Ball is a strange kid with dreadlocks who loves round things and joins up with Ruby and Jio after the events in Entotsu City, where he lived with his parents and younger sister. At first, Ball loved to pretend to be an OPT and to show off. He was greatly surprised when Kirin revealed to him that he was indeed a true OPT.
Powers and stats[]
Tier: At least High 6-C, likely Low 6-B | At least 4-B, likely higher
Name: Ball
Origin: 666 Satan
Gender: Male
Age: 12 (Pre-Rockbird) 13 (Rockbird) | 17 (Post-Timeskip)
Classification: OPT
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Hand-to-hand Combatant, Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery, Soul Manipulation, Spiritual Awareness, Non-Physical Interaction, Aura (O-Part users can emit his own soul), Extrasensory Perception (O-Part users can sense souls), Magnetism Manipulation (ball can control the poles of himself and the Cool Ball), Magnetic Attacks(Via Cool Ball), Magnetization (can turn anything the Cool Ball touches into a magnet), Magnetic Projectiles, Attraction and Repulsion (can give anything the Cool Ball touches positive and negative poles), Spinning Attack, Telekinesis (Ball can control his cool ball with his hand), Fear Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement (should have a similar aura to Kite and Shuri), Resistance to Fear Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement (fought Kite without being affected by his aura) | Same as before plus, Wallcrawling, Enhanced Strike, Air Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Illusion Creation (should have a similar aura to Franken and Tsubame), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (his Tricky was unaffected by Franken's fire), Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Illusion Creation (could withstand Franken's and Tsubame's aura)
Attack Potency: At least Large Island Level+, likely Small Country Level (forced Jio into his Satan form) | At least Solar System Level, likely higher (fought Tsubame and Franken, scales to Amidaba)
Speed:FTL (kept up with Jio) | At least FTL, likely higher (faster than before)
Lifting Strength: Above Average Human (can lift his heavy cool ball) | At least Above Average Human, likely higher
Striking Strength: At least Large Island Class+, likely Small Country Class | At least Solar System Class, likely higher
Durability: At least Large Island Level+, likely Small Country Level, likely higher with Cool Ball (its show to be very durable) | At least Solar System Level, likely higher
Stamina: High, likely Very High
Range: Standard Melee Range, Several possibly Tens of meters with Cool Ball | Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of meters with Tricky
Standard Equipment: Cool Ball, Tricky
Intelligence: Gifted (Among the 0.005% of the OPTs in the world, he mastered his O-Part, and participate in the Olympia Tournament where only the strongest OPTs are able to attend. Used the debris made by Tricky to distract Tsubame to get a clean hit on him. Found Franken's weak spot while he was spinning, Amidaba notes Ball becomes stronger every battle. Memorized the tune of an ancient piano after hearing it once)
Weaknesses: None Notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
O-Part: Ball's O-Part, Cool Ball, which has a magnet effect. Ball uses the O-Part by switching the magnetic pole of his body to react with the 'North' pole of the Cool Ball to either attract it to himself or repel and shoot it towards an enemy. The Cool Ball obtains a new effect of being able to change the magnetic field of anything it touches while activated, this means it can attract or repel the object which can give Ball an indirect control over an opponent's weapon.
- Hurricane Mixer Dance Ball Great Delicious....: By switching between positive and negative poles quickly, the Cool Ball starts spinning. Ball then fires it at the target creating explosive power on impact.
O-Part: Tricky: Sometime during the timeskip, Ball has upgraded his Coll Ball for Tricky. Tricky takes the form of multiple smaller spheres similar to his old one. These spheres all have the same properties as the Cool Ball, but due to their size and numbers Ball has managed to come up with new techniques during the timeskip, which include, surface scaling, enhanced attacks and pulling the targets body apart via magnetism. Due to their small size Ball is also able to conceal them easily for attacks and freeze an opponent in place
- G-Shock: By propelling himself with one of his Tricky, Ball spins and lands a powerful kick that can send giant foes flying
- Rock, Paper, Scissors Kick: Ball propels himself again with one of his Tricky, this time he uses both of his legs simultaneously, this kick is strong enough to blow a hole in giant enemies
- Trick Ball: Ball rushes towards the target spins and blows away the target clearing a path. This is most useful when dealing with multiple foes
- G-Bond: By having Tricky turn the area around Ball into a magnet, he can use the environment itself as a method of attack
- Positive Pole Final: By having control of his target, due to Tricky's magnetism effect, Ball opens his arms and rips the target into many individual pieces
Key: Pre-Timeskip | Post-Timeskip
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: