Brian Thomas is the main actor from the student film Marble Hornets and one of the antagonist of the Webseries under the same name. His character in the film was a college student, who comes back to his hometown to mend his relationship with Sarah and Tim, his old high school friends. Brian, like most of the Marble Hornet's crew plays a character of the same name.
A hooded figure that closely followed Jay Merrick's investigation about the incident involving The Operator and the arch-nemesis of Alex Kralie. He often left cryptic notes and videos that gave clues to his enigmatic goals, making him 1 of 3 who are behind the YouTube user ToTheArk along with an unnamed Male(?) and Tim/Masky.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, Higher with Weapons, Far Higher via KE, 9-B via Car
Name: Brian Thomas (Full Name; Reveled in Credits), Brian (Named in Series), The Hooded Man / The Hooded Figure (Alternate Persona), Hoodie / Hoody (Fan Name by Fandom)
Origin: Marble Hornets, possibly Incorporated into The Slenderverse
Gender: Male
Age: 19 during MH Filming (Summer 2006, Born 1987), 22 - 27 during the Webseries (June 20th, 2009 to June 20th, 2014)
Height: About 6'4 / 1.94 m
Weight: Around 178 lb / 80.73 kg
Kill Count: At Least 3 - 4 Directly (Implied that he has killed people because of The Operator.), 2 Indirectly (Caused Jay to be killed by Alex and Alex to get killed by Tim). At Least 5 - 6 Total
Classification: Human, Serial Killer via Brainwashing, Actor, Brainwashed Hero to Villain
Powers and Abilities:
- Regular Human Abilities/Powers
- Peak Human Physical Characteristics
- Athleticism (All members of the MH cast have shown to be above normal human standards as well as being athletic)
- Weapon Mastery (Above Average - Can use his environment. Can use a gun he stole from Alex)
- Possible Vehicular Mastery (Implied but unknown)
- Minor Limited Immortality (Type 2 {Resilient} - Comparable to Jay who survived a fall from a red tower which would have caused bone damage, he even told Tim to be careful acting as if it was normal.)
- Stealth Mastery (Implied he was hiding behind a tree stalking Jay. Stalked Jay in broad daylight. Found Jays camera and put it in his car without Jay noticing him.)
- Social Influencing (Minor Acting - Played as a character in Marble Hornets albeit badly. Fear Inducing {Costume} - Similar to Tim who scared Jay.)
- Preparation (Uses a Mask to hide his identity. Stole Tim's pills to try and counteract the Operators effects. Stole Alex's gun after knocking him out and tying him up.)
- Photographic Memory via Camera
- Enhanced Senses (Sight - Cameras can record in the dark.)
- Light Manipulation via Flash
- Photographic Memory via Camera
- Statistics Amplification via Weapons and Possession (The Operator seemingly makes him more active. Guns can reach high speeds.)
- Possible Enhanced Senses (Sight/Perception - Is not hindered by his mask however it is made of cloth.)
- Hand-2-Hand Combat (Every human can fight. Fought with Alex, Tim, and Jay more than once.)
- Natural Weaponry (Fist, Nails, Teeth)
- Multiple Personalities (Type 1 {Mind} with Minor Type 3 {Organisms} - His alternate personality "The Hooded Figure" is caused by the Operator who uses him as a minor vessel.)
- Minor Technology Manipulation + Minor Hacking (Possessed Only {possibly} - He can affect audio and video recordings in the same way that The Operator does as shown in the ToTheArk videos he appears in, altho he may have not been possessed and it was the Operator. Both - He is an editor.)
- Minor Audio Manipulation
- Likely Indomitable Will (Pawns of the Operator can keep fighting despite being attacked in order to fulfill a goal.)
- Summoning via Phone
Resistance to:
- Limited Poison Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, and Status Effect Inducement (Takes Tim's pills of pills which can cause ill effects. The Sickness counter acts this however)
- Pain Manipulation + Sound Manipulation (Possessed Only - When controlled he doesn't make a sound. Should be similar to Alex who was bleeding but showed no signs of pain.)
- Emotional Manipulation (Possessed Only - When controlled he shows no emotions or feelings.)
- Fear Manipulation by Proxy
- Limited Sleep Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, and Mind Manipulation via Medication (Can survive prolonged longer periods of exposure to The Operator without having a coughing fit, falling unconscious, and losing most of his memories, though he is not completely immune and will eventually collapse.)
- Minor Cold Manipulation (Characters like Jay and Tim have had the feeling of being cold due to The Operator, Jay states it's like an air conditioner is on.)
Attack Potency: Street Level (Is an adult Male {188.03-791.7 J}, athletic, and can fight other cast members. Knocked out Alex {733.9725 J}. Can fight with Tim but implied to be the weaker of the two), Higher with Weapons (Used a wrench which could knock someone out {927.3 J} or crack bone {375 J}. The gun stolen from Alex, his second gun, appears to be a Glock {275-1357 J}.), Far Higher via KE (Weighing at 80.73 kg and running at 7.7 to 10.03 m/s he can generate 2393.241 to 4060.76 J), Wall Level via Car (Based on size alone. No feats)
Speed: Likely Athletic Human Travel Speed (Can chase other characters and is athletic. Ran out the forest and put Jays camera in his car before he got there.) with Athletic Human to Superhuman Attack Speed (Should range from 9.04-18.08 m/s), Superhuman to Subsonic Travel Speed via Car (Speeds on roads usually have 40 mph limit as the min and can go up to 100+ mph), Subsonic to Supersonic Attack Speed via Gun (255 to 740 m/s)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human+, possibly Peak Human (Can support his own weight {80.73 kg}, with ease {141.4 kg}. Comparable to Tim. Can hold Alex {77.1 kg} down with some struggle {92.52 kg}. Knocked out Alex {107.3 kgf}.), At Least Class 5+ via Car (Cars weigh a min 2000 kg in america and can easily hold its own weight {Min 3000 kg}.)
Striking Strength: Street Level, Higher with Weapons, Far Higher via KE, Wall Level via Car (Based on size alone. Can generate a min 319,751.619 to 1,998,447.62 Joules at 2000 kilos.)
Durability: Street Level (Can fight other members of the cast. Can fight Jay who fell from the red tower, the tower itself is an old climbing wall which are 30 to 50 ft {5696.12 to 9493.53 J}. Was killed after being pushed off a second story of a school building by Alex {Max 3379.46 J}.), Wall Level via Car (Based on size alone, a car can survive crashing into another car.)
Stamina: Likely Peak Human (Is athletic and can keep up with other members of the cast. Was able to overpowered Alex), Superhuman via Car (A car can go 5 to 10 miles per gallon and have 15 to 18.5 gallons, assuming you drive 40 mph then it will last 1.88 - 4.63 hours of non-stop movement and the car can always be refilled.)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via Car, Tens of Meters via Gun
Standard Equipment: Standard Human Weapons, Anti-Seizure Pills
- Optional Equipment; Uses His Environment, Camera, Possibly a Car, Alex's 2nd Handgun (Beretta M9)
Intelligence: Above Average to Gifted in General (Finished high school and college likely with a filming degree. Implied to be able to drive a car and can somewhat act. Knows how to edit videos), At Least Above Average, Likely Gifted in Planning (Knows the layout of a forest as he beat Jay to his car and left without being seen. Can sneak into houses without being found. Had been stealing Tim's pills to not be controlled by The Operator. Its implied he and Alex kept track of Jay by watching MH and Jay's Tweets)
Weaknesses: Regular Human Weakness. Doesn't remember anytime he is The Hooded Figure.
- The following information only involves the Marble Hornets Webseries, Marble Hornets Comics, Clear Lakes 44, ECKVA, and the Always Watching; A Marble Hornets Film. While its Unconfirmed it is possible for Slender: The Arrival to be canon as they have the same creator.
- In an interview (2013) they did state that Slender: The Arrival was not canon It's possible this was changed. They stated they wanted to stay in their Bubble with the Webseries but later connected a movie, comics, and side stories.
- It's unknown if he was ever possessed in the series but its possible it happened and we just never saw it {Look here}.