Captain Man (Henry Danger/HD)

Captain Man (Danger Force/DF)
Raymond was born to scientist Carl Manchester and an unnamed mother. He was an ordinary human being just like everybody else, who lived in a town called Swellview. But that would all change in 1989, when one day, 8 year-old Ray, who was skateboarding in his father's laboratory during take your kid to work day, accidentally skated towards his father's indestructible machine, the Trans-Molecular Densitizer, pushing the lever in the process and gaining the power of indestructibility. Despite his extra years of childhood prior to the incident, he never went camping, rode roller coasters, or learned how to ride a bike (he was also pulled out of school by his father, possibly out of fear his newfound powers would harm those around him were he not careful).
Powers & Stats[]
Tier: 10-A | 9-A showcased power, High 6-A to 5-B full power | 9-C to High 7-B, possibly 2-B With Preparation/Gadgets
Key: Without Powers/Adult | Base | Preparation/Equipment
Name: Raymond Esther Manchester, Captain Man (Superhero Name), Ray, Captain Dad (Henry), Mr. Geldin, Burples the Clown (Disguises), Captain Ham, Captain Ma'am, Captain Sham (All by The Toddler), The Amazing Ray, Galaxy Glen (Deleted in Script)
Origin: Henry Danger/Schneiderverse
Gender: Male
Age: 8 when gaining his powers (Born in April '81, event happened in Summer of '89), 33 to 34 during Season 1 (Takes place in '14 to '15), 34 to 35 during Season 2 (Takes place in '15 to '16), 35 to 36 during Season 3 (Takes place in '16 to '17), 36 to 37 during Season 4 (Takes place in '17 to '18), 37 - 39 during Season 5 (Takes place in '18 to '20) 100,000,039 chronologically, 39 to 40 during Danger Force Season 1 (Takes place in '20 to '21) 100,000,040 chronologically, 40 to 41 during Danger Force Season 2 (Takes place in '21 to '22) 100,000,041 chronologically, 41 - 43 during Danger Force Season 3 (Takes place in '23 to '24) 100,000,043 chronologically
Classification: Human | Superhuman, Hero, Indestructible Superhero, Pretty Interesting Guy, Owner of Junk N’ Stuff, Creator of SW.A.G
Powers and Abilities:
Regular Human Abilities, Athletic Human Physical Characteristics, Vehicular Mastery, Martial Arts | Same as Before, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Social Influencing (Trustworthy/Reputation - People see him as a hero), Stealth Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Invulnerability (Cannot be physically injured by any means, though he can still feel pain), Regeneration (High-Low - Suddenly having his powers again instantly healed his broken arm, his and Drex's indestructibility both came back even after being nullified by the Omega Weapon), Power Bestowal (By drinking enough of Captain Man's sweat, the drinker will become as indestructible as Captain Man himself, for 45 minutes), Extreme Pain Tolerance, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Addressed the audience on multiple occasions), Accelerated Development (Caused his leg muscles to become comically big simply by performing cardio right after leg day), Hammerspace, Preparation (Technological and Information), Minor Physics Manipulation (Can ignore the laws of physics), Sound Manipulation (Screamed so loud it was heard in homes all across Swellview, shattered glass by hitting a high note, shook the Man's Nest with a scream), Sealing (With Danger Force, sealed a monster inside of a treasure chest), Immune to: Fire, Magma, Acid, Electricity, Air, Earth, Ice, Temperature, Plasma, Disease, Explosion, Radiation, Cloth, Memory, Data, Sound, Morality, Matter, Soul, and Pain Manipulation, Energy Projection, Status Effect Inducement, Corruption, and Power Nullification | Same as Before, Matter, Cloth, and Hair Manipulation (By transforming into Captain Man, his molecular composition is changed, causing his clothing to automatically transform from whatever he previously had on into his Captain Man outfit and his hair automatically becomes his signature hairstyle), Energy Projection via Laser Weaponry, Preparation (Education) via Cerebral Data Transducer, Memory Manipulation (Has various devices which can erase peoples’ memories, gave Henry every recorded history about Puerto Rico including how to speak Spanish), Pain Manipulation (Several of his weapons are meant to be extremely painful), Mind Manipulation (Can use music to control someone’s mind), Data Manipulation via the Punch-Through Screen (Can physically attack people through video calls), Age Manipulation (Owns a treadmill that quickly ages someone backwards if they walk backward on it), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation (All of the Danger Force's suits are fitted with artificial gravity, meaning they will always be affected by the same gravity as Earth unless turned off)
Attack Potency: Athlete Level (Despite not seeing much of Ray without his powers he still has an Athletic Body) | Small Building Level showcased power (Frequently breaks wooden doors [516,644.24 J], consistently fragments wooden chairs apart by hitting things with them [76,045.5550932 J], ripped a mailbox out of the ground and smashed a lemonade stand in half with it [273,336.22752 J]. Casually snipped Drillfinger’s finger drill off with a pair of pliers, KOed a man made of stainless steel in a single punch, tackled a bear offscreen, far stronger than Hyper-Motility Kid Danger who can hit a baseball at over 200 MPH mid-conversation. An alternate universe's Captain Man could've shoved his fingers into Kid Danger's skull [and later broke his pinky in the same episode], putting him way above the C-5 Disruptor explosion which Kid Danger was completely fine after tanking outside of a dislocated buttock.), Multi-Continental to Planet Level at full power (Comparable to durability, The Super Volcano was said to destroy the planet witch can mean it would destroy all land/humans or blow up Earth.) | Street Level to Large City Level, possibly Multiversal Level (Most gadgets and weapons could kill or even injure normal humans, some have shown to blow up and make creators on the ground. Blowing up the Man cave can cause an explosion so powerful that the rumbling is felt throughout all of Swellview [A City], including a phone booth 3 hours away and in an alternate dimension, putting it above any military weapon.)
