“ | Koba: Ape... not... kill... ape |
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Caesar was the main protagonist of the Planet of the Apes reboot series. Caesar was an evolved chimpanzee, the leader of the Ape Army, the king of the Ape Colony and the patriarch of the Royal Ape Family.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B, higher with grenades
Name: Caesar
Origin: Planet of the Apes (Reboot series)
Gender: Male
Age: Up to 8 in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 18 in Dawn of The Planet of the Apes (in Chimp years, he is a full grown adult), 20 at the time of his death in War for the Planet of the Apes
Classification: Mutated Pan Troglodytes
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Very good at grappling, very good at improvising strategies, very good at controlling packs)
- Bodily Weaponry (Conventional; Teeth)
- Enhanced Senses
- Peak Human Speed
- Weapon Mastery (He figured out how to use a gun after holding it for a few seconds[1])
- Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Smarter than an experienced human in matter of combat, beat Koba within seconds in their first fight)
- Acrobatics (Possessing incredible climbing[2] abilities[3])
- Social Influencing (Leadership & Charisma; Caesar was capable of earning the respect and loyalty of every ape under his command, including Maurice, Buck, Rocket, Luca, and even Koba. Nearly all of them remained loyal to him)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Any real life chimp like him can kill an average man without much difficulty. Easily overpowered, beat up, and sent a man flying.[2] Stronger than Koba who could dent and pierce metal with a rod. Scales to his durability), higher with M67 grenades (He used them to explode a gas tank[3])
Speed: Peak Human (Chimpanzees are capable of running at 25 mph), Superhuman with his horse (Horses has a maximum speed of 44 mph)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Should be comparable to most other chimpanzees, who can beat a human to death, and is superior to peak humans. Along with other chimpanzees, they are able to pull a wall to release other chimpanzee. Stronger than Koba who pushed a light-weight structure with one arm[1])
Striking Strength: Wall Class
Durability: Wall level (Survived a fall, though landed at water, it yields this much energy.[2] Defeated another chimpanzee, the aforementioned Koba, while weakened from gunshots)
Stamina: Peak Human
Range: Standard Melee Range, higher with weaponry
Standard Equipment: Colt Commander, Remington 870 Witness Protection, Winchester Model 1912, Spear, Horse
- Optional Equipment: M67 grenade
Intelligence: Gifted
Due to Caesar inheriting the ALZ-112 from his late mother, Bright Eyes he was highly intelligent and excelled at everything, as he grew older, he rapidly learned sign language, and later, he rapidly learned English, Caesar's intelligence further increased, due to twice inhaling the ALZ-113 at his old home and in the shelter he was the most intelligent ape in the San Francisco Ape Colony. When conflict with humans becomes inevitable, Caesar leads the apes into battle, using tactical maneuvers, such as creating diversions and flanking, that demonstrate his understanding of warfare beyond brute strength. Caesar also worked out why McCullough was really having them build a wall, causing the man to remark over how intelligent he was, later, he devised ways to outsmart the camp guards and orchestrated an elaborate escape plan that involved coordinating the efforts of both captive apes and friendly humans. It could be possible that Caesar would be more intelligent due to the fact; he had been exposed to the ALZ-113, and his exposure to the ALZ-112 while he was in the embryo.
Weaknesses: Prone to anger on occasion.