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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Articles about Batman
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Put respect on the bat

Bruce Wayne/Batman


When his parents were gunned down in front of him, young Bruce Wayne resolved to rid Gotham City of the criminal element that took their lives. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, in addition to mastering martial arts, detective techniques, and criminal psychology. When he returned, Bruce was inspired by a bat in his ancestral home of Wayne Manor. He then became Batman who fought crime with the aid of specialized gadgets and vehicles and operated out of a secret Batcave underneath Wayne Manor. Batman led a successful twelve-year, crime-fighting career until he was publicly unmasked by Scarecrow during the Arkham Knight Incident. Following the incident, with his identity fully exposed, Batman initiated The Knightfall Protocol and disappeared from the public eye. Despite that, his legacy lived on with the citizens of Gotham. But 5 years later, Batman was revealed to be alive.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: Around 9-C+ | 9-A+ (Room), 9-B to 9-A+ (Room) With Gadgets | 8-C+ | 9-A+ | 9-A+ | 9-A, to 8-C | 8-C | At Least Large 7-B | At Least Large 7-B+

Key: Bruce Wayne | Batman (Origins) | Batman XE Suit (Origins) | Azrael's Knightfall Batsuit (Origins) | Batman (Asylum) | Armored Batman (Asylum) | Batman (City/Knight) | Batman (Pre-Controlled/SS:KTJL) | Batman (Controlled/SS:KTJL)

Name: Bruce Thomas Wayne, The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, The World's Greatest Detective, The Demon Bat, The Gotham Guardian, The Bat-Man, The Bat, Bats, Batsy (By Joker), Bat-Freak, Detective (By Ra & Riddler), The Dork Knight (By Harley), Alice (By Mad Hatter), Beloved (By Talia)

Origin: Arkham-Verse/Arkham Verse

Gender: Male

Age: 8 when his parents died (Stated in game), 25 when he became Batman (Stated to be in his mid 20's), 27 to 28 in Arkham Origins (around 2 years have past since he became Batman, stated to be 27. The story has a 3 month timeskip), 35 to 36 in Arkham Asylum (Origins takes place 8 years before the events of Asylum), Around 35.5 - 37.5 in Arkham City & Arkham Knight (Takes place 0.5 years to 1.5 years/6 months to 18 months), Around 40.5 - 42.5 during SS:KTJL/Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Stated 5 years have pasted)

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities:

Regular Human Abilities, Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Martial Arts Mastery (Batman is an expert martial artist, who has mastered all known forms of martial arts. He has bested the likes of Lady Shiva and Deathstroke in hand-to-hand combat), Social Influence, Acrobatics, Pressure Point Strikes, Vehicular Mastery, Weapon Mastery (Batman is an expert at using his many gadgets, and throw his Batarangs with pinpoint accuracy), Enhanced Senses (Even before becoming Batman he had already trained his senses to the utmost peak to successfully complete the challenges of Togakure-Ryu. Batman can dodge projectiles coming from behind him), Stealth Mastery (Can sneak into buildings filled with armed guards and silently take out foes without making a sound) | Same as Before, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, X-Ray Vision, Retrocognition, Analytical Prediction and Information Analysis (Initially he concentrated his senses to see through walls and other solid objects, though they didn't allow him to analyze information correctly, thus leading him to create Detective Vision, which can show perfect X-Rays, criminal databases, recreate past events, predict future projectile directions, detect sounds even when surrounded by walls etc.), Electricity Manipulation with Remote Electrical Charge and Shock Gloves, Explosion Manipulation with Explosive Gel and Batarangs, Sound Manipulation with Sonic Batarang and Voice Synthesizer, Homing with Remote-Controlled Batarang, Ice Manipulation with Freeze Blast, Technology Manipulation and Hacking with Disruptor (Can disable weapons and locks) and Cryptographic Sequencer (Can hack computers and mainframes), Smoke Manipulation (With Smoke Bombs), Fire Manipulation with Thermal Gloves and Batarangs, Summoning (Can call vehicles like the Batmobile and Batwing to him), Gliding with Cape, Fear Manipulation with Fear Gas, Status Effect Inducement (With Sonic Batarangs, regular Batarangs, and the Concussion Detonator, he can disorient or knock out foes), Adhesive Manipulation with Glue Grenade, Preparation, Body Control (Can control his breathing), Summoning (Can summon bats), Illusion Creation (Can create simulations anywhere to test Azrael) and Vibration Manipulation (Can unleash a wave of kinetic energy after a dive bomb into the ground for create a shockwave), Longevity (Batman aged slower than normal humans due to having extremely healthy cells, without any superhuman degree. In addition, this power would activate when Batman was in his young-adult years and he'd look twenty-years old. Finally, Batman could easily live well over 100 years old since this quality was at peak-human level.), Supernatural Willpower/Indominal Will

