“ | What are you dreaming tonight, Harvey? Peaceful dreams? Nightmares? Maybe both at once. Sleep well, my friend. Wherever you are, whatever you've become... I will save you. I swear. | „ |
~ Batman resolving to redeem Harvey Dent |
Comics | Earth One • Year 100 • Holy Terror • Bat-Manga • Earth-395 |
Movies | Under The Red Hood • Soul of The Dragon |
Shows | DCAU • Beware the Batman |
Miscellaneous | TBD |
Born to one of Gotham's most affluent families, Bruce Wayne spent the first eight years of his life happily. He was raised by his loving parents, far from the injustice, lawlessness and violence that encompassed the rest of Gotham. This lawlessness reared its ugly head when Joe Chill, a street thug, shot and killed an eight-year-old Bruce's parents in front of him during a failed mugging. Devastated and finally aware of the horrible injustices both in Gotham and the greater world, Bruce dedicated his life to a crusade against lawlessness and cruelty in Gotham, undergoing several years of training and becoming Gotham's masked protector, The Batman. Wayne would later be joined by other guardians of Gotham, such as his surrogate sons Dick Grayson (Robin, later Nightwing) and Tim Drake (Robin) as well as Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), the daughter of his close friend Jim Gordon. During his tenure as The Batman, not only would he develop a close friendship with Superman, but the two (along with five other heroes) would found the Justice League following the Imperium army's attempted invasion of Earth.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A physically, higher with swing kicks, even higher with various weapons
Name: Bruce Wayne, known as Batman, The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, among other monikers
Origin: DC Animated Universe
Gender: Male
Age: Varies, but the period from B:TAS to JL v FF centers around his late twenties to early forties
Classification: Human, Founding Member of the Justice League
Powers and Abilities: Batman's body and suit provide him with:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics (See Attack Potency, Speed, Lifting Strength, and Durability)
- Enhanced Senses (During BTAS' "Off Balance," he demonstrates the ability to sense danger and dodge attacks he cannot see. His suit contains night vision lenses. Dodged attacks from Penguin while blinded. Evaded Joker's stab attempts from all directions with only auditory clues)
- Indomitable Will (Whilst extremely sleep deprived, resisted Doctor Destiny's illusions and remained lucid - these illusions even entranced Green Lantern (whose willpower needs no introduction) and Superman before they were told none of it was real. Forced himself out of Mad Hatter's mind control, which the Hatter seems to think is impossible for any human mind)
- Unparalleled Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery (The Caped Crusader's Martial Arts Mastery needs no introduction. All of Batman's skills, which would include Martial Arts, have been "honed to an unparalleled level." Stated to have mastered martial arts and boxing. Is one of the world's greatest practitioners of unarmed combat, and is an expert in nearly every form of martial arts known to man. Is "expertly skilled" in martial arts, and "skilled in virtually all forms of physical combat." Stalker, who has knowledge of Batman's reputation (referring to him as "legendary" and "the dark demon of the concrete jungle"), inferred from said reputation that "Batman" could be an ageless soul that possesses each generation's "greatest warrior." Defeated Kyodai Ken, a renowned master of Martial Arts, and Batman himself is referred to in Batman: Animated as “a martial-arts master.” Developed his own fighting style, which is a fusion of Karate, Old-fashioned Street Fighting, Judo, and Jiujitsu. Shows expertise in Judo throws on several occasions. Has defeated Bane despite being at a substantial AP disadvantage - Bane is a trained mercenary and military strategist. Deeply respected by and chosen as the successor of Ra’s Al Ghul, a “masterful warrior” who has "mastered many fighting disciplines." The officially licensed B:TAS HeroClix give him the attribute “master of all fighting styles.” Stated to have "learned Martial Arts from Kung-Fu masters." Exhaustively demonstrates expertise in Judo. Defeats enemies with "intense martial-arts combos." Can catch razor-sharp playing cards out of the air without the slightest injury. Can fight with his hands bound, defeating a Thanagarian soldier with just his legs. Leg-swept three men in a single motion)
- Unparalleled Deductive Skills, Exceptional Scientific and Analytical Mind, Mastery of Chemistry, Criminology, and Technology, Brilliant Strategic Mind (See Intelligence)
- Weapon Mastery with several weapons, including Swords (Dueled evenly with Ra's Al Ghul, a "masterful warrior." Fended off magical suits of armor with a sword), a Bo Staff (seen here), Throwing Spears (seen here), Baseball Bats (seen here), and his gadgets such as a Knife and Batarang (He has repeatedly demonstrated uncanny accuracy with Batarangs, such as hitting a thrown grenade out of the air from a distance, throwing one right into the barrel of a pistol, precisely striking the small gem on Star Sapphire's head from a distance, slicing Firefly's flamethrower in half, and regularly disarming his enemies. He also has other instances of using random weapons, like killing a monster chair with an axe, killing a plant beast with an axe, fending off lions with a whip, etc) - in fact, the officially licensed B:TAS HeroClix give him the attribute “master of all weapons.”
- Stealth Mastery (Frequently disappears on people without a sound, to the point where he can even pull this trick on Superman. Is "second to none" in terms of stealth mastery. Capable of moving completely silently. Snuck up on the Joker without a sound)
- Superhuman Athleticism (Repeatedly performs jumps impossible for any IRL human, including jumping between moving vehicles)
- Acrobatics (Stated to be a “master” of acrobatics, which he absolutely proves during his battles. Can use his athletic prowess to scale large structures with uncanny ease. One especially impressive acrobatic feat was when he was thrown by Ubu, flipped in mid-air, and rebounded off a nearby wall to attack Ubu)
- Social Influencing (Multiple Types -
- Instigating Fear: Over his many years of crime-fighting, Batman has become a figure similar to the Boogeyman: many of the criminals who encounter him are absolutely terrified of him.
- Charisma: Batman convinced Cheetah to betray the Injustice Gang (which could cost her several million dollars) in minutes and convinced Justice Lord Batman to change his ways in less than a day during A Better World.
- Deception: Has repeatedly fooled people into believing he was someone he isn't, such as Killer Croc (Almost Got 'Im) and the Baron (The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy) without anyone suspecting a thing.
- Multilingualism (Can speak English, Kaznian, and Spanish)
- Pressure Point Strikes (As seen in his fight against Mano, Batman could precisely strike Mano's pressure points to the point where his arm went totally limp)
- Preparation (According to Stan Berkowitz, one of Justice League’s head writers, Batman has “…always got everything planned out a hundred steps in advance; he's prepared for any of the thousand things that can go wrong; he's practically psychic…” Temporarily withdrew from the battle against the Imperium and its army to create a gadget in order to destroy the Imperium's main factory. Rigged his utility belt with contingencies to prevent anyone but himself from opening it. Created an antidote for the Man-Bat transformation. After his initial battle with Firefly, donned his flame-resistant armor to guard against his fire blasts in their second fight. Upon learning about the effects of Demetrite, coated the Batsuit in herbicide before confronting Ivy. Pumped herbicide into Ivy's house's plumbing as a countermeasure against her plant beasts before confronting them)
- Improvised Weapon Proficiency (In old age, often used his cane as a blunt weapon with incredible finesse. Restrained Lightray with his cape. Used a shotgun as a club to smack an enemy back. Beat Vandal Savage up with an office chair. Defeated a Mr. Freeze goon with a frying pan. Smacked away a crocodile with a bell on a rope. Fought Calendar Girl with a wooden chair. Defeated a criminal with part of a broken table. Swordfought Penguin with a screwdriver whilst blinded. Used a weight as a staff-type weapon. Beat down a werewolf with a wooden log. Used a suitcase to block bullets, then hit Two-Face with it as a projectile)
- Disguise Mastery (Described as a master of disguise on multiple occasions. Disguised himself as Killer Croc (Almost Got 'Im) and the Baron (The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy) so flawlessly that people who had known them personally for years never suspected a thing. Passed himself off as a Gothcorp security officer)
- Environmental Mastery (As a city-based crime-fighter, Batman naturally demonstrates a profound capacity for using his environment in creative ways against his foes, as shown in the following examples. Used his grapnel to cause a massive light apparatus to fall on a mechanical dinosaur, destroying it. Took down Harley and Ivy by pulling a large Christmas tree down, causing it to fall on them. Restrained a runaway helicopter by attaching to it with the grapnel, then strategically weaving the cord around a cell tower. Defeated two goons by using a nearby construction girder. Used a nearby hose to short-circuit a HARDAC drone. Stopped criminals from escaping in a cargo ship by commandeering a nearby forklift and crashing it into said ship. Destroyed Captain Clown using a nearby car compactor. Stopped Nostromos from leaving, then KO-d him, with a large model of Earth. Tricked an enemy into piercing a nearby pipe, causing steam to blind said enemy. Caught Two-Face goons with a forklift he found in the warehouse they battled in. Blocked gunfire with a table, and then used said table to crush an enemy, KO-ing him. Traversed the Riddler's maze by hacking the Hand of Fate. Used nearby cans of paint to make Lloyd Ventrix visible. Leapt onto a ledge with a makeshift vaulting pole)
- Escapology Mastery (Became an “exceptional” and “brilliant” escape artist by training with John Zatara. Escaped from a straitjacket and water trap. Used a coin to cut his restraints and escape from Two-Face's trap. Stopped a guillotine trap from killing him by stopping the blade with his feet)
- Hacking (Hacked into ARGUS' computer systems)
- Grapnel Mastery (Regularly demonstrates that using his grapnel is second nature to him)
- Rope Proficiency (Is profoundly skilled with the use of the Batrope, for traversal of his environment, avoiding attacks, and restraining his enemies)
- Bomb Disarming (Disarmed a bomb meant to kill Leslie Thompkins. Disarmed one of Joker's bombs during Wild Cards)
- Vocal Mimicry (Perfectly imitated Killer Croc's voice)
- Vehicular Mastery (with all of his Bat-Vehicles - in example, he could expertly pilot the Batwing to avoid a barrage of beams from an Imperium army walker, later performing a complex maneuver to trick Imperium army ships into crashing into cliffs. Can evade energy blasts by weaving through them with his jetpack)
- Lockpicking Mastery (Picked the lock off the restraint cuffs placed on him in Gorilla City)
- Sleight of Hand Mastery (Planted a tracker on Lex Luthor without him noticing whatsoever)
Batman's standard, on-hand arsenal grants him the following powers:
- Natural Weaponry (The Batsuit contains retractable claws that can embed into metal to help Batman hold on to moving vehicles)
- Gliding (Can glide using his cape)
- Summoning (Can call the Batmobile, Batboat and Batwing to him via some on-hand gadgets)
- Paralysis Inducement (with the Batrope and Bola, as well as Handcuffs)
- Explosion Manipulation (Wields multiple kinds of explosives: Explosive Batarangs, Standard Grenades, Explosive Pellets, Pill-Shaped Explosive Capsules, Small mines that can attach to metal, and Round Throwable Explosives)
- Homing Attack (Batarangs contain a tracking device)
- Electricity Manipulation (with Electric Batarangs, Electrified Darts, his taser, and an Electrified Batclaw - he can also electrify his gauntlets)
- Sleep Manipulation (with his Knockout Gas pellets, a pill-shaped capsule of knockout gas, a spray bottle of knockout gas, and as of JL v FF, his glove)
- Light Manipulation and Energy Projection with his Pocket Laser (Carries a pocket laser that can burn through things)
- Smoke Manipulation (with Smoke Pellets and his Smoke Grenade)
- Fire Manipulation (Carries a torch that can melt metal as well as incendiary capsules)
- Ice Manipulation (Froze Clayface with a freezing agent)
- Sound Manipulation (with this device which emits a painful frequency, as well as this device which emits a super-high frequency to shatter glass and a Batarang that attracts hordes of bats)
- Light and Sound Manipulation (via Flashbangs and Flashbang Batarangs)
- Acid Manipulation (Carries concentrated sulfuric acid, acid potent enough to burn through metal spikes, and lesser acid to burn through adhesives)
- Information Analysis (Analyzed chemicals with a pocket scanner)
- Hacking (Carries a pocket computer that can hack advanced tech in moments)
- Durability Negation and Paralysis Inducement (with Knockout Gas and Tranquilizers)
- Limited Power Nullification (Has serums that can reverse the transformations of Francine Langstrom (She-Bat) and Blockbuster)
- Situational Durability Negation and Statistics Reduction (Always carries Kryptonite on his person, which has said effects on Kryptonians such as Superman)
- Negation of Fire Manipulation (Carries a capsule that can instantly extinguish flames from Hotstreak, which can vaporize metal instantly)
- Resistance to Gaseous Poison Manipulation (Carries a gas mask)
- Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can drink his all-purpose antidote to dull the effects of a poison)
- Resistance to Fire Manipulation (His cape is flame-resistant, and he has emerged from flame and great heat without a singe on his suit)
Batman's non-vehicular optional equipment grants him the following powers:
- Flight (via his Jetpack)
- Paralysis Inducement (With the restraints created by his Memory Metal Capsules)
- Resistance to Fire Manipulation (Has a flame-resistant suit)
Anyone except Batman attempting to open his utility belt will be met with Electricity (which is potent enough to incapacitate Solomon Grundy) and an Explosion, as seen here.
