Billy Loomis was the first mastermind killer in the franchise. He was Sidney Prescott's boyfriend
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, Higher with weapons
Name: William "Billy" Loomis, Ghostface
Origin: Scream
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Killcount: 2 (Himbry, Maureen Prescott)
Weight:176,5 Lbs
Classification: Killer, Ghostface Killer, Human, High School Student
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Limited Sound Manipulation (Via voice changer)
- Weapon Mastery and Marksmanship (Is able to shot an gun with one arm only, something that requires a good dexterity. Is able to disembowl people with a knife. Noticed that Stu had left the safety trigger on when held at gunpoint by Gale, which allowed him to disarm her. Both himself and Stu had a plan on how to exactly stab each other so as to not cause fatal injury.)
- Social Influencing (Charisma - Conviced the police and Sidney he was not the killer. Conviced Stu to help on his killing spree. Deception - Was able to hide his true nature. Faked his death with Stu's help, and when he reappeared later, he had managed to fool Sidney by playing as the 'wounded survivor')
- Stealth Mastery (Had entered on principal Himbry's room and had hidden behind his door undetected. Stalked Sidney and Tatum during daytime without being noticed.)
- Slight Resistance to Pain (After being stabbed and roll down stairs, he could still get up and fight, managed to overcome the pain of having Sidney's finger onto his wound in order of trying to stab her, and only failed due to Gale shooting him.)
Attack Potency: Street Level (Overwhelmed Sidney Prescott while injured. Disembowled Himbry. Knocked back Gale Weathers with a kick to the stomach (679,68 J). Knocked down Randy Meeks with a punch, leaving him dazed out. Made Stu Macher a bloody mess by stabbing him multiple times. Broke glass with his bare hands.), Higher with weapons (Knifes throught the franchise had sliced people open, shoved through skulls and door, and used to kill and one-shot multiples peoples, with firearms, not being too different, with a Berreta M9 going up to (617 J).)
Speed: Peak Human+ travel speed (Dissapeared after knocking on Himbry's door, twice (11.476 M/S). Cut Sidney off before she could leave the kitchen even when she had a head start and he took the longer way around.), with Superhuman+ combat and reactions (Attacked Sidney, Himbry, and Randy before either could react.) up to Supersonic attack speed via Berreta M9 (A berreta M9 can shot in a velocity of (381 M/S).)
Lifting Strength: At most Athletic Human (Had managed to effortlessly lift Sidney Prescott (130 Lbs), to slam her against the ground, and then proceed to overpower and choke her with one hand. Could hang Himbry (200 Lbs/90,71 Kgs) on a football field goalpost off-screen, as a reminder, football field goalposts were up to 8 ft tall.), possibly Lower (Himbry was fully gutted, which would decrease said weight, due to the loss of the guts and blood, but it's unknown if he was gutted before being hanged, or after, and there's a theory that Stu Macher had helped him to do so, but there's nothing confirmed about it.)
Striking Strength: Street Level (Was able to knock down Randy Meeks a fully grown adult with a punch, leaving him dazed out. Sent Gale Weathers flying with a kick, knocking her out, but that may be due to hitting the pillar. Both feats were done while he was weakened by being stabbed and rolled downstairs.)
Durability: Street Level (Felt down a flight of stairs unharmed, which would normally leave head injuries (686,7-1177,2 J).)
Stamina: Peak Human (Endured being stabbed by Stu Macher on the waist. Survived being shot by Gale Weathers on his shoulder. Had been stabbed by Sidney Prescott using an umbrella on the Shoulder twice. Had his umbrella wound punctured by Sidney Prescott's finger. After all said damage, he still continues to try fighting)
Range: Standard Meele Range physically and with knife, up to Hundres Of Meters with firearms
Standard Equipment: Buck 120 Hunting Knife, Berreta 92FS, Ghostface Cloak and Mask and Voice Changer, Phone
Optional Equipment: Rope (Used to hang Himbry)
Intelligence: Above Average (Was the mastermind behind the 96s murders. Framed Cottom Weary for Maureen Prescott murder. Lured Principal Himbry outside his room. used Sidney emotions to regain her trust. Used his horror movie knowledge to trick Casey into saying the wrong answer. Had conviced Stu to join him in his killing spree. Used Neil Prescott's phone in order of framing him for all the murders.)
Weakness: He is shown to easily lost control of his anger.
Notable Matchups[]
- Victories:
- Losses:
- Inconclusive: