Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Benny Sharp is a shady mech dealer that was born in New Jersey, before moving to Boston. He sold mech armors to anyone that had enough money to purchase one, which wasn't cheap. He made hundreds of mech armors for hundreds of different clients. Eventually, while trying to make a gravity controlling mech, his cousin Billy went to the Superhero Corrections and Placement Foundation, or the SCP Foundation, to steal some tech, but was eventually captured. Benny went to go scout out their prison, the Infinite IKEA, when suddenly, a bunch of guards and one of the recently promoted SCP researcher, Abagail Abbasquatch, who had previously questioned Benny. They were dragging a young girl into the prison and a creature called a Bio-Mech. These are symbiote-like creatures that latch onto a host and give them access to a plethora of technologically advanced weapons. Fascinated by the creature he saw, Benny charged in and snatched the Bio-Mech and flew away. The Bio Mech introduced itself as Charlie and together they worked together to get Billy and Kayla, the girl and Charile's previous host, out of there. They succeeded, but Benny was no longer liked by the Foundation.

He eventually discovered dimensional technology, and gained a lot of friends (mostly from other universes), from Kayla, Tayrunn, Heath, Alexis, Sternling, Astra, Mara, Vasilia, and Champagne, and went on all sorts of wacky adventures.

Oh, and he tried to drown a gopher twice and then shot it into another dimension.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Likely 10-C physically| 9-A with Mech Armors| Low 7-C with Mecha God Smasher| High 6-A with most Mech Armors| Likely higher with prep

Name: Benjamin "Benny" Sharp

Origin: Popcross Studios

Gender: Male

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Intelligence, Weapon Mastery, Invisibility with Invisibility Harness, Flight with Hoverboots, Dimensional Travel with certain technology.

With Mech Armor with Charlie attached: Biological Manipulation, limited Shapeshifting, Homing Attack with rockets, Energy Projection with lasers. Plasma Manipulation, Resistance (Type 1 and Type 2), Body Control (Charlie can manipulate Benny's body to activate or deactivate different body parts, but can easily revive him), Flight, likely Dimensional Travel

With Plasma Blade Armor: Plasma Manipulation, Flight, Resistance (Type 1 and Type 2), resistance to Sound Manipulation, likely Dimensional Travel.

With Mechtic-Guana Armor: Resistance (Type 1 and Type 2), Ice Manipulation, Wall Climbing, Infinite Energy Power Source.

With Mecha God Smasher: Large Size (Type 2), Resistance (Type 1 and Type 2), Homing Attack with rockets, Energy Projection with lasers, Plasma Manipulation when the bot activates it's ultra fist attack, Plasma appears around it.

Attack Potency: Human level physically (Has not shown to do anything beyond that of a normal human) | Small Building level with Mech Armors (Should scale to the likes of Vigorshy, who should scale to his actual SCP counterpart. SCP-096 can go toe to toe with SCP-682, who can destroy skyscapers). | Small City level with Mecha God Smasher (Should scale to SCP-P383, who caused a 12 megaton explosion). | Multi-Continental with most Mech Armors (Most mech armors scale above a mech that managed to cool down the entire planet, since Benny did make it rather casually) | Likely higher with prep time.

Speed: Lightspeed (Can easily avoid lasers)

Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Can lift a creature very similar to a Anklosaurus, which usually weigh anywhere from 5.5 tons to 9 tons).

Striking Strength: Human level physically (Has not shown to do anything beyond that of a normal human) | Small Building level with Mech Armors (Should scale to the likes of Vigorshy, who should scale to his actual SCP counterpart. SCP-096 can go toe to toe with SCP-682, who can destroy skyscapers). | Small City level with Mecha God Smasher (Should scale to SCP-P383, who caused a 12 megaton explosion).

Durability: Human level physically (Has not shown to do anything beyond that of a normal human). | Multi-City Block level for most Mech Armors (Most of the mech armors he wears are made of titanium) | Small City level with Mecha God Smasher (Can tank similar hits that it can produce).

Stamina: Athletic

Intelligence: Genius, possibly Supergenius (Has created several mech armors that can keep up with Superheroes, and has created technology that can allow him to travel the Multiverse)

Weaknesses: His suits have been hacked before and majority of his suits seem to be weak to overloading electricity, considering when he and his friends were placed against fighters specifically made to counter them, he was placed against a large electric creature and nearly died before Mara stepped in and saved him.

Optional Equipment: Charlie, Mecha God Smasher.


Canon | Popcross Studios


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
