WARNING: This page contains content that might be inappropriate for younger or sensitive viewers. This includes intense brutal descriptions of gore and violence. You might want to back away if you are sensitive to these things.
“ | See, people love that cozy feeling supes give them. Some golden c**t to swoop out of the sky and save the day so you don't got to do it yourself. But if you knew half the shit they get up to? Ooh... fuckin' diabolical. But then... that's where I come in. | „ |
Billy Butcher was the husband of Rebecca Butcher, a Vought International employee who disappeared after being violated by the Homelander. Following this, he accepts an invitation by CIA officer Grace Mallory to join The Boys, a team she had founded aiming to expose the crimes of other corrupt superheroes like Homelander, but the team is disbanded after a failed mission ends with a hero killing Mallory's grandchildren.
Eight to nine years later, Billy approaches Hughie Campbell when Hughie's girlfriend, Robin Ward, is accidentally killed by A-Train, with the two reforming and expanding the team as they launch a secret war against the Seven (and Vought) in an effort to end their superhero menace once and for all.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B physically, 9-A with explosives. | 8-A, possibly 7-C, higher with heat vision | 8-A, possibly7-C,
Key: Base (Pre-Season 4 Finale) | Empowered by Temp-V | Post Kessler's Deal (Season 4 Finale Onwards)/V'd up Tumor
Name: Billy Butcher
Origin: The Boys
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Classification: Human vigilante, leader of The Boys (formerly), former Special Air Forces soldier
Powers and Abilities:
- Stealth Mastery (Could enter Ryan's[1] and stillwell's[2] houses without being noticed. Infiltrated Raynor's office without anyone noticing[3].
- Social Influencing (His bio mentions how he is as charming as he is cunning" and that he "can talk almost anyone into anything, either through a smile or brute force – or sometimes both.)
- Supernatural Willpower (Was able to stand face to face with Homelander withhout feeling scared, despite Homelander claiming that anyone else would be scared. Was able to come up from nearly getting one shot by Black Noir via seeing his friends in danger.)
- Vehicular Mastery (Drove into Translucent while making sure to not hit Hughie. Can drive things like boats and yachts.)
- Preparation (Typically tries to gather information before his missions or confrontations, like talking to Mallory to find out a potential weakness of Homelander or when he studied about Payback's past before facing Gunpowder. Build an explosive-vest to use on Mallory as a way to threaten Homelander. Prepared himself alongside the rest of the team with weapons in order to kill The Seven according to what they know of their powers and weakness. Later, they readied themselves with a plan to save Ryan. During Season 3, he always made sure to inject himself with Temp-V before fights)
Same as before, plus:
- Multiple Selves (Type 3; After developing brain cancer due to the overuse of Temp-V, and taking Compound V in order to try and cure himself, Billy ended up mutating his tumor, giving it superpowers and sentience, much like Sun-Hee's pancreatic cancer, which acted independently from her decisions)
- Remote Listening (Via covert listening devices)
- Limited Electricity Manipulation (With electric cattle prod, which packs enough voltage to drop a water buffalo)
- Limited Smoke Manipulation and Minor Fire Manipulation (With M34 White Phosphorous grenades)
- Statistics Amplification and Power Bestowal with Temp-V (Temporarily becomes a supe for about 24 hours, greatly enhancing his body's capabilities) and Compound V (Stole it from a baby's IV once and took some from Frenchie's desk on a different occasion, with the idea of curing his cancer, but instead it ended up giving powers to his tumor)
- Regeneration upon using either (Mid-Low; Temp-V: Healed bullet wounds from his fight with Gunpowder, and for Hughie it healed his broken arm. Compound V: Healed A-Train's compound fracture[4])
- Limited Disease Manipulation (With the anti-supe virus, but it only works on those with Compound V in theirs system)
- Enhanced Senses (All Supes have a wider range of hearing than humans, and it's comparable to that of dogs)
- Regeneration (Low-Mid; Ashley stated that all supes heal faster than humans)
- Immortality (Type 2 & 3; Should scale to Homelander and Soldier Boy since he has similar abilities to them. Should also scale above Kimkio, who could revive getting her neck snapped.)
- Resurrection (Resuscitation.)
- Immortality (Type 2 & 3; Should scale to Homelander and Soldier Boy since he has similar abilities to them. Should also scale above Kimkio, who could revive getting her neck snapped.)
Attack Potency: Wall Level (Can harm those who can him himself. Can fight with translucent, who survived getting run into by a car[Statistics Values 1]. Can hurt Hughie, who can survive an explosion from a distance[Statistics Values 2].) Small Building Level with explosives[Statistics Values 3] | Multi-City Block Level+, possibly Town Level (Could fight with and hurt Homelander[Statistics Values 4], but couldn't defeat him on his own. Could hurt Soldier Boy, who Homelander claimed was the only person as strong as himself.) higher with Heat Vision (Matched Homelander's Heat Vision, could badly scar Soldier Boy's face with it.) | Likely Multi-City Block level+, Possibly Town Level (Is stated to be at his strongest, and is considered to be a bigger threat to Homelander than ever before.)
