Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Black Bomb


The Black Bomb is a controllable missile that was created by the Black Hole Army.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 7-C

Name: Black Bomb

Origin: Advance Wars

Gender: Genderless

Age: Varies

Classification: Missile

Wielders: Black Hole, Von Bolt, Hawke, Lash, Flak, Adder, Kindle, Jugger, Koal

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Explosion Manipulation, Self-Destruction

Attack Potency: Large Town Level (Can damage who Infantry who can survive being hit by Sturm's meteor)

Speed: Subsonic

Striking Strength: Large Town Level

Durability: Large Town Level

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard melee range to Tens of metres

Weaknesses: None Notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
