“ | How dare you fuse with a member of my court? You will be broken for this! | „ |
~ Blue Diamond to Ruby |

Blue Diamond is one of the Four Diamonds that rule Homeworld, and is usually accompanied by her servant Blue Pearl. Like her fellow Diamonds, she is tall, intimidating and implied to be immensely powerful. She was the supervisor of the Earth Colonization project before the project was abandoned due to the Crystal Gems' rebellion, taking the demise of Pink Diamond hard as she secretly made regular visits to the site of her fellow Diamond's death. Blue Diamond is also the cause of Garnet joining the Crystal Gems, having condemned the fusion when first formed by accident.
Tier: 6-A, 5-A, 4-B, likely Low 2-C to possibly 2-A
Name: Blue Diamond
Origin: Steven Universe
Gender: Genderless (Though appears as and commonly referred to as female)
Age: 20,000 years old (Emerged this long ago)
Classification: Homeworld Gem, Member of the Diamond Authority, Homeworld leader (alongside other diamonds)
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Gem Physiology (Grants Regeneration [High-Mid], Immortality [Types 1 and 3], Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation, Body Control, Biological Manipulation, Fusionism, Self-Sustenance [Types 1, 2, and 3], Automatic-adjustment to different strengths of gravity, Pocket Reality Manipulation [All Gems have a pocket dimension of infinite size contained within their gemstone], Sealing and BFR [Via Bubbles]), Large Size (Type 1), Empathic Manipulation (Can project her emotions onto others, has shown the ability to do so with both Sadness and Joy), Aura (Allows her to detect and harm entities on the astral plane as well as seemingly increasing her physical attack power as she used it to break Lapis Lazuli's water-chains), Danmaku, Energy Projection, Corruption (When combined with White and Yellow she is able to corrupt an entire planet's worth of Gems), Weather Manipulation (Can create clouds that make Gems happy when they make contact with them), Pseudo/Reliant-Flight via riding on the clouds she creates. Resistance to Empathic Manipulation, Telepathy (Steven struggled to get near her in his Astral Projection form due to their aura), and Gem Destabilization (Resisted Yellow's electricity, which destabilizes a gem's form)
Continent Level, Large Planet Level (Is much more powerful than fusions like Malachite and Alexandrite. Almost certainly more powerful than White Light, who was able to take multiple hits from Alexandrite and continue fighting at full efficiency), Solar System level (Generated 1/3 of the energy used to produce a beam that illuminated the sky, which yielded 2.8424798 MegaFoe. Exchanged blows with Blue Diamond and was visually deconstructing her. The Diamonds are considered to be by far the most powerful Gems in existence, so greatly superior to others that even the thought of a Diamond getting "poofed" is considered laughable. Punched through her Gem Warship, which could arm wrestle the Cluster and should be much more durable than Peridot's, which could easily take the power of 4 Laser Light Cannons and Opal's Arrows), likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (The Diamonds are considered so far superior to other gems that the very thought of them being poofed was considered laughable, thus they should be superior to gems capable of shattering other gems, which a gem's gemstone functions as a pocket dimension. Amethyst in the comics that their gemstones are "kinda like a wallet but more infinite," and in the episode "A Single Pale Rose," we see Steven go into Pearl's gemstone and at various points there are visible celestial bodies like moons, stars and even the intergalactic corrupting light. Shattering a gem causes their consciousness to be fragmented across all the shards. This means that any time a gem is shattered their mind is fragmented into a finite number of pieces, and since any fraction of infinity is infinity, this means an infinite (And thus universe-sized) portion of each dimension is destroyed in the process)
Massively FTL+ (The Diamond corruption attack that went from Homeworld to the Earth in 1.65 seconds, Homeworld is said to be in a different that was close to our galaxy. Far superior in speed to the Crystal Gems)
At least Class G (Far superior to Sunstone. Lifted a part of her ship casually)
Continent Class, Large Planet Class, Solar System Class, likely Universal+ to possibly Multiversal+
Continent Level, Large Planet Level, Solar System level, likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (The idea of another Gem even being able to hurt a Diamond is seen as absurd. Capable of taking hits from Blue Diamond)
Limitless so long as her gem isn't damaged or destroyed
Extended Melee Range by virtue of size; Tens of Meters via Empathic Manipulation (her emotions reached the beach house); Intergalactic with ranged attacks
Limb Enhancers, Gem Destabilizer, Robonoids, Escape Pod, EMP, Peribot (Currently destroyed)
Likely Gifted, as she is the ruling Matriarch of Homeworld and oversaw the Earth Colonization project
Emotionally sensitive, Sufficient damage to her physical form can revert her back to her vulnerable gem form which can be broken and destroyed. Her powers are less effective on anything that has experienced worse grief than her (although Lapis Lazuli was affected by it, it didn’t take much of a toll on her) and are seemingly ineffective on non-gem life-forms (Lion and Connie were unaffected by her aura).
- Aura Projection: The Diamonds can project an aura around them that they can control, they can either radiate it from their entire bodies or emit it from specific parts of their bodies, usually their hands. Blue's aura is blue and has water-like properties. Though intangible, Blue was able to break Lapis' water chains from her hands upon coating her hands with her aura. She can use this as an offensive ability in both the physical and mental plane, as seen when she was able to focus her aura and attack Steven as he was projecting.
- Radiated Pathokinesis: Blue Diamond can engulf a large area with her aura which induces sorrow to anyone exposed to it. The induction is powerful enough to cause Gems exposed to the aura to break down and cry immediately unprovoked, even affecting Yellow Diamond to a small degree. When she unleashed her grief over Pink Diamond's death, she instantly rendered the Crystal Gems unable to fight. The aura is also potent enough to split all but the most stable Gem fusions that get caught in it apart, as Alexandrite came undone as soon as she was affected by the aura, while Garnet remained whole. The level of resistance to the ability varies. Humans and animals are apparently not affected, as demonstrated by Connie and Lion during Yellow and Blue's attack on Earth. Gems who feel that they have endured emotional trauma worse than the feelings induced by the aura can resist it almost completely, as Lapis Lazuli barely shed a tear upon being hit by the aura.
- Concussive Blast: Blue Diamond is able to concentrate her aura at a single point outside her body to launch long range energy blasts at her opponents.
- Energy Projection: She is shown to have some form of energy projection power that she uses for battle. The energy can be molded into different projectiles, from spheres to a hail of lasers, or combinations thereof.
Note 1: In the episode "Adventures in Light Distortion," Pearl makes a claim that Gems cannot move faster than light or else their light construct bodies will be left behind. However, there are numerous instances of gems moving faster than light without adverse effects on their forms.
Note 2: Normally light calculations would not be reliable as they don't deal any damage. However, in the case of Steven Universe, light feats are indeed acceptable to use, which has been backed up by statements from Garnet, Amethyst, and Peridot.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: