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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
~ Bill Cipher during Weirdmageddon

Summary SU[]

Bill Cipher is a triangular Chaos God And Dream Demon who exists in the Mind/Dreamscape and the true antagonist of Gravity Falls, secretly being responsible for many of the most important events of and leading up to the show. Years ago, Bill made contact Stanford "Ford" Pines, posing as a muse who revealed himself only once every century to a special individual. Tricking Ford into thinking of him as a friend, Bill promised the answers to all of his questions so long as Ford allowed him access to his mind. Ford eventually built a trans-universal portal that he believed would bring answers to important questions until he discovered the true purpose of the device. The portal would act as a connection between the real world and the realm of nightmares, allowing Bill and his friends to pour through, leaving their realm to claim another universe. Ford shut the portal off and denying Bill access to the universe. Years later, after Bill reveals himself to more members of the Pines family and begins to stir up even more trouble in Gravity Falls, he inches his way closer to his goal. As of "Weirdmageddon Part I", he has managed to finally achieve physical form and enter the real world and is beginning to spread madness and chaos across the globe.


Tier: 11-A, Varies via Possession | Varies physically depending on his size, Low 7-C, possibly 6-B with Energy Projection, up to 4-A via Size Manipulation & Reality Warping, 3-B, Low 2-C, likely 2-C | 2-A, likely High 2-A, potentialy 1-C to Low 1-B

Name: Unknown (His true name can cause madness in human beings), goes by Bill Cipher (As a dimensional username), Bipper (When possessing Dipper Pines), Creature No. 326

Origin: Gravity Falls

Gender: Indefinable (Bill's species has 14 billion different genders), referred to as Male

Age: At least 1 trillion years old (He has been trapped in the Dreamscape for this long)

Classification: Unknown species from the 2nd Dimension, Dream Demon


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Incorporeality (Bill is stated to be a being made out of pure energy. Ford Pines also stated he was a non-corporeal entity), Invisibility (Implied that Mindscape beings are normally invisible), Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 3, Aspect Type 5 [Body and Energy]: Bill is existing in a state of quantum uncertainty, meaning that everything that he is, he is also not), Acausality (Type 4, Bill lived in and made Nightmare Realm his new home, which is described to be Lawless and lacks consistent Physics), Immortality (Type 1 and 6, Stated that he will never die), if Bill tricks his target into making a deal with him he gains access to: Soul and Mind Removal, Possession (Showcased here), Extrasensory Perception (Implied to have more senses than humans. Could see Dipper's soul despite none else could), Extreme Fourth Wall Breaking and Awareness (He is aware of the real world and can "see" us, changed the entire intro of the show after Weirdmageddon started he also changed the text "Created by Alex Hirsch" into "Created by Bill Cipher". Was able to possess Alex and make a reddit account for himself), Mind Manipulation, Telepathy, Dream Manipulation and Nightmare Inducement (Can know what others are thinking at the very moment. Was able to enter Stans mind possibly through his dreams to fullfill his deal with Gideon. Bill is a dream demon, so he is able to enter dreams and can then turn them into Nightmares), Flight (Is always floating in the air, was able to replicate the moon), Telekinesis (Was able to take the teeth of a deer and then put them back), Teleportation, Intangibility (Has shown the ability to disappear into thin air, somehow appeared behind Dipper while he was looking directly at Bill. He also was able to come through the ground behind Dipper without alerting him even though Dipper was looking right at him), Energy Projection (Fired a beam of energy which blew a hole in dippers mindscape form [Which contains both the soul and mind), Shapeshifting, Body Control, Elasticity, Voice Mimicry (Turned into Soos and tricked Mabel and Dipper by mimicing his voice perfectly, can also use his own body like a telephone which can be called. Manifested from the moon itself, when he gets angry he turns red and becomes scarier, is shown to be very elastic when he wants, became a slot machine version of himself.), Precognition (Combat Inapplicable. It is heavily implied he was able to foresee weirdmageddon way before it happened, Quickly saw Dipper waking up, screaming and acting in a specific way before it happened and did an impression of it perfectly, later asked Soos if he wanted to hear the exact time and date of his death. Told Ford to not have a heart attack as he wasn't 92 yet, implying he knows when and how Ford will die. Replied being asked twice if he could see the future by claiming to see the questioner's future, and that he could "see a kaleidoscope of temporal probability with fluctuating range", seeing in it "infinite alternate versions of [himself] in infinite alternate dimensions answering [the] question with infinite variation", one of them having "answered by vomiting a stream of blood and prime numbers out of his third mouth!". While being erased Bill showed a single image of his statue in the forest which we see later in the episode at the ending), Retrocognition (Displayed here), Memory Manipulation (While possessing Ford, Bill deleted a word from his vocabulary and replaced it with another, listed "Eating childhood memories" as fun), Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation, Gravity Manipulation (Changed the gravity of the dream world by simply tipping his hat off to Dipper), Creation (Created the humans Mabel was thinking enough with a single snap. Created "a head that is always screaming" with a simple clap, a staff for himself in the same episode), Selective Time Stop (Stopped time upon first appearing, even though a Deer, Dipper, Mabel, Gideon and Soos was still able to move), Clairvoyance and Cosmic Awareness (Can see through paintings and representations of himself, can see everything those who summon him see. Can "watch" the entire universe from the Nightmare Realm. Can see the actions of all of his other infinite selves), Duplication (Is able to make several versions of himself and control all of them), Extreme Charisma and Manipulation Skills (Tricked and terrorized great minds in history "since time began". Tricked Ford and is described as being highly charismatic, and often aims to reach his personal gains through deals & deceptions, previously making others believe incorrect notions), possibly Non-Physical Interaction (Bill took a bite out of and has tasted the concept of life which he adds that it tastes like "Uracil Cytocine and Thymine"), Air Manipulation (Stated that he can eradicate "ALL OXYGEN ON THE PLANET LEADING TO GLOBAL ASPHYXIATION!"), Immersion (Was implied that he used to be in a comic book), Void Manipulation and Power Nullification (Reduced the Mindscape into a white void, nullifying the abilities of Dipper, Mabel and Soos), Electricity Manipulation (Can release electricity from his body), Technology Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Resistance to Pain Manipulation (Implied he forgot how pain felt until he possessed Dippers body)

All of his previous powers barring Incorporeality, Nonexistent Physiology, and Resistance to Pain Manipulation, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3), Sleep Manipulation (Had the power to put Mabel to sleep with a simple snap of his fingers), Immortality (Types 2, 3 and 4), Regeneration (Low-Godly, Lacked a physical form and easily created one for himself, it is stated that he would have been able to form himself in other ways if he wanted to. Even when Ford used the weapon that was meant to permanently kill Bill he still regenerates the damage though it is likely he was only able to survive it since Ford missed the large part of his body), Plot Manipulation (Likely Non-Combat Applicable, Changed the entire intro of the show after Weirdmageddon started he also changed the text "Created by Alex Hirsch" into "Created by Bill Cipher"), Resurrection (Non-Combat Applicable and Mid-Godly overtime, By speaking a special incantation and asking for help to the Axolotl, he can return to life after being erased after unknown periods of time and methods), Biological Manipulation, Transmutation, Petrification (Sent an laser from his eye which turned Ford into pure gold he did this twice, but both times did not kill him, he made an entire throne out of humans he petrified into stone. Transformed six people into banners with a snap of his fingers. Shown that his powers could be use to play ping-pong with a planet, despite its natural structure disallowing elasticity and rebound. Shuffled "the functions of every hole" in Preston's face), Reality Warping, Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Empowerment (Weirdmageddon, the event that Bill caused and controls: Ford stated that every minute Bills power grows stronger, it is considered to be a Apocalpyse and can possibly affect the multiverse, it can send waves of Weirdness which can make objects come to life, spawn random beings, transmutate beings and objects, change the size of beings to insane degrees, bring game characters and two dimensional beings to the third dimension and several other logic breaking effects. Bill states that "Meaning has no Meaning" and that "Existence is upside down", Madness Bubbles are shown to warp the shows animation by changing the very fabric of reality. after the Bubble is gone he states he will rewrite the reality from any kind of law and causality system it is supported by his powers being used to play ping-pong with a planet and break logic all together), possible Chaos Manipulation (It is stated that Bill is a Chaos God), Additional Limbs (Can grow as many arms as he wishes to), Pocket Reality Manipulation, BFR, Sealing, Animal Manipulation (Created Mabelland and trapped Mabel there, there are some parts of Mabelland made out of bugs), Creation, Madness Manipulation (Types 2 and 3, Can create madness bubbles that can induce madness into whatever it touches or it can also randomly make a reality warping feat, his true name can cause ecstasy and frenzy to mortals, and they would disintegrate into vapor. His "true form" beneath his exoskeleton could drive Fiddleford to insanity), Time Manipulation (When starting Weirdmageddon stated that time was dead while showing a clock and birds slowing down until stopping, later Blendin described the place as "time dodge", killing Time Baby gave him improved control over time. Listed "Making time stop forever" as fun), Energy Projection, Energy Manipulation, Durability Negation (Is able to send energy beams from his hands that can cause giant explosions these beams are able to absolutely vaporize Time Baby), Enhanced Telekinesis (Used it on Ford and made it so he is completely immobile), Fire Manipulation (Bill was able to burn the journals with likely a thought, he can send flame waves), Forcefield Creation (Made an shield on his eye which stopped Dippers punch and then sent him flying back), Dimensional Manipulation and Subjective Reality (Originally came from the 2nd dimension, which he described as a flat world. Liberated and destroyed said dimension with every 2-Dimensional being in it. Later Bill ascended to the higher dimension and took Nightmare Realm as his new dimension and home, this is supported by Bill describing gaining a 3-Dimensional physical form as "a multi-dimensional makeover". Brought video game characters such as Rumble McSkirmish into the real world), Weather Manipulation (Created a gigantic lighting storm that scared all his friends after he got angry), Intangibility (Was able to go through the floor of his room, this may have been done through his control over Space), Probability Manipulation (Created Mabeland, where everything, even simple activities such as skipping stones is perfect), Enhanced Mind Manipulation, Astral Projection (1 layer; Bill implies he now doesn't need dreams to enter minds, since he was gonna enter Fords mind anyway if he did not have the metal plate, Bill can also now Mind Control people when he wants, leaving them as flying puppets with likely no consciousness. Paralyzed the minds of all the zodiac symbols before turning them into banners, including Old McGucket, who is unaffected by the Memory Gun, that can erase minds and memories), Spatial Manipulation (Stated that he has the ability to control and manipulate space entirely), Matter Manipulation (Bill stated that he has full control over Matter which is supported by him threatening to disassemble Dipper and Mabel's molecules), Enhanced Duplication (Briefly demonstrated in his battle against Shacktron by making several exact clones himself to confuse Shacktron), Size Manipulation (Up to Large Size Type 7, Bill is able to control his size in anyway he likes, making himself and others, even bigger than planets or to the size of a whole galaxy), Power Bestowal (Bill Cipher displayed this when amping Henchmaniacs so they can fight Shacktron and can grant wishes by deals)

Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiation (Was shown his freely in outer space), Madness Manipulation (One peek into the Nightmare Realm drove Fiddleford briefly insane and made him poetically describe a future event; Bill lived there for 1 trillion years), Quantum Manipulation (Bill is existing in a state of quantum uncertainty, thus making manipulations of quantum particles ineffective against him), Physics Manipulation (Bill lived in and made Nightmare Realm his new home, which is described to lacks consistent Physics), Dimensional Manipulation (Can control his own dimensionality), Unconventional Biological Manipulation, Poison Manipulation (Bill is stated to be a being made out of pure energy)

Power Nullification (The Unicorn barrier couldn't nullify Bill's power like it did with other beings like Bill.)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Plane Level (Originally came from the 2nd dimension, which he described as flat, destroyed said dimension with every 2-Dimensional being in it. Would describe gaining a 3-Dimensional physical form is "a multi-dimensional makeover"), Varies via Possession (Doesn't exist in the physical world unless he's possessing someone or an inanimate object), able to ignore durability in some ways | Varies physically depending on his size (His power displayed changes drastically based on the size he takes. The standard size he showed while confined within Gravity Falls was kid-sized or around 6 meters long, if not more), Small Town level (While increased in the latter size, he made a giant crater by smashing his fist against the ground), possibly Country level with Energy Projection (Annihilated Time Baby, who he claimed weighs 9 trillion tons), up to Multi-Solar System level via Size Manipulation & Reality Warping (Shown that Ford with his powers could use them to grow larger than a galaxy in length while being smaller in width and seemingly remaining the normal speed of his moments when seen in a third-person perpective), Multi-Galaxy Level (Stated to be capable of giving Stanley his own galaxy, which is also supported by the fact that Standford is visually shown standing over a galaxy when Bill states he can have unlimited power prior), Universe Level+ (Bill's entrance into the universe caused all natural laws to be distorted, including all of Time and Space), likely Low Multiverse Level (States that he can tamper with alternate realities) | Multiverse Level+, likely High Multiverse Level+ (One-shotting The Time Baby gave him control over all Time and Space. Poses a threat to all existence, which contains a multiverse. Said multiverse is confirmed to be infinite multiple times. It’s also confirmed to have five spatial dimensions at one point. Bill is a threat to the WIDER multiverse. Embodies the Nightmare Realm, which connects all dimensions in existence, which, again, means five spatial dimensions), potentialy Complex Multiverse level to Low Hyperverse level (Is a threat to the wider multiverse and its inhabitants, which includes 7 to 11 dimensional beings. Fought and defeated the Shacktron, which was being empowered by an Interdimensional portal that is powerful enough to shake the entire Nightmare Realm, a 5-D, possibly 12-D infinite structure that encompasses infinite universes in itself), able to ignore durability in many ways