Speed: Athletic Travel and reactions speed with Supersonic+ attack speed with weapons, Hypersonic+ attack speed with C4 explosives. | Subsonic+ travel speed (Should be comparable, if not faster than the likes of Black Noir.) with Massively Hypersonic[Statistics Values 5], possibly Relativistic+ combat and reactions (Can keep up with Homelander, and is slightly faster than Soldier Boy.) | Unknown, Likely Subsonic+ travel speed with Massively Hypersonic, possibly Relativistic+ combat and reactions (Has no speed feats after his "deal" with "Kessler", but if he is stronger than he ever been before, there's no reason why he shouldn't be as fast as his Temp-V self.)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Compares to translucent, who can through Hughie around.) | Class M[Statistics Values 6] (Could restrain Homelander for a bit, Homelander being capable of bending some steel and throwing a baseball several dozen, if not hundreds of kilometers away.) | Unknown, Likely Class M (Has no lifting feats after his "deal" with "Kessler", but if he is stronger than he ever been before, there's no reason why he shouldn't be as strong as his Temp-V self.) Possibly Higher with Tendrils (Could easily rip Neuman in half.)
Striking Strength: Wall Class | Multi-City Block Class+, possibly Town Class | Multi-City Block Class+, possibly Town Class
Durability: Wall Level[Statistics Values 7] (Survived being slammed into a desk which fragmented it.) | Multi-City Block Level+, possibly Town Level (Could take blows from Homelander and Soldier Boy.) | Unknown, Multi-City Block Level+, possibly Town Level, (Has no durability feats after his "deal" with "Kessler", but if he is stronger than he's ever been before, there's no reason why he shouldn't be as durable.)
Stamina: Athletic | Peak Human (Could fight Homelander and Soldier Boy for a bit, though we haven't seen him fight for long periods.) | Unknown, at least Peak Human (Butcher's health throughout Season 4 is slowly deteriorating, initially just giving occasional coughing and some dizziness, eventually worsening to the point of needing to be hospitalized. However, prior to his final days, he made a "deal" with "Kessler", and by the end of Season 4 he seems to be back at peak health)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range to Dozens Of Meters with weapons, up to Hundreds Of Meters with Serbu BFG-A50 | Standard Melee Range physically, Tens Of Meters with laser eyes.
- Crowbar
- Beretta 92FS Inox
- 1987 Cadillac Brougham
- | Vials of Temp-V
- Serbu BFG-50A
- M4A1 carbine
- Covert listening device
- Taser rod
- .50 caliber round coated in the same carbon metamaterial as Translucent's skin
- M34 White Phosphorous grenades
- Halothane gas capsules
- Sledgehammer
- Explosive vest activated by pressure-controlled remote (with preparation)
- Propofol
- Stolen yacht and speed boat
- Rohypnol
- Sedatives
- Fire Extinguisher
- Remington Model 870
- M134 Handheld Minigun
- Carbon metamaterial dart loaded with the anti-supe virus
Intelligence: Gifted. (As the leader of the Boys, Billy is a federally trained tactician who has directed successful operations in espionage, capture and blackmail against even the most powerful superheroes and corporations in the world. Came up with idea of bluffing about having evidence of Homelander's son to Edgar in order to stop Black Noir's attack on the spot and succeeded. He is also a clever fighter, as he revealed Translucent's invisible body by spitting his own blood onto it during their fight, and fabricated an explosive vest, that was activated by pressure-controlled remote, so that if Homelander killed him the explosives will still go off)
Standard human weaknesses. Reckless in his desire to take the Seven (especially Homelander) down. Is willing to throw away missions and even risk his life in other to protect those he care for.
Same as before, minus his human limitations. Temp-V is only temporary and its effects only last for 24 hours. Its effects can make Billy feel ill and it causes brain lesions, with 3 to 5 doses stated to be lethal. The regeneration from taking Temp-V only heals injuries the user had prior to taking it. After taking several doses of Temp-V, Billy eventually developed brain tumors, and has an estimated lifespan of 18 months. As a supe, he is vulnerable to high-frequency sounds, which can cause him immense pain.
His health is slowly deteriorating due to the evolution of his cancer, which also started to cause him to see hallucinations of his deceased wife Becca, as well as from an ex-coworker named Joe Kessler, who Butcher thought was real and alive for a time. After taking Compound V to try and cure himself, it ended up giving powers and sentience to his tumor, which (represented by this hallucination of Joe Kessler) constantly tries to influence Butcher to follow his darkest desires, eventually succeeding. Initially, Butcher had no control over his tumor's powers, though by the end of Season 4, he seems to have control over it, as long as he follows his dark side.
Note: While every weapon would include the Tsar Bomba, there’s reasons why the statement likely wouldn’t include that bomb. For one, at this moment in time, only Russia had access to the Tsar Bomba, so it’s not very likely that they had used that specific nuke on him. The second issue is that Soldier Boy, who is considered nearly as strong as Homelander himself was stated to be able to die to Hydrogen bombs which include the Tsar Bomba, and three, Vought likes to lie a lot and they aren't credible at all, so its very unlikely that Theye'd actually have access to nuclear weapons. Also, regarding Nubia, Homelander wouldn't scale to it as we don't see her create her storm in a combat applicable way, plus I've heard that the feat has apparently been debunked to Large Building Level, i don't not have the debunk, but i did send a friend request to someone who supposedly has it and im waiting from a response from them. Its also a Hax thing as well. So it’s very likely that Soldier Boy, Homelander, and Billy wouldn’t upscale nukes.
Notable Matchups[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: