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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Well, calm down. I see your mind is clouded. You are far too young to be considering failure, son. It's best if you don't think too much and just do it, especially in last minute situations. The outcome will be the same that way.
~ Bang's advice to Genos

Bang: Wait! I'm not sure if I'm just seeing things, but it looks like the meteor is slowing down!
Genos: Really?!
Bang: Ah, no, I was just seeing things!
Genos: You damn old fool!

Bang: Oh dear, looks like your face got caved in.
Fuhrer Ugly: It was already like this you shitty geezer!
~ Bang to Fuhrer Ugly after returning his Face Caving Punch

I don't recommend it. Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist is the ultimate art for redirecting force. Before it, your fists are as tree leaves in a raging river.
~ Bang to Fuhrer Ugly

The two of us will be master and disciple once more. Let's start over from the beginning. How about it? Garou!
~ Bang getting through to Garou's monsterized self


S-Class Rank 3: Silver Fang. A pillar of the hero world, but also a treasure of the martial arts world, he is Bang of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. As the eldest member of the Hero Association, he is a renowned veteran respected and held in high regard by his fellow heroes, even Tatsumaki and Atomic Samurai, who also sit at the top of the S-Class. Bang's unique ability is his mastery over martial arts.

When he was younger, the so-called "Wind of Blood" was a ruffian, albeit one drowning in talent. Anyone who looked strong, he'd fight them and send them straight to the hospital. He'd throw his weight around to score whatever girl struck his fancy; his Exploding Heart Release Fist served only one purpose, and that is enjoying himself. There was no stress to deal with, all he did was lose himself in fighting and getting stronger.

Bang and his ways were challenged by none other than his brother, Bomb of the Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. The two fought, and Bang was defeated. Bang was legit, so he understood the difference between himself and his elder sibling. While his own fists were laced with killing intent all throughout the fight, Bomb's had none. The defeated younger brother felt like he wasn't open-minded enough, so he ended up sealing away the scrolls containing the Exploding Heart Release Fist. He trained for many years with a fresh perspective on martial arts, developing the ultimate defensive technique he's known for today: the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Bang opened a dojo, even joined the Hero Association to serve the public, both ways of showing his brother that he has reformed himself.

There was no ill will harbored between Bang and Bomb, but the past wouldn't let go of the former so easily. One day, while he left his students on their own to train, they were all crushed and defeated in one fell swoop. All but the man responsible for it, Garou, the dojo's top student who was sick of the mundaneness of his training. It wasn't enough, it didn't serve the purpose he wanted it to, so he opted out. He left Bang with just one pupil out of the hundred he once had, and disappeared, but only for so long. Garou eventually showed himself up again, now a "Hero Hunter." As soon as he learned of this, Bang made it his mission to find Garou and put down the demon he created, lest he fall down an even darker path than the one his master did.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 6-A | At least High 6-A, 5-C with Awakening Breath | 5-B, higher with Awakening Breath

Key: Rusty | Monster Association Arc | Healed

Hero Ranking: S-Class Rank 3 (retired)

Name: Bang (real name), Silver Fang (Hero name), "Wind of Blood"

Origin: One-Punch Man

Gender: Male

Age: 81

Classification: Human, Martial Arts Master, Super Fight Champion

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Athleticism, Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery (Stopped and cracked a blade with his chopsticks while eating), Aura & Fear Manipulation (Has an aura that can make Tatsumaki flinch and is exceptional even among the other S-Class heroes[1]), Indomitable Will (Bang is a strong spirit that will face any challenge[2]), Sound Manipulation & Enhanced Senses (Can communicate with the voice hidden in his fists. Only those talented enough can hear it, which he himself presumably is), Extrasensory Perception (Sensed a foreign evil inside Awakened Garou), Martial Arts (Developed and mastered two martial arts techniques: the Exploding Heart Release Fist and the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist), Attack Reflection (Water Stream nullifies attacks.[1] Deflected a shower of debris from the Meteor's destruction. Turned Fuhrer Ugly's attack against him by kicking it away with Water Stream and redirected another one at Gums. Garou was able to return Tanktop Master's strength twofold using Water Stream, and Bang is more skilled than him. Bang is even skilled enough to deflect the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist), Instinctive Reactions (Water Stream allows its user's body to move on its own in times of crisis), Energy Manipulation (Water Stream takes knowledge of the flow of energy behind raging currents and tidal surges, recreates them within one's body, and puts them into their fists), Shockwave Creation & Durability Negation (Bang and Bomb shattered Elder Centipede's carapace with the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist. The shockwaves of the technique were spreading throughout its whole body, with Bomb saying the monster should have been reduced to dust. These shockwaves can break every bone in a person's body), Statistics Amplification & Body Control (The Exploding Heart Release Fist causes the user's heart to pulse explosively in time with the impact of their punches. In those moments, they surpass the limits of their body), Pressure Point Strikes (Bang can aim for vital points and pierce even the smallest of them.[1] He also trained Garou, who can do the same), Analytical Prediction (Able to anticipate his opponent's moves[1]), Resistance to Radiation Manipulation (Stood up to Awakened Garou's cosmic rays better than most other heroes)

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (Deflected attacks from Melzargard with the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and pummeled him with enough power to make him bleed) | At least Multi-Continent level+ (Stronger than he was before, as in the fight against Melzargard he implied he'd start doing workouts every now and then since he's gotten rusty. Beat the hell out of Garou[3] after his fight with Genos, showing ferocity that was out-of-character for him. Garou claimed that Bug God and Royal Ripper are nothing compared to Bang, but it's hard to tell if that's true or Garou's just trying to cope with the situation he's in), Moon level with Awakening Breath (It's a technique that draws from the very limits of one's body, drawing out their full power. Bang intended to face Elder Centipede on his own, after he molted from the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist shattering his carapace, by using his full power "for the last time in his life") | Planet level (Fubuki healed Bang and Bomb such that they no longer feel the pain and restraints in their bodies, and the sharpness returned to their fists, so they should be more powerful than they were before. Bang and Bomb are rivals in strength. Brutalized Fuhrer Ugly. Overgrown Rover submitted after being hit with the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist; according to Drive Knight's analysis, Rover submits to beings more powerful than him. The same technique also hurt Orochi's body composing Jet Psykos), higher with Awakening Breath (Clashed equally with an unconscious Shell Garou, who was using Awakening Breath himself, and hurt him. Bang's finishing blow was powerful enough to crack his shell and make him bleed)

Speed: At least Hypersonic+, possibly Massively Hypersonic to FTL (Repeatedly overwhelmed Melzargard with his attacks and was fast enough to dodge him and catch his cores) | FTL (Bang is clearly faster than Garou.[3] Completely blitzed Do-S) | At least Massively FTL (Fought against a horde of Black Sperms, handily taking out several of them. Beat the hell out of Fuhrer Ugly[4] who is fast enough to counter Tanktop Master. Should be relative to Bomb), Massively FTL+ with Awakening Breath (Fought on par with Awakening Breath Garou and countered several of his attacks)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Class G (Strong enough to outmuscle Garou and ragdoll him[3]) | At least Class T (Grappled Shell Garou and knocked him away)

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class | At least Multi-Continent Class+, Moon Class with Awakening Breath | Planet Class, higher with Awakening Breath

Durability: Multi-Continent level (Tanked a direct hit from Melzargard, which loosened him up a bit since he's rusty at this point) | At least Multi-Continent level+, Moon level with Awakening Breath | Planet level, higher with Awakening Breath (Tanked a number of attacks from Garou, including his Exploding Heart Release Fist)

Stamina: At least High (Though Bang is rusty at this point, he still actively fought Melzargard for a while without tiring out much like the other S-Class) | Superhuman (As he was presumably working out and training his body to some degree, Bang's stamina should be better than before. At this point, it's rated higher than heroes like Metal Bat[2]) | Superhuman (This state should be the closest Bang is to his stamina when he was younger; it's implied he and Bomb would have been able to handle the heavy injuries Garou was suffering from. Bang once won the Super Fight, which can be a one-day martial arts tournament involving several fighters. Soon after the battle with Elder Centipede, Bang participated in the raid on the Monster Association and fought multiple monsters, performing the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist twice without issue alongside Bomb, even though using the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist once on Elder Centipede tired the two out. Got up after being knocked out by Garou's Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist, and Awakened Garou's cosmic rays better than most heroes)

Range: Standard melee range. Varies by deflecting attacks. Kilometers with Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist.

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Genius (Bang is a master of martial arts with many years of experience, drowning in talent. He has transcended the realm of simple mastery, reaching legendary levels.[2] He was able to develop the ultimate defensive technique, the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. He once won the Super Fight, a tournament hailed as the pinnacle of martial arts. Atomic Samurai, a master of the sword, holds him in very high regard and considers Bang an elite fighter who is incredibly skilled. Genos says that Bang uses a perfect balance of offense and defense, with Bang's mastery over the Water Stream Rock Smashing eclipsing that of Garou. This was supported by Superalloy Darkshine. Garou called Bang and Bomb the two greatest martial arts masters. Genos referred to the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist as the pinnacle of skill. Silver Fang is one of the twin pillars of the hero world, and may be the world-class genius referred to by the narration over Garou's technique. Bang is the first who comes to mind when you think of a great hero who represents the word "veteran"[2] Bang is called "the greatest treasure of martial arts")

Weaknesses: Ever since reforming himself, Bang has refused to use the Exploding Heart Release Fist, even when it would have given him an edge against Garou. Bang can't perform the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist on his own, nor the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist. Those are joint techniques that combine Bang and Bomb's martial arts styles. Moreover, before being healed by Fubuki, using a joint technique even once tires Bang and Bomb out significantly.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: Known as the ultimate defensive technique, it is the martial art that Bang developed by himself through years of training. It was the first and biggest step he took in reforming himself. The Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist basically deflects incoming attacks. They're like leaves flowing a river, while the technique is the current. The attack is redirected, missing its target entirely, thus nullifying it. Bang developed it by taking knowledge of the flow of energy behind raging currents and tidal surges, recreating it within his body, then putting it into his fists.
  • Whirlwind Water Stream: Secret joint techniques that combine Bang's Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and Bomb's Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. Of course, that mean they can't be performed by either of them alone.
    • Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist: Bang and Bomb's fists meet in the middle, drawing a circle as they prepare the attack. Whirlwind and Water Stream strike the target at once, sending devastating shockwaves permeating through its body. Then, a flurry of strikes follow from both Bang and Bomb, further spreading the shockwaves. This technique was powerful enough to shatter the carapace of a giant monster like Elder Centipede, and can even hold the strength to shatter every bone in one's body.
    • Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist: Whirlwind and Water Stream are used separately, but in unison. Standing on opposites sides of the enemy, Bang and Bomb strike it simultaneously with their respective techniques, crushing them with overwhelming power. This technique was strong enough to make a cadre of the Monster Association in Overgrown Rover submit, and was used to damage what remained of the Monster King Orochi's body.
  • Exploding Heart Release Fist: Bang's original martial art that has been sealed away since his fateful defeat at the hands of Bomb. Unlike Water Stream, it is shrouded in malice and killing intent. The user's heart pulses explosively in time with the impact of the user's strikes. In those moments, they unleash power beyond the limitations of their body.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 One-Punch Man: Hero Encyclopedia (Bang, Page 2)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One-Punch Man: Hero Encyclopedia (Bang, Page 1)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 One-Punch Man - Chapter 84: Escalation
  4. One-Punch Man - Chapter 144: Silver Fang