Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Dark Knight Trilogy
The Lego Movie
You killed my parents. I made you? You made me first.
~ Batman to Joker

Summary SU[]

Bruce Wayne was the son of wealthy philanthropists Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane-Wayne and seemed destined for a life of idle decadence and opulence among the elite of the crime-ridden streets of Gotham City.

But his life was irrevocably changed when his parents were murdered by a common thug while walking home. Mentally scarred by the loss, Bruce used his family's wealth to travel the world and acquire the skills, training, and technology he needed to begin his one-man war on the crime of Gotham City.

Adopting the terrifying visage of a bat, Bruce became Batman, a caped vigilante who crusades against the scum and filth of his home city's underworld.


Tier: 9-A, higher with his Batmobile. Up to 7-C with bombs

Name: Bruce Wayne, Batman

Origin: Batman (Burtonverse), retroactively incorporated into the DC Extended Universe

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, probably in 20s

Classification: Human, Businessman, Vigilante


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Genius Intelligence, Vehicular Mastery, Smoke Manipulation (possesses some smoke bombs), Has a specialized kind of Batarang with a targeting system that can accurately hit 4 people simulataneously, Preparation, Hacking (Hacked into Gotham's radio signal only to expose Penguin for his true colors to the public of Gotham), Flight (With the Batwing, and can glide with his wingsuit), Electricity Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement (Has a paralyzing device, and will temporarily leave the victim incapacitated when shocked by it), Explosion Manipulation (With explosives from his Batmobile, and with missile settings from his Batwing), Energy Projection and Temperature Manipulation (With his laser gun [Not combat applicable. As he only uses this to thaw ice, and has never actually used it in actual combat]), Stealth Mastery, Has a device that can control his batmobile to shield itself, Weapon Mastery, Resistance to Fire/Heat (Resisted the effects of being blown up while still inside of his Batmobile which unfazed his suit. Even casually walked through a fire), and Mind Manipulation (Was unaffected by the effects of Poison Ivy's pheromone dust. Ivy herself even stated that him and Robin were becoming much more resistant to it)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Small Building level (Kicked a criminal through a wooden door. Has fought characters capable of harming him and his suit. Can rip walls apart with his grapnel gun. Can damage his Batmobile with his punches), higher with the Batmobile (Has blown up a factory with some explosive device). Up to Town level+ with bombs (Staggered and knocked out Nam-Ek, who overpowered to an earlier Superman, who smashed through silos moved part of a cloud, and withstood crashing through a mountaintop)


Subsonic+ combat speed and reactions (Deflected a bullet from a Colt New Service revolver, which shot .357 Magnum rounds. Strapped a bomb on a guy's chest before he could even notice. Reacted to Catwoman's whips multiple times, and the loop of the whip can break the sound barrier, with the whip's tip being capable of hitting speeds twice as fast as the loop itself), Subsonic travel speed with Batmobile (His Batmobile has the top speed of 180mph)

Lifting Strength[]

Superhuman (Ripped part of a wall with his grapple gun)

Striking Strength[]

Small Building Class


Small Building level (Can take gunshots to the chest, and falling from heights that would have broken a normal human's bones, getting up like nothing happened. No-selled being hurled through a metal wall. No-selled his Batplane exploding while inside of it and emerged only with minor cuts to his face and slight dusting on his armor. Took blows from a sword similar to a katana, with his armor remaining unscathed), higher with his Batmobile (Survived an explosion that blew up a factory)




Standard Melee Range, higher with batarangs, Tens of Meters with grappling hooks


Various types of Batarangs (such as a one that can form into a rope), smoke bombs, paralyzing device, laser gun, his batmobile, grapple guns.


Genius (He invented all his equipment himself. Is an excellent detective and businessman)


None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
