“ | I don't care how many demons he's fought in how many hells. He's never fought us. Not us united. | „ |
~ Batman to The Flash in the Batcave |

Tactical Suit

Mech Suit
“ | Do you bleed?... You will. | „ |
~ Batman to Superman |

Knightmare timeline
Bruce Wayne is the billionaire owner of Wayne Enterprises, and the costumed vigilante operating in Gotham City known as Batman.
After witnessing the murder of his parents at the hands of a mugger as a child, Bruce ultimately became the fearsome vigilante Batman as an adult, beginning his crime fighting career over a decade before the alien invasion of General Zod. Through those years, he became heavily seasoned as an expert crime fighter and detective, having fought and overpowered numerous criminal adversaries, most notably the extreme psychopath Joker. He also mentored his ward and partner vigilante Jason Todd (known as "Robin"), though the latter was eventually killed by the Joker.
Two years after witnessing the Black Zero Event, Batman grew increasingly wary of the alien hero Superman, and the two would initially fiercely battle one another (mainly due to manipulation). However, they would ultimately settle their differences and team up with Wonder Woman, together managing to take down Lex Luthor's unleashed bloodthirsty monster, Doomsday. With Superman seemingly killed by the dying monster, Batman and Wonder Woman would be inspired by his noble sacrifice to begin establishing the valiant Justice League, in order to battle any future threats to the world.
Power and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A, far higher with gadgets and gauntlets, up to 7-A with Prep Time
Key: Base | Armored Batsuit
Name: Bruce Wayne, Batman, Bat of Gotham, Gotham Bat, Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight
Origin: DC Extended Universe
Gender: Male
Age: At least 48 as of The Flash (Bruce was born in 1973 and The Flash takes place after Peacemaker, which took place in 2021)
Classification: Human, Superhero, Vigilante
Power and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Expert in Close Combat, Weapon Mastery, Vehicular Mastery, Voice Alteration, Enhanced Senses and Information Analysis with Cowl (His cowl allows him to see in the dark and analyse his enemies movements and weaknesses), Status Effect Inducement, Explosion Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, and Limited Technology Manipulation via Gadgets, Resistance to Fire Manipulation with his Cape (Resisted to Firefly's Flamethrower[1], takes a gas explosion)
Attack Potency: Small Building level+ (Destroyed four pillars by swinging a weakened Superman using a rope, can do battle with Parademons, who caused critical damage to the Batmobile, that destroyed a car, that should yield approximately this much energy, and can generate this much kinetic energy, breaks some cinder concrete[2]), far higher with gadgets and gauntlets (Blew up a Parademon), up to Mountain level with preparation (Capable of crafting 300 Decibel Soundwave emitters[Value 1])
Speed: Subsonic+ (Fast enough to completely outclass and take down dozens of armed men before they can even react, doing many complex maneuvers in seconds. Dodged a shotgun, also dodged blasts from a Parademon's plasma carbine from close range. Blocked Plasma Carbines from multiple Parademons) with Relativistic combat and reactions speed (Blocked Superman's heat vision, dodged Doomsday and his heat vision)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (Ripped apart Firefly's metallic wings[1] which was stated to survive a point blank explosion[1], the strength of each of his punches is 1420 pounds of force, or 6316,475 Newton)
Striking Strength: Small Building level+
Durability: Small Building level+ (Survived being tossed by Superman into a police car with enough force to flatten the vehicle and even heat vision from Superman till it overheated, though Superman was likely holding back, Survived by get launched by Parademon), higher with his Batsuit, far higher with gadgets and gauntlets (Able to block multiple blasts from Parademons), Building level with the Armored Suit (Armoured Suit increases his durability, gets up after Superman smashing him throw a building, thrown into the Bat-Signal, and into a brick wall, gets up after Superman shoves him away with enough force to break pavement)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard melee range, Several meters with equipment
- Standard Batsuit: Highly durable Kevlar-titanium weave protective suit and combat armor, used to compensate for Batman's lack of invulnerability. It is invulnerable to knives, and is also fireproof. The Batsuit's cowl also digitally alters Batman's voice, making it unrecognizable to those that know him as Bruce Wayne. The cowl and neck appear to be equally durable, as a criminal's knife only made sparks when it was brutally struck against the back of his neck.
- Armored Batsuit: A much more heavily armored and mechanized version of the Standard Batsuit, which he wore when confronting Superman. It is durable enough for Batman to survive relatively unscathed after being hurled through a building by the mighty alien, though Batman was still left heavily panting on the ground, and required a few seconds to recover.
- Batmobile: An imposing and heavily armed custom combat vehicle used by Batman for transportation, pursuit and capture and one of his most powerful tools to aid in his war against crime in Gotham.
- Batwing: An aerial combat prototype vehicle with an immense amount of firepower, used by Batman against Superman. It is sometimes remotely piloted by Alfred from within the Batcave.
- Batarangs: Extremely sharp (capable of piercing concrete walls), but non-lethal throwing gadgets in the shape of Batman's symbol, wielded by him when carrying out various different tasks, from incapacitating criminals to breaking through windows.
- Grapple Gun: A line launching, multi-purpose, highly versatile, and handgun-like device that fires a retractable line which Batman utilizes to traverse Gotham City, escape danger and remain hidden from foes, all while allowing him to scale rappel, swing, catapult, or slingshot himself along structures or across gaps. It is able to raise its user up to several stories or slow their rate of descent. The line can pull great amounts of weight, as Batman can use it while wearing his Mechanized Armor.
- Respirator Mask: A small mask than allows Batman to successfully breathe in locations with limited oxygen, such as when he was attacked by Firefly's flamethrower.
- Sticky Bombs: Small, custom-built hand-held explosives that can stick to surfaces before detonating.
- Gas Grenades: Canister-type grenades that emit a great amount of smoke, augmenting Batman's already amazing stealth, to the point that he was able to temporarily evade Superman himself while using one.
Intelligence: Genius (Extremely competent fighter with decades of experience as a Vigilante. Very Skilled Detective. Alongside Alfred, constructed many highly advanced gadgets and pieces of tech)
Weaknesses: Has a questionable mental state, suffering from paranoia and extreme anger, which led to him being easily manipulated by Lex Luthor. However, after Superman's sacrifice, Bruce regained his optimism and sense of hope.
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