Attack Potency: Around Street Level+ (Without his suit his is a super powered human, broke Penguin's wrist) | Large Room Level+ (Can trade blows with and is comparable in strength to those capable of harming him. Able to kick through steel bars and destroy brick walls.), Wall Level to Large Room Level+ With Weapons (His Explosive Gel can destroy large walls, his Batarangs can hurt others.) | Building Level+ (Stronger than before, based of size.) | Small Building Level+ (Can trade blows with and is comparable in strength to those capable of harming him. The suit may have made his stronger.) | Small Building Level+ (Stated to be stronger than his past self.) | Small Building Level+, to Building Level (His suit is more reinforced/stronger.) | Building Level (Stronger than before, Unknown how he compares to the Armored Suit) | At Least Large City Level (Batman was considered so strong that Brainiac made him the leader, Comparable to Durability.) | At Least Large City Level+ (Stated that anyone controlled by Braniac becomes stronger by an unknown margin.)

Destructive Capacity: Street Level | At Least Wall Level (Can destroy walls), Wall to Small Building Level with Weapons (Can destroy walls, cars, and others on this level) | Same as before but Higher

Speed: Peak Human Travel Speed, Massively Hypersonic Reaction Speed (Higher Than Before, comparable to Catwoman who can dodge lightning from a drone) | Superhuman Travel Speed, Massively Hypersonic, possibly Higher Reaction Speed (Way Higher Than Before because of Braniac)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Capable of tossing grown men around and snapping small metal bars with ease. Held his own against Deathstroke. Casually ripped apart Riddler's robots with his bare hands. Forced open a metal gate all by himself. Can easily lift fully-grown men by the neck with just one arm. Can effortlessly rip apart metal grates without making a sound.) | Possibly Class 10 (Stronger via Braniac)

Striking Strength: Around Street Level+ | Large Room Level+ | Building Level+ | Small Building Level+ | Small Building Level+ | Small Building Level+, to Building Level | Building Level (Stronger than before, Unknown how he compares to the Armored Suit) | At Least Large City Level | At Least Large City Level+

Durability: Around Street Level+ | Large Room Level+ | Building Level+ | Small Building Level+ | Small Building Level+ | Small Building Level+, to Building Level | Building Level (Stronger than before, Unknown how he compares to the Armored Suit) | At Least Large City Level (Batman was consitered so strong that Brainiac made him the leader. The Flash suit was made by Bruce and could withstand speeds faster than the human eye [Subsonic] and the energy it creates, the green lantern force field was stronger than a nuke [that can blow up metropolis witch is stated to be a large city], Batman's suit should be comparable to withstand long fights with these people. Feat explained on YT here.) | At Least Large City Level+

Stamina: Superhuman (Can still fight at peak condition even while heavily injured. Even high dosages of Scarecrow's Fear Toxin couldn't stop him)

Range: Standard Melee Range with gadgets

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Batman is an expert in a many number of fields. A highly-skilled martial artist, being able to go toe-to-toe with several enemies with much greater fighting experience than him, like Lady Shiva, Deathstroke and the like. Solved all of the Riddler's puzzles multiple times, a character with a genius intellect, during his career.)

Weaknesses: Regular Human Weaknesses, though has repeatedly survived situations that would easily kill regular people. Refuses to kill. Questionable mental state and trauma from his childhood due to witnessing his parents' death, although this rarely affects his reasoning or combat skills, always managing to retain his composure even during intense situations. Has no regard for his own health and will do anything to protect innocents and loved ones, falling into a severe state of depression upon witnessing them die, as in the case of Jason Todd's "death". Initially he suffered from the effects of Joker's infected blood even after being cured which resulted in him suffering from intense hallucinations almost turning into the Clown Prince of Crime himself in terms of behavior and actions, but eventually he was able to overcome it by the end of Arkham Knight.


Wins (1):[]

Ironman (MCU): Batman was in his Asylum/City while Ironman was in his Mark 1 suit, Batman won Mid - Low Diff (Ironman had no explosives and none were given prep time)

Loses ():[]
