Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Blazion is a reoccuring character from the Yo-kai Watch Franchise. Blazion has the ability to give motivation and make people have a very competitiive spirit. He is an occasional helper of Nate Adams. He was once a lion from a circus who died in a fire trying to save a child. He fell into the flames and became Blazion. He is featured in the Yo-kai Watch Anime, Games, Movie and Shadowside Series.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 8-C | 5-A

Name: Blazion

Origin: Yo-Kai Watch

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: C-Rank, Brave Tribe Yo-kai, Fire-Attribute

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsFire ManipulationHeat Manipulation (Made an entire house resemble a summer heatwave simply by his own and his friends presence), Immortality (3 and 7), Regeneration (Mid, Yo-kai such as Whisper have regenerated from being split in half), Positive Emotion Affinity (Boost his own or others strength by making them more passionate), Controllable InvisibilityStatistics AmplificationEnergy Projection (Helped fuel the launch of a rocket by projecting a beam of energy towards it), Emotional Manipulation (Known for inspiriting foes to become more passionate and energetic), Resistance to Emotional and Mind Manipulation (Can momentarily withstand other Yo-kai Inspiritments like No-Way's denial inspirit. Counter other Inspirtments with his own) | All previous abilities, FlightLarge Size (Type 0)

Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (Superior to First Game Jibanyan, Defeated Wicked Yo-kai in a single blast.) | Large Planet level (Fought on par with the Watchers and their Yo-Kai)

Speed: At least Relativistic+ (Superior to Jibanyan.) | At least Massively FTL+ (Dodged attacks from Oni King Rasen, who is superior to Shadowside Jibanyan.)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Building Class+ Large Planet Class

Durability: Large Building level+ (Superior to Jibanyan.) | Large Planet level

Stamina: Very High 

Range: Standard Melee. Extended Melee with Fire techniques. | Extended Melee due to sheer size. Tens of meters with Fire techniques.

Standard Equipment: None


Weaknesses: Weak to attacks from Water Yo-kai 

Key: Blazion | Shadowside

Notable Attack/Techniques:

  • Blazing Fist: Burns the opponent with fiery power from his fighting spirit
  • Emblaze: Turns an allies heart ablaze. Increasing their strength
  • Blazing Spirit: His Power increases when an ally has fallen