Destructive Capacity: Street Level (Can hurt people) | At Least Wall Level showcased power (Broke down doors, tables, and chairs.) | Street to Mountain Level (Can knockout people. The man cave caused a large shockwave and is comparable to the Tsar Bomb.), Likely Way Higher
Speed: Athletic Travel Speed | At least Superhuman Travel Speed (Ran so quickly that a dog couldn’t keep up [15mph - 44mph or 9kmph - 26.4kmph], caught up to a bloodlusted bear [24 mph - 70 mph / 14.4 kmph - 42 kmph] offscreen), Supersonic+ Reaction Speed (Can casually react to and block lasers while half-focusing and in mid-conversation, while completely serious he can soundly defeat Drex who could easily tag Hyper-Motility Kid Danger in a fight, who can dodge missiles; tagged Evil Krampus who casually reacted to ShoutOut's sound waves.) | Most likely Subsonic (Most weapons are comparable to guns and bombs in real life), possibly Higher Attack Speed
Lifting Strength: Athletic | At least Class 5 (Threw Henry all the way across the Man Cave [Henry most likely weights around 120 lbs - 160 lbs / 54.4 kg - 72.6 kg], physically stronger than Drex who can lift Kid Danger into the air with a single arm [240 - 360 lb / 108.8 - 145.2 kg], Volt and ShoutOut together couldn't loosen his grip on Henry, an undead clone of him easily lifted an anvil over its head, physically held his grip on a space shuttle as it was re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, though this is because he was ignoring the laws of physics during that scene) | Unknown (The Anti Gravity Handle makes everything weigh nothing)
Striking Strength: Athletic | Small Building Level showcased power, Multi-Continental to Planet Level at full power | Street Level to Large City Level, possibly Multiversal Level
Durability: Athletic (Comparable to Striking.) | Small Building Level showcased power, Multi-Continental to Planet Level at full power | Street Level to Large City Level, possibly Multiversal Level
Stamina: High Athletic | Superhuman (sprinted 9 miles to Henry’s house; eventually ran up 242 flights of stairs before jumping all the way back down, stayed awake for 2 days straight in order to produce his and Kid Danger's cartoon, Becoming indestructible allowed even a manlet like Schwoz to fight for 45 minutes straight, beat up an entire angry mob alongside Kid Danger) | Unknown
Range: Standard Melee Range, Varies with Weapon
Standard Equipment: List of Weapons, List of Vehicles
Intelligence: Genius (Figured out how to abuse the Musical Machine's effects to locate the source of its waves faster. Learned how to play the keytar in a single day and used it to play Blinding Lights by the Weekend almost as well as the band itself. His social influencing works well enough that he is capable of psychologically breaking multiple members of Danger Force. At the end of the original series, after Ray was sent 100,000,001 years into the past, he managed to flawlessly preserve himself in amber so Kid Danger would be able to free him in the present. He was taken out of school by his irresponsible scientist father when he got his powers, and was trained from then on to become a perfect superhero, and has gone on to protect Swellview ever since at least the 80's. However, he does have a lacking attention span unless he is involved in the discussion.)
Weaknesses: Regular Human Weaknesses (Kinda of), Captain Man can still feel pain from damage sources, as Captain Man’s powers work through molecular density, certain things that break down molecular density can depower him. Extremely hot or cold environments don't technically hurt him, meaning opponents can still take advantage of this for nonlethal purposes. As he is functionally a stone wall, he can still be captured by material he doesn't have the strength to break out of. His bizarre upbringing has made him rather eccentric and slightly sociopathic.