Bowser, now known as Braxton or simply "Boss," is a main antagonist/deuteragonist of the YouTube web series SuperMarioLogan. He was originally Mario's rival, acting similar to his main game counterpart, kidnapping Peach and fighting Mario, but has since retired and spends most of his time either bossing around chef Pee Pee or watching Charleyyy and Friends.
Key: Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures | Main Series
Tier: At least Low 4-C, likely 4-C, possibly Low 2-C to 2-A | At least Low 4-C, likely 4-C, possibly Low 2-C to 2-A
Name: Bowser, Boss, Braxton
Origin: SuperMarioLogan
Gender: Male
Age: At least 312 (Claimed to be this old upon losing his first tooth, a claim supported by Chef Pee Pee)
Classification: Puppet, Koopa (Formerly), Human (Currently)
Powers and Abilities:
- Puppet Physiology
- Breath Attack & Fire Manipulation (Can breathe fire)
- Electricity Manipulation (Can summon lightning strikes)
- Weapon Creation (Can create weapons for himself)
- Resurrection (Can revive the dead)
- Teleportation
- Necromancy (Can revive people as zombie minions)
- Sealing (Could seal Yoshi under his power)
- Power Bestowal (Gave Mario all of his abilities and increased his strength so much that he went from being comparable to Luigi, who Bowser one-shot, to being able to trade blows with him)
Attack Potency: At least Small Star level, likely Star level+, possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ (Much stronger than his current self, due to not being out of practice) | At least Small Star level[Statistics Values 1] (Stronger than his son, who could shake the Earth by screaming with this much energy, and Shrek, who could blow up the Earth with this much energy by farting), likely Star level+[Statistics Values 2] (Bowser Juice, which is made from Bowser's urine and Bowser is a regular consumer of, supposedly grants the user the strength to "beat the Sun"), possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ (Despite likely being weaker than before, he is still stronger than modern Mario and should at least be comparable to Jeffy)
Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+[Statistics Values 3] (Is a regular consumer of Bowser Juice, which he claims grants the speed to run a marathon in 5 seconds, comparable to if not faster than Cody and Woody), likely Massively FTL+[Statistics Values 4] (Faster than Mario), possibly Immeasurable (Comparable to Chef Pee Pee, who could keep up with and react to Bowser Jr's movements when he had entered a similar state after drinking coffee to Cody after drinking a large amount of energy drinks, which allowed him to run fast enough to travel back in time. Is controlled by the real-world cast, who exist beyond and see the SML world's time as merely a tool for making videos), higher Attack Speed with Bowser Juice[Statistics Values 5] (Can turn into a black hole capable of absorbing the entire universe at these speeds)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 10[Statistics Values 6] (Much stronger than Mario and Toad, could grapple with Mama Luigi, who effortlessly lifted and tossed a 5,000-pound bed, lifted a Camaro with one hand), likely Class Z[Statistics Values 7] (Is a consumer of Bowser Juice, with the product being made from his own urine and supposedly granting the user the strength to lift the Moon) possibly Stellar[Statistics Values 8] (Comparable to Brooklyn Guy, who could carry enough Christmas lights to cover the Moon)
Striking Strength: At least Small Star level, likely Star level+, possibly Universal+ to Multiversal+ (Can harm Mario with his strikes, even after he had been amped to be around Bowser's level) | At least Small Star level, likely Star level+, possibly Universal+ to Multiversal+ (Despite being weaker than before, can still easily overpower and greatly harm Mario with his blows)
Durability: At least Small Star level (Far more durable than Woody, who could tank an explosion that destroyed a planet-sized shrimp at point-blank range), likely Star level+, possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ (Could take hits from Mario after he had been amped to Bowser's level) | At least Small Star level, likely Star level+, possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ (Despite likely being less durable than before, can still take numerous hits from Mario)
Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to Mario)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee with fire and lightning, possibly Kilometers with sealing (Sealed away Yoshi, who had flown off to another country) | Standard Melee range, up to Universal with Bowser Juice XTREME (Can turn into a black hole capable of absorbing the entire universe)
Standard Equipment: None | None
Optional Equipment:
- Bowser Juice: An energy drank made from Bowser's urine which he claims provides massive energy as well as immense speed and strength
- Bowser Juice XTREME: An energy drink made by Bowser, likely being made from his bodily fluids like its predecessor. Supposedly grants enough energy to turn into a black hole capable of absorbing the entire universe in seconds
Intelligence: Varies from Below Average to Average (Although he is usually portrayed as rather unintelligent, being lazy and gullible, he has shown occasional moments of, has fought Mario for an unknown number of years and is over 300 years old)
Weaknesses: Took months to resurrect when he was first killed, although this was before he got his powers | None Notable