Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
You're in the way... so, I'll kill you...
~ The One's repeated quote.


Beast the One is the ULTRAMAN movie adaption of the Kaiju Bemular. Both have the similarity of appearing in a body of water and coming from space, but The One is a being with similarities to the Ultras.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A | 9-A | 9-A | 8-C | 7-B

Key: Base | First Form | Second Form | Third Form | Fourth & Fifth Form

Name: Beast the One, Takafumi Udo, The One, The First Beast

Origin: ULTRAMAN (2004)

Gender: Unknown, likely genderless. Male as Takafumi Udo

Age: Unknown, 30 years old for Takafumi Udo

Classification: Kaiju, Monster, Space Beast, Alien

Powers and Abilities:

  • Possession & Corruption (Type 2: Physically corrupted Takafumi Udo and mutated him via merging with him and even took over his mind destroying Takafumi Udo's humanity)
  • Self-Sustenance (Type 1: Does not need to breathe and can fly in space without needing to breathe)

Resistance to:

All previous abilities (except for Flight & Spaceflight), as well as:

  • Shapeshifting (Can partially transform his limbs into his true form and fully transform from a human form to his true beast form)
  • Acrobatics (Can perform leaps of extraordinary distances in his prison cell)
  • Reactive Evolution (Was able to gain resistance to poisons made to kill him, and in later forms was able to grow in size and gain bodily features)

All previous abilities as well as:

Resistance to:

All previous abilities as well as:

  • Telepathy (Could telepathically speak to Maki and The Next)

All previous abilities as well as:

All previous abilities as well as:

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Destroyed a part of submersible) | Small Building level (Stronger than before. Easily killed a soldier and smashed through a prison wall) | Small Building level (Even stronger than his first form. Easily walk through piping and smashed through a thick wall) | Building level (Can generate this much energy. Can trades blows with 10 meters Anphans Ultraman the Next) | City level (It's fireballs capable of incinerated multiple buildings. Can physically harm Junis Ultraman the Next who can witstand his fireballs)

Speed: Unknown | Peak Human (Blitzed a soldier before he could react) | At least Peak Human (Should be faster than before) | Subsonic (Via sheer size) | Subsonic speed (Via sheer size), with Supersonic+ flight and reactions speed [Mach 3] (Kept up with Junis Ultraman the Next)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Withstands a water pressure at the bottom of ocean) | Class M (Stronger than before) | Class M (Even more stronger than his first form) | Class M (Can move it’s own 44,000 metric tons) | Class M (Fourth form weighs 99,000 metric tons and Fifth Form weighs 120,000 metric tons). Class G with Wings (His wings can create shockwaves which destroyed the skyscrapers)

Striking Strength: Small Building Class | Small Building Class | Small Building Class | Building Class | City Class

Durability: Small Building level (Witstand water pressure at the bottom of ocean with no trouble) | Small Building level (Easily smashed through prision wall with no sign of being hurt) | Small Building level (More durable than before. Guns are shown to be no affects on him) | Building level (Via sheer size and weight) | City level (Tanked multiple blows from Junis Ultraman the Next)

Stamina: Superhuman (Was chased by The Next across galaxies in continuous battle before his arrival on Earth. After his first fight against The Next, he was continuing on hunting humans and feed on them all night without showing any signs of tiring)

Range: Standard Melee Range (Is the size of human body) | Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range via tail in first form | Extended Melee Range via sheer size | Tens of Meters via sheer size | Tens of Meters via sheer size, at least Hundreds of Meters to Kilometers via energy projection

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: At least Average, possibly higher (Capable of speech, hunting down The Next, recognising The Next as a threat, and understanding The Next's compulsion to protect humans and being able to exploit it)

Weaknesses: Atomises him on the molecular level is the only way to kill him. Otherwise none notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
