Big Boss/Naked Snake is the soldier sent to the Soviet Union in order to destroy the Shagohod and kill The Boss, however, in this secret mode, he finds many difficulties whether is be an unfortunate misstep, accidentally setting off explosives, a time travelling assassin, his former mentor holding a grudge because she lost in Rock Paper Scissor or his team showing him up.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C
Name: Big Boss, Naked Snake
Origin: Metal Gear
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Classification: Soldier
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Effortlessly defeated The Boss in CQC), Sleep Manipulation (With MK 22), Explosion Manipulation (With RPG and C3), Pain Suppression (Was fine after being caught in the treads of the Shagohod and being hit by a bombing)
Attack Potency: Building Level (Can harm those who can damage him)
Speed: Superhuman (Was able to chase EVA's motorcycle on foot)
Lifting Strength: Average
Striking Strength: Building Level
Durability: Building Level (Tanked an explosion that blew up a bridge, Survived being bombed by fighter jets), possibly Far Higher (Depending on which Secret Theatre episodes are canon to each other, Big Boss survives being shot point blank by a nuclear warhead and Groznyj Grad exploding)
Stamina: Superhuman (Made it from Russia to the United States on foot in a short period of time after being injured in a bombing)
Range: Standard melee range, Several metres with guns
Standard Equipment: MK 22 Handgun, RPG, C3
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: Is missing an eye, Many of his actions go horribly wrong
Note: The profile only covers Big Boss in the non-canonical Secret Theatre mode and not the canonical entries in the series. To see the canon Big Boss profile, click here
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: