tier :1s
name beyonder
origin marvel
gender male
attack potency: 1s, he’s beyond marvel and marvel omniverse includes infinite megaverses each with infinite multiverses and each multiverse has infinite dimensions, these dimensions function the same way as dc dimensions each with absolute infinite universes and there are infinite floors beyond this and each universes have extraversal ^^^^^^^^………^^^^^^^^^^ extraversal amount of hierarchies equal to the peach of set theory and worlds within and besides worlds infinitely and each universe is a multiverse and an omniverse and atoms have universes within universes infinitely and dark tower https://youtu.be/a-z_XKxcb7c?si=9kMfpVvtb6R0uPvC https://neugierde.github.io/cantors-attic/Upper_attic https://www.rudyrucker.com/infinityandthemind/ https://archive.org/details/higherinfinitela0000kana https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.04093 https://philarchive.org/archive/BRIISA-6
speed irrelevant
durability extraversal
intelligence omniscience
lifting strength : irrelevant
striking strength: extraversal