The wolf, better known as The Big Bad Wolf, is the main antagonist of the Foxymations analog horror series.
He was a person who was corrupted by a witch and transformed into an anthropomorphic lupine entity with an insatiable thirst for blood and supernatural powers.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-B
Name: The Wolf, The Big Bad Wolf
Origin: Analog Horror, Foxymations
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Demonic Entity
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Large Size (Type 0; Is far taller than a door and is likely as tall as small houses)
- Bodily Weaponry (Possesses teeth and claws)
- Enhanced Senses (Should be comparable to grey wolves)
- Immortality (Type 2; Survived gunshots that would be fatal to a human)
- Resistance to Pain (The Wolf casually shrugged off being shot three times with an AK-47 at point-blank)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (The Wolf takes the souls of each and every one of his victims and traps them inside a twisted pocket dimension, preventing them from ever going to the afterlife until the Wolf is killed)
- Possible Non-Physical Interaction (The Wolf's victims keep their post-mortem appearance, even when they do ascend to the afterlife, heavily implying that the Wolf was directly hurting their souls)
- Stealth Mastery (Is abundantly sneaky and stealthy)
- Clairvoyance (Found Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother's house so quickly)
- Teleportation
- Invisibility
- Vocal Mimicry (Can mimic his voices, tricking Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother thinking he was her granddaughter due to his voice mimicry)
- Social Influencing (Is a master manipulator, being perfectly able to act affable towards possible prey)
- Illusion Creation (Can cloak his true form, appearing as a more friendly version of himself. Could make Hansel hallucinate with his face stalking him. He was able to convincingly mimic one of the Pig's voice)
Attack Potency: At least Wall level (Easily overpowered and completely mauled a matured Grizzly Bear and came out unscathed. Torn apart Little Red Riding Hood, her grandmother and her mother.[1] Busted through a wooden door,[2] and killed two of the Three Little Pigs. Destroyed the hunter's face.[3] Broke one of the windows with ease)
Speed: Subsonic (Blitzed his victims before they react)
Lifting Strength: Class K (Torn apart his victims and ripped one of the Three Little Pigs's head. Far superior to Grizzly bears)
Striking Strength: At least Wall level
Durability: At least Wall level (Could tank three point-blank shots from an AK-47. Durable enough to survive a fire for long periods of time before thirty seconds)
Stamina: Superhuman (Can hunt his victims for long periods of time. Endured from getting shot by a shotgun)
Range: Extended Melee Range
Standard Equipment: Teeth, claws
Intelligence: Above Average. By nature, the Wolf is a resourceful and cunning predator. When faced with smarter prey, such as humans, the Wolf will take a cautious approach to his hunting; stalking them and gradually making them paranoid in order to cause an opening and kill them effortlessly. In other cases, the Wolf will instead manipulate his prey into accidentally giving out valuable information, mainly the location of other potential prey, as seen in the case of the Red Riding Hood and her Granny.
Standard Tactics: The Wolf will typically only attack under dark environments in order to obscure his prey's vision and attack them from behind. He will go out of his way to destroy any light sources to facilitate this.
Weaknesses: The Wolf's sadism causes him to everextend encounters just to inflict more pain in his victims. The Wolf lacks any supernatural regenerative abilities, as his gun wounds never fully heal. The Wolf's fur is highly susceptible to flames.