch Scout, who was running for his life)
Lifting Strength: At least Class T via Physics Gun, likely Infinite
Striking Strength: Unknown
Durability: Unknown
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Standard melee range, hundreds of meters with Physics Gun
Standard Equipment: Gravity Gun, Physgun, Toolgun, Physics Gun
Intelligence: Unknown
Weaknesses: None notable.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: