Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Lego batgirl


Barbra Gordon aka Batgirl is one of the many heroes of Gotham using her many suits to fight the villains who broke out of Arkham.

Powers and stats[]

Tier: 9-A | 8-C

Name: Barbra Gordon, Batgirl

Origin: Lego Batman: The videogame

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Classification: Super hero

Powers and abilities: limited flight (with the gliding suit), resistance to Fire Manipulation (with the heat suit), Sound Manipulation (with sonic suit), Summoning (with sonic suit), Explosion Manipulation (with demolition suit), grappling hook, Fire Manipulation (with the heat suit),

Attack Potency: Small building level (She can take hits from Clayface who destroyed two police cars ) | Building level with demolition suit as the explosions are that powerful (This should scale to Batmans demolition suit)

Speed: Supersonic as she can scale to Batman drive the batmobile which can dodge missiles and she has fought people like Harley Quinn who uses guns.

Lifting Strength: peak human probably higher

Striking Strength small building class

Durability: Small building

Stamina: High as she fought every boss in the first game (15 bosses), the henchman, and taking them back to Arkham in only a few days.

Range: Standard melee. tens of meters with Batarang.

Standard equipment: Batgirl suit, Batarang, grappling hook, heat suit, flaming Batarang (with heat suit), glide suit, Sonic suit, sonic gun (with sonic suit), Demolition suit, explosives (with demolition suit).

Intelligence: probably Genius as she could scale to Batman who found out where every villain is around Gotham, figured out The Riddlers plan, outsmarted the Penguin.

Weaknesses: She hasn't worked alone as he fight the villains with Nightwing , she needs his demolition suit to be his strongest, she is human.

Notable attacks or technique:

  • Heat suit: The heat suit protects Batgirl from heat and it has flaming Batarangs.
  • Gliding suit: it allows Batgirl to glide.
  • Sonic suit: It has a sonic gun at can break glass, hurt enemies, and summon bat to attack. The sonic gun can cover an entire room.
  • Demolition suit: This suit allows Batgirl to set down explosives and she can wait for them to explode or explode them automatically. The suit is also bullet proof.


Key: Base, most suits | Demolition suit?


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