Batman's Vehicles grant him:
- Flight (With the Batwing)
- Fire Manipulation (The Batmobile can shoot flame)
- Paralysis Inducement (The Batwing can snare people, and his Jetpack can fire restraints)
- Homing Attack (The Batboat fires homing torpedoes)
- Explosion Manipulation (The Batwing fires missiles, the Batboat can fire depth charges, and his Jetpack can fire small missiles)
- Energy Projection (The Batboat can fire energy beams)
- Ice Manipulation (The Batwing can drop a freezing capsule that is this potent)
If given preparation time, Batman can utilize:
- Ice Manipulation (Keeps one of Victor Fries' Cold Guns in the Batcave)
- Sound Manipulation (with the Sound Wave Blaster)
- Information Analysis with the Batcomputer (Seen on several different occasions)
- Power Nullification (Can access the Energy Disruptor, which de-powered the Justice Lords)
Attack Potency: Small Building Level physically (Can fight those who can harm him, such as Kyodai Ken. Was capable of body slamming Clayface with enough force to tear his arms off, and scales to various feats of characters hitting Clayface’s body hard enough to notably warp or damage it - in contrast, Clayface’s body was seemingly completely undamaged after slamming through a wall, said impact resulting in this much force, as well as other feats such as smashing a desk and totaling a car with one strike whilst weakened. Overpowered and beat down Ubu, whose strikes could do this. Though weaker, can stagger Bane, who has punched down thick stone walls. Knocked Kangor out with a single kick - Kangor's durability likely scales somewhat to the force of his stomps, which could do this, as well as send a police car flying. Harmed and knocked out Mano, who no-sold explosives detonating in his face, shrugged off this explosion, got up immediately after having an (increased mass) ceiling dropped on him and was fine after being slammed into a car hard enough to total it - that, and he took attacks from Miss Martian, who by virtue of being a Martian has some degree of superhuman strength. Is implied to be capable of beating The Joker to death, and has knocked him unconscious in one or two hits in some of their encounters - in contrast, Joker retained consciousness after this impact. Scales to his successor from Batman Beyond, as explained in Note 3. With all his strength, kicked over a huge stone statue. Has one-shot Thanagarian soldiers, who are overtly superhuman - in fact, one Thanagarian soldier could crack a stone pillar with a punch, and another retained consciousness after Vixen (who at the time weighed as much as an adult elephant) fell on them from a great height. Frequently sends grown adults flying across rooms and into the air with strikes, and has destroyed rectangular wooden tables, necessitating this much force. Harmed Ricky the Hook - Ricky was essentially uninjured after being kicked into a wooden desk hard enough to split it in two. One-shot Mercy Graves, who could damage Lexcorp military drones with her strikes - even if one was to assert that Mercy would have been easier to KO than usual since Batman struck her in the head and she was already nursing a severe head injury from earlier in the episode, Batman has ample scaling above Harley Quinn, who could notably harm Mercy, with her physical durability logically not being affected by her head injury. Relative to Nightwing (at the time, Robin), who decapitated a giant robot with a kick. Kicked Killer Croc through a wooden wall. Struck a man so hard he flew into and broke a large stovepipe. While weakened by nerve gas, knocked The Penguin out with a single kick - Penguin was only winded by being right next to this explosion. Despite being ultimately overpowered, he could hold his own against and take hits from HARDAC’s duplicants, whose attacks can shatter wooden crates, destroy doors, and severely warp metal elevator doors. Can fight and knock out Parademons, who are totally unhurt by landing with enough force to crush cars. Traded blows evenly with Kyodai Ken, whose punches can shatter large rocks. Superior to Base Lex Luthor, who smashed metal machinery with his bare hands. Threw large wooden crates hard enough to shatter them on impact, which yields (at the very least) this much force. Even while not at his physical peak, he could send grown men flying with attacks, even once sending one into a wooden table hard enough to split it in two. Though weaker, could stagger The Floronic Man, who rent the ground with his fists. Made Brainiac's computer console inoperable with one strike. Has harmed and beaten down Killer Croc, who was only winded after colliding with a moving truck with enough force to visibly embed his head into the metal and could rag-doll Rick Flag - Flag could stagger Shining Knight, who while barehanded could punch large indentations into military-grade doors. As someone who has reached "physical perfection" and the status of an "incomparable athlete," should scale above Wildcat, who could destroy a brick wall with one punch and punch apart Dark Heart drones, which tanked machine gun fire. This "incomparable" status should also make him stronger than False Face (a mere mercenary for hire without physical enhancements), who could shove Batman II through part of a stone awning and get up immediately after falling through a ceiling. Though not quite as strong, he could harm a Werewolf with a kick, sending it flying: this werewolf could throw a man through a wooden wall. While weakened, pushed Poison Ivy so hard she flew into and shattered a wooden beam. Slammed a man into a large wooden fixture hard enough to split it in half. Studied under The Master at Nanda Parbat - thus, he should be comparable to one of the master's youngest pupils, who could kick a grown man several meters into the air and crater stone just by landing. Stronger than The Penguin's henchwomen, who kicked Batwoman through a stone wall, making a large crater. Battered around Jack of the Royal Flush Gang - Jack is inconsistent power-wise, but within that same scene, he was presented as being strong enough that he could damage part of a stone balcony with a stretchy punch. Broke a metal railing by tossing a criminal into it. Staggered Blockbuster with a dropkick - Blockbuster shook off a head-on collision with a speeding Batmobile. Kicked a car door hard enough to send it flying and rip it off its hinges. Kicked Fastball hard enough to send him flying into a car, smashing through the window and warping the metal of the car's door. Kicked a goon into a wooden fixture hard enough to destroy it. Should be stronger than a ringless Green Lantern, who knocked a large grate off its hinges. Kicked the Joker into a stone model building hard enough to split it in two. One-shot a Gorilla, and later knocked out several gorillas with