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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Bobby BearHug Experiment 1186


Experiment 1186, a.k.a. "Bobby BearHug", was the 1186th experiment that Playtime Co. had created. Experiment 1186 is an anthropomorphic red-furred bear with white pupils and a wide, toothless smile, with a love-heart pendant. Despite the successful completion of the procedure to transfer an orphan girl into Bobby BearHug, three hours after awakening, Experiment 1186 showed worrying problems, such as continued spasms, inability to speak or hear, and balance issues when trying to stand. These issues were severe enough to warrant consideration for further surgery to correct them. 1186 is a member of the Smiling Critters toys, and has been shown as a kind and loving soul to the others of the toy brand. As a member, the toy would expel a rose scent.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-B

Name: Bobby BearHug, Experiment 1186

Origin: Poppy Playtime, debuted in Orientation Notebook

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (Created in 1990; took place 10 years later after the Hour of Joy. However, it is unknown if she was still alive)

Classification: Organic Bigger Body Monster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 0; should be comparable to CatNap), Enhanced Senses, Bodily Weaponry (Unconventional; Metallic Claws), Scent Manipulation (via Rose scent), Surface Scaling (via scaling to the likes of Ruined Critters and CatNap), Longevity, Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 3; Doesn't breathe nor sleep), Enhanced Metabolism (All Types; Could've survived years without food even if she was still alive. Doesn't breathe nor rest for long periods of time), Immortality (Type 1; Can't age, Type 2; High Pain Endurance, Types 4 & 7; Used to be a human child), Likely Resistance to Loud Sounds (Have her ears covered with black void like structure, though she has disability of hearing) & Diseases (Never experienced sickness)

Attack Potency: City Block level (Could be superior to Smiling/Ruined Critters due to her sheer size and should easily stomp one of the Nightmare Critters plushies, whom, the Ruined Critters, one shotted The Player, who survived the train crash that caused massive destructions and withstand the train's pressure.[1] Due to her balance issues, she can't be the strongest Bigger Bodies Initiative experiment, however, due to her sheer size, she is still superior to Miss Delight, who dented a generator[1])

Speed: Unknown, possibly Superhuman travel speed, likely higher attack speed (Without her balance issues, she should chase after and attack The Player before he reacts)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Should be unaffected by the GrabPack, which can rip a human's head and pulled a giant steel door.[2] Superior to Miss Delight via sheer size, who dented a generator[1])

Striking Strength: City Block level (Should one shot The Player. Superior to Miss Delight)

Durability: City Block level (Should be unaffected by the GrabPack)

Stamina: Effectively Limitless

Range: Several Meters due to her sheer size

Standard Equipment: Metallic Claws

Intelligence: Below Average (Though she can't speak nor have any good intelligence feats, she was shown as a kind and loving soul to the others of the toy brand)

Weaknesses: Continued spasms, inability to talk or hearing, and was unable to stand due to her balance issues.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Chapter 3: "Deep Sleep"
  2. Chapter 1: "A Tight Squeeze"