Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
PvZ GW1 2

The Cactus is the long-range specialist of the Plant team, able to shoot high velocity needles at faraway Zombies. In her rooted form, she can dispatch her flying Garlic Drone to call in Corn Artillery strikes from above.

The Cactus is the long-range specialist of the Plant team, able to shoot high velocity needles at faraway Zombies. In her rooted form, she can dispatch her flying Garlic Drone to call in Corn Artillery strikes from above.

Rarely tempted into the chaotic fray, coolheaded Cacti hang around the field perimeter, picking off zombies with relish.


Cactus is one of the first plants to be in the Plants Vs. Zombies Shooters games, as well as being the 2nd oldest plant in the games. She's also one of the most knowledgeable plants, as well as being adaptable. She's a saguaro cactus, a cactus that can live up to 200 years, this means that Cactus is possibly a few hundred years olds as the plants' mutation not only make these plants sentient as well as powerful, but also increases their lifespan, this is shown how Peashooters can live for many years as peas in real life can live for only one year.

Powers and Abilities:[]

Tier: 4-C | 1-B | 4-C; High 4-C with Flag Of Power | 1-B | 1-B | 4-C; High 4-C with Plunjolnir | 4-C+; High 4-C+ with Plunjolnir | 1-B; High 1-B with Plunjolnir.

Key: Base-Garden Warfare | Prime-Garden Warfare | Base-Garden Warfare 2 | Prime-Garden Warfare 2 (Master) | Prime-Garden Warfare 2 (Trials Of Gnomus + Master) | Base-Battle For Neighborville | Prime-Battle For Neighborville (Grandmaster) | Prime-Battle For Neighborville (Sven's Quest + Grandmaster).

Name: Cactus; Mrs. Prickles.

Origin: Plants Vs. Zombies.

Age: Unknown, likely hundreds of years old.

Classification: Sentient Plant, Guardian Plant.

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Summoning (Can summon Potato Mines, Garlic Drone, Wall-nuts, Tall-nuts, Weeds and Potted Plants), Explosion Manipulation with Potato Mines and Garlic Drone, Regeneration (Mid-Low), Immortality (Type 4; Has the ability to respawn, as stated in Armour Chomper's description), Longevity (Can live for hundreds of years), Resurrection (Both plants and zombies can revive fallen allies), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3; Can fight zombies indefinitely without oxygen, nourishment and rest), Organic Manipulation (Able to indefinitely shoot spikes from her mouth), Enhanced Senses (Can "zoom in" to see far distances), Natural Weaponry (She has spikes) and Superior Plant Physiology. Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Nightcap's Casting Shadows can only put plants invisible, but can't hypnotise or distort plants).

Same as before, but has Statistics Amplification via upgrades.

Same as Base-Garden Warfare.

Same as before, but has Magic with Dark Garlic Drone (Type 5), Genius Intelligence and Statistics Amplification with upgrades.

Same as before, but has minor resistance to Space-Time Manipulation, Universal Force Maninpulation (Fought against the gnomes). Has Non-Physical Interaction (Can damage gnomes, even though they have Abstract Activity).

Same as Base-Garden Warfare, but has Limited Flight, Statistics Amplification via upgrades and Regeneration (High-Low).

Same as Before, but has Genius Intelligence.

Same as before, but has resistance to Space-Time Manipulation, Universal Force Maninpulation. Has Non-Physical Interaction (Can damage gnomes, even though they have Abstract Activity).

Attack Potency: Star-Level (Scales to Sunflower) | Hyperversal-Level (Scales to Plasma Pea) | Star-Level; Large Star-Level with Flag Of Power | Hyperversal-Level (Scales to Plasma Pea), High Hyperversal-Level with Flag Of Power | Hyperversal-Level, High Hyperversal-Level with Flag Of Power | Star-Level; Large Star-Level with Plunjolnir | Star-Level+; Large Star-Level+ with Plunjolnir | Hyperversal-Level; High Hyperversal-Level with Plunjolnir.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed (Comparable to Power Chomper, who's speed is considered as slightly below Lightning Speed), FTL Reaction Speed (Able to react and dodge lasers) | Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed, FTL Reaction and Combat Speed | Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed, FTL Reaction Speed | Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed, FTL Reaction Speed | Immeasurable Speed (Able to react and dodge lasers from King Gnomus, can walk through the Gnomiverse, a dimension where time and space is disconnected, a realm of infinity) | Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed (Much faster than her Garden Warfare counterpart), FTL Reaction Speed | Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed, FTL Reaction Speed | Immeasurable Speed (Able to react and doge attacks from the Gnome Knights, can outspeed the gnomes who are immeasurable fast as they’re unaffected by time and space.).

Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Inferior to Super Brainz) | Class 50 | Class 50; Class 100 with Flag Of Power | Class 50; Class 100 with Flag Of Power | Class 50; Class 100 with Flag Of Power | Class 50; Class 100 with Plunjolnir | Class 50; Class 100 with Plunjolnir | Class 50; Class 100 with Plunjolnir.

Striking Strength: Star-Level | Hyperversal-Level | Star-Level; Large Star-Level with Flag Of Power | Hyperversal-Level | High Hyperversal-Level | Star-Level; Large Star-Level with Plunjolnir | Star-Level+; Large Star-Level+ with Plunjolnir | Hyperversal-Level; High Hyperversal-Level with Plunjolnir.

Durability: Star-Level (Scales to Sunflower) | Hyperversal-Level | Star-Level | Hyperversal-Level | Hyperversal-Level | Star-Level | Star-Level+ | Hyperversal-Level.

Stamina: Inexhaustible (Can fight zombies indefinitely without needing rest, nourishment and even oxygen).

Range: Hundreds of meters | Hundreds of meters | Hundreds of meters | Hundreds of meters | Hundreds of meters | Hundreds of meters; Tens of Kilometres when aiming | Hundreds of meters, Tens of Kilometres when aiming | Hundreds of meters; Tens of Kilometres when aiming.

Standard Equipment: Several upgrades.

Intelligence: Gifted Intelligence (Scales with Rose), Genius Battle Intelligence (War veteran, scales to Camo Cactus) | Genius Intelligence (Master-level intelligence), Genius Battle Intelligence (Master-Level intelligence) | Gifted Intelligence (Scales with Rose), Genius Battle Intelligence (War veteran) | Genius Intelligence (Grandmaster-level intelligence), Genius Battle Intelligence (Grandmaster-Level intelligence).

Weaknesses: When using her Drone abilities, she will be rooted and vulnerable, unable to do anything until she deactivates her drone or her drone is destroyed.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:[]

Cactus Abilities:

  • Potato Mine: Potato Mines force Zombies to look down. If a Zombie sets foot on a Potato Mine, it will explode and they will experience the full force of a "SPUDOW!"
    • Potato Nugget Mine: These little nuggets are small, have a great sense of humor and enjoy sitting around waiting to blow Zombies sky high. While not as damaging as their potato cousins, these little nuggets still pack a spudow!
  • Garlic Drone: By launching her Garlic Drone companion, she can monitor Zombies from the skies, attack them from the air, and call in devastating Corn Strikes.
    • Artichoke Drone: The Artichoke Drone has a really thick skin. This gives it more health and helps it last longer in a fight. However, it does not have the same firepower as its Garlic counterpart.
  • Tallnut Battlement: Tallnut Battlements have many uses. They can be shields and they can block paths to stop the Zombies in their tracks. They're terrible card players, though.
    • Iron Maiden: Encased in iron armor, these Iron Maiden Tallnuts will stare at Zombies with an unmatched intensity. They are very hard to destroy and enjoy getting in the way.

Cactus Abilities: Same as before, but.

  • Pizzazzling Potato Mine: Need some more shine in your life? These potatoes love to pizzazle zombies, and will leave a cloud of glitter after a whopping sparkling spudow!
  • Red Artichoke: This agile Artichoke shouldn't be messed with. It's as fast as a clam and quick like a cucumber!
  • Dark Garlic Drone: The Dark Garlic Drone is infused with mystical dark energy. It has cool magical weapons and cool magical look.
  • Bling Maiden: This Tallnut is encased in solid bling gold armor! How did a Tallnut even afford such expensive armor though?

Cactus Abilities: Same as Garden Warfare, except Tall-Nuts Battlement and Iron Maiden.

  • Petal Propeller: Can get to high ground by flying upwards.


  • Why is Post-Garden Warfare stronger than Base-Garden Warfare by a lot? This is due to Plasma Pea's description, in which he holds universes and millions of stars as well as many galaxies in his peas, due to this, Cactus is able to damage zombies and vanquish them, even though they can endure a hit from Plasma Pea and CAN vanquish Plasma Pea.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