ease. Ragdolled Metamorpho with a kick - Metamorpho’s non-amplified physical strength being sufficient to slam doors off their hinges and send them flying. Punched through the JL-Era Batmobile's bulletproof window. Struggled with a tiger and kicked it hard enough to send it flying. While severely weakened by a lack of sleep, slammed Doctor Destiny into large wooden crates, damaging them. Beat down Lloyd Ventrix, who kept fighting after being swing-kicked into a metal pole hard enough to bend said pole. One-shot Carlton Duquesne's crony, who shattered a small wooden table. Bent a metal plate with a kick whilst fatigued. Burst through a prop wall while pursuing Joker. Kicked a door off its hinges), higher with Swing Kicks (With the added force from a swing, Batman could oneshot Copperhead, who could down him temporarily with a single kick. Knocked over Clayface), even higher with various weapons (Batman's shuriken (which should be comparable to his Batarangs) can decapitate the Harvey Bullock duplicant, who had already demonstrated that he was physically equal to if not stronger than Batman, and one of Batman's explosives created an explosion powerful enough to blast apart the Gordon duplicant, who is also equal to if not stronger than Batman)
Speed: Hypersonic (Scales to Nightwing, who moved this fast while caught off guard. Dashed backward, grabbed a robot, and placed it in front of him as a shield in the time it took a bullet from a old west handgun to reach him from a few meters away, after said bullet had already been fired - the typical muzzle velocity of an old west handgun was 700 to 750 feet per second, or about 60% the speed of sound. On that note, the Dark Knight has proven to be capable of evading gunfire after it's been fired on several occasions. Dodged a turret shell. Kept up with and dodged attacks from Tsukuri, who deflected close-range gunfire. As an "incomparable athlete," should be at least equal to Roulette, who effortlessly sidestepped the Canary Cry (a projectile sound wave) at close range. Dodged a crossbow bolt at this speed while poisoned and unable to see straight. As fast as Zatanna, who could undo her spell faster than a shotgun blast. Scales (via Rick Flag) to Shining Knight, who deflected gunfire and via the Joker, scales to Curare, who did the same. Reacted to multiple dart from blowguns, slapping a barrage of them away - blowgun darts can move this fast. Comparable to Batgirl, who reacted to a bullet and moved around a lot during its flight. Scales to The Joker in speed - the Joker repeatedly tagged and dodged attacks from Terry McGinnis, who has dodged sound waves even once they had come within a foot of him and blitzed an on-guard snake splicer who dodged tranquilizer rifle fire. Reacted to and ducked under Roxy Rocket's explosive charge. While extremely disoriented by Fear Toxin, dodged a tranquilizer dart. Reacted to artillery gun fire after it was fired, weaving around it with his hang-glider. Reacted to and dodged out of the way of a runaway bus at practically point-blank while weakened by Aresia's anti-man virus. Wove around pistol fire on his hang-glider. While holding back, can throw a punch in 1/20 of a second - this equals the current world record of twenty punches thrown in a second), possibly as high as Relativistic or higher (Though it seems unbelievable, the Caped Crusader actually scales very prominently to the DCAU's higher speed metas. Kept up with and landed several blows on Mano, who moved in tandem with and blocked a Lantern Beam at close range. Dodged a blast from Mr Freeze's laser-powered cold gun after it was fired. Narrowly dodged a shot from a medical laser. Should be as fast as Huntress and Black Canary, who dodged attacks from Wonder Woman and dodged swings from Hawkgirl respectively. Threw a Batarang so quickly Sinestro could not dodge it. Dodged attacks from Parasite after Parasite had absorbed the powers of Metamorpho. Should have at least equal reaction speed to Lex Luthor, who reacted to a Lantern Beam flying toward him. Caught and turned aside a punch from a furious Kalibak. Kept up with Tsukuri, who kept pace with Hawkgirl. Dodged attacks from Solomon Grundy as well as from Clayface, who have both tagged Martian Manhunter. Dodged a beam from Morgan Le Fay alongside Etrigan, though her second beam struck him. Comparable to Robin, who dodged several slashes from Shiv and threw a bola quick enough to tag Talon, both of whom are consistent nemeses of Static. Dodged a blast of lightning from Juice, as well as reacting to one from Maxy Zeus' lightning blaster. Comparable to Batgirl, who moved to block a bolt of lightning from Livewire as it was fired, crossing a greater distance than said lightning in the same timeframe. Through Joker, scales in speed to Batman II, who has dodged lightning after it was fired. Dodged a magical blast from Felix Faust at close range)
His travel speeds are as follows: At least Superhuman on foot (Briefly outran an expanding explosion. Ran fast enough to save Isis from a speeding truck. Kept pace with and caught up to a runaway bus while weakened by Aresia's anti-man virus. Caught up to a subway train on foot. Frequently disappears on people in seconds, as discussed above), Subsonic with the Batcycle (Should be comparable to IRL motorcycles, which can achieve speeds of upwards of 80 mph), Subsonic with the Batmobile (Has a top speed of 140 mph), Subsonic with the Batboat (Is capable of exceeding 150 mph), Supersonic with the Batwing (Stated to be a "supersonic batplane"), and likely Subsonic with his Jetpack (Caught up to Roxy Rocket’s jet-propulsed rocket)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (At least equal to Nightwing, who could struggle for a few seconds with a furious polar bear. Temporarily lifted a large slab of rock that was pinning Mr. Freeze down. Struggled with a tiger. Tore one of his tracking devices in half. Overpowered Ubu in a contest of strength - Ubu being strong enough to slam a thick metal door off its hinges. Using the Batrope, pulled a massive statue (along with its base) backward. Ripped a pipe off of a wall. Struggled with Lock-Up, who overpowered three physically fit men simultaneously. Stronger than Poison Ivy, who snapped a man's neck with ease. Tore the handle off a train door. Pushed a huge stone statue over with his legs, though this was extremely strenuous for him. Can lift and throw grown men tremendous distances. Held onto a moving van. Tore a door off its hinges. Held open the jaws of an alligator. Casually ripped a metal grate off its hinges. Tore the handle off a car door. Ripped rope restraints apart. Clashed blades evenly with Ra's Al Ghul, who could snap the Batrope and has been granted the strength of ten men. Held open elevator doors. Burst out of a dogpile of fear-gas-affected grown adults whilst likely taking care not to injure them. Even in his early 80s, tossed a grown man across the room with ease and struggled evenly with a mutated, out-of-suit Terry McGinnis. Yanked a Parademon out of the air), likely Class 5 (Could somewhat grapple with She-Bat, who is biologically identical to Man-Bat: Man-Bat being capable of casually lifting a huge desk - however, he only grappled with She-Bat after injecting her with one of the syringes of the antidote for her transformation, thus she may have been weakened. Blocked a sword slash from his duplicant (who lifted a forklift) and could also somewhat grapple with one of HARDAC's duplicants. As an "incomparable athlete," should scale to Wildcat, who could tear a Dark Heart drone in two. With all his strength, pushed over a huge stone statue with his legs. Pulled down a huge display Christmas tree with the Batrope. With the aid of the Batclaw, was able to resist the pull of a vortex that pulled in massive sections of stone pillars. Tore a robot's head off), possibly higher (Batman could be argued to have higher lifting strength, from scaling to Batman II (who has a Class 100 feat), and being stronger than Batgirl who restrained a robotic dinosaur - however, I’m not listing this as his definitive scaling because I don’t think it’s consistent)
Striking Strength: Small Building Class
Durability: Small Building Level (Can take attacks from Bane. Completely unhurt by this explosion. Caught a strike from Ubu, who did this. Took a hit from BTAS-era Clayface, whose strikes are this powerful. At least as durable as The Joker, who is this durable, though Joker couldn't move after this. Shook off a punch to the jaw from Lord Havok, whose next punch smashed a car. Was only winded by taking the explosion of his own explosive Batarang at close range - these Batarangs can blast apart prison walls and tear apart the body of Metamorpho, who stayed intact when tossed into the side of a building hard enough to smash said side and after being hit with sustained submachine gun fire. Was back in the fight (throwing Batarangs at Gorgon) just a short while after being hit with a casual blast from Dreamslayer, seeming to sustain no damage and only being winded - a similarly casual blast sent Vixen through the side of a large truck. Just as durable as Ricky the Hook, who was essentially uninjured after being kicked into a desk hard enough to split it in two. Survived this. Was not notably injured after being bodyslammed through a brick wall. Instantly recovered from this explosion. Shook off a punch from Mr. Freeze, who effortlessly shattered a wall. Despite not being directly hit, he was basically unhurt by being in extremely close proximity to the explosion from Joker's turret shell - these turret shells were capable of destroying a large tree, blowing up part of a bridge, and creating a massive explosion on the top of a skyscraper. Just as durable as Robin (if not more durable), who took a hit from an incomplete Clayface - an incomplete Clayface's kicks could shatter a stone bench. Tanked the chair he was sitting in exploding. Just as durable as Nightwing, who took an attack that made this crater to the side of his body without notable injury. Took an attack from Kyodai Ken, whose strikes could shatter stone. Took hits from one of the Imperium's soldiers, who could effortlessly tear open walls. Shook off being thrown into a table with enough force to split it in two. Should be just as durable as Shaquille O'Neal (yes, really), who shook off a kick from Kangor. Was not notably hurt by this explosion, or being hit by the blast of Baby Doll's explosives which were this powerful. Took, in stride, a strike from a duplicant of himself - said duplicant should scale to other Duplicants’ feats, such as warping a metal elevator door, smashing a wooden crate, and destroying a door. Shook off the explosion of a popcorn stand. Took hits from Jack of the Royal Flush Gang - Jack is inconsistent power-wise, but within that same scene, he was presented as being strong enough that he could damage part of a stone balcony with a stretchy punch. More durable than Penguin’s henchwomen, who were only winded by the explosion from a missile. Completely unhurt by his head slamming into the glass of a police helicopter hard enough to severely crack it. More durable than Harley Quinn, who remained conscious after this impact. Has taken attacks from Bane), higher with his Flame-Resistant Batsuit (Was designed to tank flame attacks that Batman himself couldn't)
Stamina: At least Peak Human (Has trained himself to physical perfection and the absolute peak of human ability - logically, this would make his stamina this great as well. As shown in this scene, even after being exposed to Aresia's anti-man virus (which almost instantly incapacitated a normal man who was exposed at around the same time), Batman was able to dodge out of the way of a speeding bus, catch up to it on foot, break into it while it was moving, and divert it away from civilians, all before passing out)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically
His gadgets vary in terms of range:
- Tens of Meters with Batarangs (Mid-level athletes compete in boomerang-throwing competitions where they're expected to throw their boomerangs 50 meters. Threw a Batarang across a huge room. Tossed a Batarang a tremendous distance to trap Imperium army soldiers. Can throw them at least as far as Robin can. Struck the main battery of Lex Luthor's mech from a distance. Hit Deadshot from a distance in order to throw off his aim)
- At least Tens of Meters with the Batclaw/Grapnel (Latched far up a building. Could stretch from ground level to above several floors of a parking garage. Latched onto the Batwing from ground level. Fired between buildings. Stretched from the bottom to the top of a smokestack. Extended this far to latch onto a building. Latched onto a helicopter from far away. Stretched several stories up. Latched onto a stone gargoyle. Stretched to the top of the cavern the Justice League fought Hades in)
- Tens of Meters with the Batrope (Can wrap around the head of a huge mechanical dinosaur several times over. Can stretch down several stories)
- Tens of Meters with Bola (Is far stronger than IRL humans, who can hit targets accurately with bola from 30 to 45 meters away)
- Any of his roughly palm-sized gadgets (Explosive Pellets, Grenades, Flashbangs, Incendiary Capsules, Caltrops, Hypersonic Disks, Smoke Grenades, Smoke Pellets, Fire Retardant Pellets, etc) can be assumed to have Tens of Meters of Range, considering they should probably weigh about as much (if not less) as a Grenade, which can be thrown 40 meters by the average soldier - who this Batman obviously vastly eclipses in terms of physical strength.
- Extended Melee Range with Bat-Blades and Various Knives
- Standard Melee Range with Electric Gauntlets (Are embedded into his gloves)
- Tens of Meters with the Tracking Device Gun (Tagged a car from about ten meters away)
- At least Several Meters with the Antidote Gun (Tagged Francine Langstrom from a few meters away)
- At least Several Meters with the Sound Blaster (Its beam hit the Floronic Man from what is obviously a few meters away)
- The Batmobile's winch is shown to have Tens of Meters of range, as it latched onto a faraway car. As for the Batmobile's spike gun, it's shown to be able to send spikes about ten meters in Batman: Vengeance's vehicle sections.
- The Batwing's missiles have Hundreds of Meters to Kilometers of range, considering they should have at least equal range to IRL air-to-air missiles, and its other gadgets are simply dropped - meaning their range would be however far from the ground the Batwing is at the time.
- The Batboat's energy blasts are shown to have at least Several Meters of range, and its Homing Torpedoes should have at least Kilometers of Range (Should be at least comparable to 1940s homing torpedoes like the Mk32, which can travel at least 9600 yards)
- His Jetpack has at least Several Meters with Offensive Missiles (Flew several meters to destroy Lexcorp robots) and at least Several Meters with Net Missiles (Hit mutant crows from several meters away)
Standard Equipment:
- The Batsuit: See Note. A lightweight battle-suit that makes the wearer resemble a Bat, with a fireproof cape and eye lenses that enable night vision as well as anti-glare red vision. The TNBA suit had retractable claws to help Batman hold on to surfaces, and considering how useful this could be it’s doubtful it was removed in later suits. As of Justice League vs The Fatal Five, the suit’s cape can be used to glide great distances. The suit is outfitted with a utility belt that contains all the gadgets discussed below.
- Batarangs: Bat-shaped, razor-sharp boomerang blades that can be thrown to knock enemies out or slice through cables - with their AP scaling to Batman's since it could decapitate the Harvey Bullock replicant, who could hurt and restrain Batman and was implied to be capable of killing him with a stomp. As of the JLU era, they contain a small tracking device in order to assist them in striking their targets. Aside from the standard variety, Batman can also utilize electrified Batarangs, Dual Batarangs connected by a cable, Batarangs that release a specific frequency to attract bats, Flashbang Batarangs, and explosive Batarangs. Bizarrely, episodes like "I Am The Night" and "Heart of Steel" show Batman use a gadget that distinctly resembles a typical shuriken moreso than a Batarang, though it doesn't seem different enough to warrant being classified as a separate gadget.
- The Batclaw/Grapnel Gun: A handheld apparatus that fires a hook at blinding speed, piercing into its target - which the user can use to either pull themself toward things (to scale buildings) or to hook into things so they can pull them toward themself. For offensive purposes, Batman can run a strong electrical current through it.
- The Batrope: A strong cable that can be used to intercept and restrain foes, as well as move things from a distance.
- Smoke Pellets: Small capsules that explode upon impact, releasing large plumes of smoke to blind and disorient foes.
- Bola: A gadget composed of two metal balls and a cord, that can be thrown at foes - upon contact, it will wrap around and restrain a part of their body.
- Explosives: Batman utilizes various sorts of explosives. These include round throwable explosives, plastic explosive gel that can be attached to the Batclaw, spherical mines he planted to cut off Deadshot, a mine he planted in the Iceberg Lounge, large oblong explosives capable of destroying robots that are physically equal to him, explosive pellets potent enough to blast open a thick metal door, a small red pill-shaped explosive, Standard Grenades, and Explosive Batarangs. By the time of Justice League, he's developed a new super-potent explosive Batarang.
- Electric Gauntlets: A gadget introduced in JLU, these seem to be gauntlets on the Batsuit that can be electrified, shocking foes upon contact.
- Knockout Gas Pellets: Pellets that release a gas so potent that people who inhale it almost immediately fall unconscious. In early BTAS, Batman uses a very similar gadget in another part of his utility belt, which is a green, pill-shaped capsule of knockout gas he used to knock out a panther.
- Bat-Blades: Massive Batarangs that Batman can wield as dual swords, sharp enough to slice through the Dark Heart drones, which could no-sell gunfire.
- Caltrops: Small, sharp metal trinkets that cut foes should they step on them and can puncture tires.
- Knives: A small knife, useful for cutting restraints. As shown in "Never Fear," Batman keeps one in his boot at all times.
- Flashbangs: A small grenade that, upon detonation, produces a brilliant flash of light as well as a high-pitched sound to disorient opponents.
- Incendiary Capsule: A capsule that could burn away part of the Floronic Man's face upon detonation.
- Communicator: A high-tech communicator Bruce uses to communicate with the other members of the Bat-family through a highly encrypted frequency. It can also wirelessly tap any conversation occuring within 100 yards. Described here.
- Tracking Device: A small, bat-shaped device that feeds information as to its location directly back to Batman, making it useful for tracking down foes. In Shadow of the Bat Part 2, he utilizes a gadget that fires these devices onto his foes.
- Scanner: A small scanner that analyzes data in the immediate area.
- Torch: A small torch that can burn through metal.
- Laser Beam: Similar in function to the torch.
- Taser: Appears once in "Trial," but is never used.
- Net Gun: A gadget that fires a net in order to restrain the target.
- Kryptonite: A radioactive, green crystal that weakens and eventually kills Kryptonians.
- Tranquilizer: A syringe containing a sedative, used by Batman to subdue the Creeper.
- Electric Darts: Armor-piercing darts that deliver a devastating electric shock.
- Handcuffs: Silver cuffs that bind foes' hands.
- Binoculars: Self-explanatory.
- Computer: A small computer in his gauntlet that can hack things.
- Gas Mask: Self-explanatory.
- Sonic Device: Some sort of device that emits a painful frequency, seen in "The Worry Men."
- Hypersonic Disk: A round device that attaches to something and releases a super high-pitched noise to break windows. A bulkier, more unwieldy version of this gadget appears in episodes prior, but considering the Disk's portability it can be assumed it replaced its predecessor.
- Luminous Disk: A small, throwable disk which emits a blinding light to disorient Batman's foes, as seen in BTAS' "Vendetta."
- Smoke Grenade: For some reason, despite using smoke pellets, Batman also uses what seems to be a larger smoke grenade against Killer Croc during "Bane."
- Fire Retardant Capsule: A capsule that, upon impact with something, emits potent fire retardant - its most prominent appearance being Static Shock's "A League of Their Own."
- Flare Gun: A handheld gadget that fires an emergency flare, used strategically by the Dark Knight during JLU's "Flash and Substance."
- Antidote Gun: A small that can fire a syringe, used to administer the antidote to reverse She-Bat's transformation.
- Acid: Several kinds, the most prominent being the concentrated sulfuric acid he carries during Batman and Harley Quinn as well as acid potent enough to melt through metal spikes.
- Knockout Gas Spray: Self-explanatory.
- First Aid Kit: Self-explanatory. Stated to exist here.
- Lockpick: Self-explanatory. Stated to exist here.
- Compact Camera: Self-explanatory. Stated to exist here.
- All-Purpose Antidote: A small flask of a substance that dulls the effects of poisons.
- Communicator Darts: Metal darts that, when tapped, function as a communicator. Debuted in "Shadow of the Bat."
Optional Equipment:
- Batcomputer: The most sophisticated computer system ever built, the Batcomputer is arguably Batman's most powerful tool in his war on crime. It can detect energy signatures from across the world, perform spectrographic analysis to determine what an object is made of, etc.
- Batmobile: See Note. A sleek, jet-black supercar propelled by jets, with an incredible top speed of 140 miles per hour. Its’ exterior is plated with armor that allows it to withstand tremendous impacts, as well as its windows utilizing tinted bulletproof glass that repels extreme heat and cold. Not only that, but the Batmobile is tricked out with all sorts of gadgets to assist in Batman’s crime-fighting, which can be activated from within the car’s cockpit. These gadgets include a grappling hook useful for making sharp turns, what seems to be a launcher for small missiles, faucets to release an oil slick, a spike launcher, and a launcher for smoke grenades. The jets that propel it can be activated to propel it from the opposite end of the car (which Batman once used to slow down a runaway trolley), as well as used to ignite foes. Several episodes, such as “Almost Got ‘Im,” demonstrate that Batman can call the Batmobile to him with a panel on his utility belt, and even remotely control it with said panel. It can enter auto-drive, be controlled by voice commands alone, and can only be entered either with Batman's permission, or by verifying one's fingerprints. Its console is directly connected to the Batcomputer and can receive data transmissions from it, and it can display a hypnotic pattern to put targets to sleep. For last-minute escapes, it contains ejector seats. As even more proof of Batman's insane proclivity for preparation, it can deploy metal panels to disguise itself as a dumpster so enemies don't attempt to take it.
- Batwing: See Note. The Batwing is a jet-black fighter plane that comes in handy during Batman's many battles. As for its internal workings, it seats two and can be commanded via voice, with an auto-pilot functionality to automatically fly to Batman's location via use of a tracking device - that, and Batman can call it to him via his utility belt. Not only that, its console contains a direct uplink to the GCPD's radio transmissions, as well as a voice changer to help Batman falsify GCPD reports to distract nosy cops. As with Batman's other vehicles, the Batwing is more than capable of combatting foes: it can fire missiles, drop an extremely potent freezing capsule, fire a hook to restrain and ensnare foes (which is strong enough to catch a falling truck) or another more metallic hook to rip car doors off, drop metal spheres to damage other vehicles, and fire nets to ensnare opponents. In addition, the DCAU video game "Batman: Vengeance" tells us that it's capable of firing electrified spikes and electrified spheres. It can enter a "stealth mode" in which its paint job becomes camouflage and its propulsion changes to allow him to fly completely undetected, and lastly it can eject its passengers if grievously damaged.
- Batboat: See Note. A black, high-speed boat that Batman uses in his crusade against crime, allowing for either use as a jet-propelled speedboat (capable of exceeding 150 mph) or as a submersible. Its' hull is both fire-resistant and bulletproof. It can be called to Batman's location (or even remotely controlled) via a panel on his belt, and is capable of auto-navigating back to the Batcave should Batman pass out whilst inside of it. As for offensive capabilities, the Batboat wields an arsenal of depth charge weaponry (including homing torpedoes), energy blasters, and a grappling hook to latch onto other boats and slow them down.
- Batcycle: The least complicated of the Bat-vehicles, the Batcycle is simply a black motorcycle with two main quirks - it can assume a form in which its wheels are spiked, and it can be turned on from a distance by Batman.
- Flame-Resistant Batsuit: This piece of equipment appears only in TNBA's "Torch Song," and was used to combat the pyromaniacal villain Firefly. It seems to be a set of large black and gray armor that, like the standard Batsuit, makes the wearer resemble a bat. Its thick armor plating protects Batman against high temperatures as well as allowing him to withstand searing hot point-blank explosions.
- Jetpack: A Bat-shaped jetpack that can keep pace with Roxy Rocket's vehicle of choice. It uses missiles as its only offensive option: either small explosive missiles, two missiles with a net between them to ensnare opponents, or missiles that release a net upon detonation.
- Bat-Glider: The least advanced of any of Batman's modes of transportation, this is simply a bat-shaped hanglider.
- Whirly-Bat: A small helicopter-esque apparatus that seats one, allowing for Batman to rise rapidly into the air.
- Bat-Jetski: Self-explanatory, and debuts in "House and Garden."
- Cold Gun: Confiscated from Victor Fries. A blaster that fires a beam (possibly a laser) that freezes things upon contact.
- Sound Blaster: A blaster that fires powerful sound waves, which Batman used in an attempt to defeat the Floronic Man.
- Coolant: A spray that was able to freeze Clayface.
- Signal Watch: A watch that emits a frequency that only Kryptonians can hear, in order to summon his friend Superman.
- Memory Metal Capsules: Capsules that, upon contact with something, wrap around said thing as tight metal restraints that even Bane can't budge.
- Herbicide Weapon: A tank of herbicide attached to a nozzle, allowing the user to shoot herbicide at opponents from a distance.
- There are other pieces of optional equipment (such as Detective Gear of many kinds), but they were excluded because they aren't even somewhat relevant in any standard combat scenario.
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (According to Stan Berkowitz, one of Justice League’s head writers, Batman has “…always got everything planned out a hundred steps in advance; he's prepared for any of the thousand things that can go wrong; he's practically psychic…” Is repeatedly referred to, both by narrators and characters in-verse, as the World’s Greatest Detective. Boasts a “razor-sharp mind” trained in “every known method of detection.” Has trained himself to the “peak of intellectual perfection” and “perfected his mind.” Wields one of the “greatest scientific and analytical minds on the planet.” Built the Batcomputer, the most sophisticated computer system ever built. Had his deductive skills deemed "impressive" by Brainiac, a twelfth level intellect. Is “the smart one” of the League according to Superman, who himself has a “computer-like mind” and defeated Captain Marvel, who had the Wisdom of Solomon. Was considered by Amanda Waller to have a “magnificent brain” and be “without equal” among the JLU - in contrast, Amanda Waller worked with CADMUS’ greatest scientists (including Nobel Prize winner Emil Hamilton, as well as scientists who cracked cloning) yet seemed to consider them incompetent morons. Got to the bottom of the CADMUS mystery despite the extremely thick net of government Red Tape surrounding it. Built a machine that almost instantly deactivated the Imperium's main factory, which is otherworldly technology built by an ancient being. Static believed it was only natural for someone who duped Batman to be able to outsmart himself and Gear - Gear’s superpower literally being super-intellect. Built the Beyond Suit and all of its gadgets. Stated to rival Ra’s Al Ghul’s “Genius Mentality.” Possesses “vast scientific knowledge” and has “mastered sciences” such as Chemistry and Psychology. During "The Once and Future Thing," outsmarted Chronos, who cracked Time Travel and turned the Jokerz from a ragtag group of delinquents into one of the largest criminal organizations on the planet. During the Beyond Era, after Bruce has spent twenty years retired from crime fighting (seemingly as a shut-in doing basically nothing all day), he still boasts “detective skills and a sense of strategy” that “are top-notch.” Has ingeniously covered his tracks to the point where next to nobody even suspects Bruce Wayne of being Batman - it's strongly implied that Gear, someone with a super-intellect, has tried at least once to figure Batman's identity out but failed, and even after his retirement (after over thirty years as the Dark Knight) it's never even once mentioned that the public suspects Bruce Wayne of having been Batman - with Terry McGinnis going as far as to call Bruce "an expert in covering tracks." Created an antidote for Kirk Langstrom's Man-Bat transformation, with him never relapsing in canon materials. Had the know-how to manually deactivate Orm's doomsday weapon. Is a match for the intelligence of Edward Nygma, his most intelligent rogue. This makes him more intelligent than his other rogues, who have many great intelligence feats. Poison Ivy, for one, was intelligent enough to create an enzyme that turned humans into trees ("Eternal Youth") and created plant "humans" ("Chemistry") with thoughts, feelings and personalities. The Joker is “extremely intelligent despite his lunacy” and a "mad genius," invented Smilex Gas, reworked CADMUS tech to rewrite DNA, and frequently creates bombs and robots - not to mention he considers himself a Genius, though obviously it’s entirely possible this is simply his ego talking. Jervis Tetch is twice stated to be a genius, and developed a machine that allowed for complete control over weak-willed people’s psyches. Jonathan Crane invented his Fear Toxin which greatly outstrips the potency of even the most powerful nerve toxins, and Bane is a brilliant military strategist)
Weaknesses: Refuses to kill or use firearms. Has most normal human weaknesses, such as the need to rest and eat.
Note: Batman’s suit, utility belt and vehicles have several different iterations. However, considering the fact that Batman is a perfectionist who is always overly prepared to rather comical extents, it seems extremely unlikely that Batman would forgo any gadgets or features between iterations of his technology or suit for no discernible reason. Ergo, this profile will assume that all features from previous iterations of Bat-tech have been carried over to their JLU counterparts, and that as of JLU Batman still wields every gadget his utility belt contained in BTAS or TNBA, or at least a newer gadget that also fulfills the purpose of gadgets past.
Note 2: Bruce Timm has stated that the original DCAU tie-in comics are not canon, with the only tie in comics that have statements to the contrary (other than Batman: The Adventures Continue, which has so many continuity issues that it's essentially impossible to argue it's canon) being Justice League Infinity, the Batman and Harley Quinn tie in comics, and specifically the first annual of Batman Adventures. Ergo, I only consider those three comics canon.
Note 3: Scaling Bruce to Batman II may be somewhat contentious, but it is rather consistent: As the man consistently implied to be the (overall) strongest non-enhanced human in the verse, Bruce should outscale an aged, out-of-shape Robin, who, while Joker was piloting his body, fought a suited Batman II and "(kicked) the stuffing out of him", being overtly too strong for him to defeat hand-to-hand (as made clear by Return of the Joker's screenplay) to the point that Terry needed to resort to fighting dirty and taking advantage of the Joker's vanity in order to land any substantial blows. In addition, despite both being weaker than their respective opponents, Bruce performs better against Venom-amped foes than Terry does. Despite not scaling to his foe to any super-notable extent, Bruce (during Mystery of the Batwoman) could stagger Bane notably with kicks, hit Bane with a kick-throw combination strong enough to escape from his grip, and managed to knock him over while he was offguard. In contrast, Terry (whilst fighting Jackson Chappell, who is likely weaker than Bane, considering Bane was a peak human (described as a “man of great physical size and power”) who took what appears to be gallons of venom directly into his veins to amp himself, whereas Chappell was a seemingly normal man who amped himself with a few small venom patches) was plainly outclassed for their entire fight, with Terry being unable to notably stagger Chappell with attacks, at least not to the extent that Bruce staggered Bane. Furthermore, an aged, decrepit Bruce Wayne (who didn't believe himself to be in his physical prime even when de-aged about twenty years) could two-shot Shriek with his wooden cane - Shriek being someone capable of taking a punch from Batman II and getting back up.