Varies via Possession | Subsonic+ normally (Closed a gap of several meters very suddenly), up to Massively FTL+ via Size Manipulation & Reality Warping (Shown that Bill could use his powers to grow around Earth's size and quickly travel interplanetary distances, while Ford with his powers could grow around the size of a galaxy while seemingly remaining the normal, human speed of his moments when seen in a third-person perspective. travels to a galaxy) | Immeasurable (Is a 4D being and traverses space and time. Unbound by time. Stated that time is dead and things started to stop moving, however other things continued to do so. Blitzed the Time Baby), possibly Nigh-Omnipresent (Transcends Space-Time, states that everything he is, he is not, and is one with the nightmare realm, which connects all worlds)

Lifting Strength[]

Unknown, Varies via Possession | Unknown physically, Class K with Telekinesis (Lifted the Fearamid), up to Multi-Stellar to Universal via Size Manipulation & Reality Warping

Striking Strength[]

Plane Class, Varies via Possession, able to ignore durability in some ways | Varies physically depending on his size, Small Town Class, up to Multi-Solar System Class via Size Manipulation & Reality Warping, Multi-Galactic (Capable of creating galaxies as stated when threatened by Stanley and can even become larger than them, thus he should physically scale to this level), Universal+, likely Low Multiversal | Multiversal+, likely High Multiversal+, potentialy Complex Multiversal to Low Hyperversal, able to ignore durability in many ways


Plane Level, Varies via Possession, able to ignore durability in some ways | Varies physically depending on his size, Small Town level, up to Multi-Solar System level via Size Manipulation & Reality Warping, Multi-Galaxy Level, Universe Level+, likely Low Multiverse Level | Multiverse Level+, likely High Multiverse Level+, potentialy Complex Multiverse level to Low Hyperverse level, able to ignore durability in many ways


Possibly Infinite (Didn't recognize being tired when in Dipper's body, implying it was something new to him), Varies via Possession | Possibly Infinite (As before. Claimed to have infinite power)


2-dimensional. Varies via possession | Varies physically (Due to changing his own size), Universal+ with some of his powers, Interdimensional with Summoning (Pulled a group of interdimensional monsters into the main Gravity Falls universe), Multiversal+ with Dimensional Travel (Stated to be a threat to the entire multiverse, which contains infinite universes, implying he can at least travel to any of those)


Nigh-Omniscient (Is said to know "lots of things", such as the truth of many well-known conspiracies as well as future events, like the destruction of Gideon-bot and that Gideon Gleeful would go to prison. Bill is also able to look through the eye of anything that is made in his image, allowing him to know what occurs even when he isn't around)


Will do irrational things at times and he is extremely cocky and arrogant. His regeneration seems to take a bit of time as he complained about how long it took him to regenerate his eye back. While he is in someone's mind, memory erasure can be used to erase him. However, as hinted by clues such as a hidden incantation Bill spoke in reverse, he can eventually return from being erased

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

  • Finger Beam: Bill Cipher points his index finger at the target, sending out a powerful atomization blast from his fingertip.
  • Eye Beam: Bill fires a powerful beam from his eye, which can melt right through many substances, or turn others to stone.


Mindscape | Physical Form (Restricted) | Physical Form (Unrestricted)


Note 1: I say potentialy 1-C to Low 1-B because there are arguments for it not to be the case.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
