Characters who can significantly affect things which would have their "size" expressed as infinity on a scale where 1 is baseline Outerverse level and 2 is baseline High Outerverse level. Like with High 1-B, this tier extends outward to any number beyond countable infinity, and in rare cases it may even expand past the point where the aforementioned analogy is not enough to convey the full scope of the character/structure.
All items (180)
- Adabas And Holos (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- Akuto Sai (Canon)/Dịndhdjdjdn
- Akuto Sai (Canon)/Mizuki Toeya
- Akuto Sai (Canon)/Zenkaibattery1
- Akuto Sai (Canon, Light Novel)/Mizuki Taoya
- Aletheia (Canon, SCP Chinese Branch)/Rip Tiberius
- Amaterasu (Canon/Shinza Bansho)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Angel Gold Angga (Canon, World Seinon)/XiaoRaviyan
- Anti Principle (Canon)/Rip Tiberus
- ANTI-SCP-PT (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- Ao Oni (Canon,Pillar Chase 2/Jake Bowen)/trollgil
- Arcueid Brunestud (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Arjuna Alter (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Ashiya Douman (Canon/TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Automatic Defense System (Canon, Game Quest, Webnovel)/henryzx900ruly
- Average dc Human (Canon, DC Comics)/Antipsw123
- Average Human (Canon, Marvel Comics)/Antipsw123
- Deadpool (Canon, Composite)/StrikerIsJustStriker
- Demi-Fiend (Canon, Megami Tensei)/GZ Infinity
- Demon King Daimaou (Canon, Verse)/Mizuki Taoya
- Demon Lord Ravi (Canon, World Seinon)/XiaoRaviyan
- Donovan (Canon, God's journey in a new time)/BleaChtarD041
- Dr.Program (Fanon)/Rip Tiberius
- Dragon Slayer (Canon/Dra†Koi)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Gilgamesh (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Glitchtrap (Canon)/whocares
- God (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- God Fusion Goku (Canon, 4D Reel)/MemeLordGamer Trap
- God Of Arkham (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- Godzilla (Canon, Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong)/StrikerIsJustStriker
- Goetia (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Mad Garou (Canon)/TyranoDoom30
- Madara Yakou (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Madoka Kaname (Canon, Composite)/StrwberryKittenz
- Makoto Yuki (Canon, Persona)/GZ Infinity
- Maria Ushiromiya (Canon)/Duragoji123
- Marie (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Mercurius (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Metanormalcy (Canon, SCP Foundation)/NotcreativewithnamesRE
- Michael Kaiser (Canon, Blue Lock)/Megistas
- Mitra (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Mo Qiong (Canon/Tobangado)
- Monstrosity (Canon, Help Tale: CONTINUE)/PaperPrince2
- Moro vill (Canon, World Seinon) /XiaoRaviYan
- Murphy Lawden (Canon, Composite)/Kasyonalcantara
- Muzan (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- MX (Canon,pillar chase 2/Jake Bowen)/trollgil
- Rei Aki-ma(Cannon, Developer Showdown, Webnovel)/henryzx900ruly
- Reizen Nakanoin (Canon, Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Ren Amamiya (Canon, Persona)/GZ Infinity
- Rimuru Tempest (Canon, Web Novel)/Astral Trinity
- Rindou Koga (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Robert Bumaro (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- Rosemary (Canon,Pillar Chase 2/Jake Bowen)/trollgil
- Ruphas Mafahl (Canon)/Stolp
- Scarlet Demon (Canon)/NotcreativewithnamesRE
- Scarlet King (Canon)/Ultra Neptune
- SCP-001 (Canon, Andrew Swans Proposal)/TheDepatePeanut
- SCP-040-JP (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-049 (Canon)/Arwesdbs
- SCP-180-PT (King Arthur) (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-2165 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-2747 (Canon, Composite)/Lycoris4812
- SCP-2747 (Canon, Composite)/Stratovariant
- SCP-2747 (Canon, SCP Foundation)/GZ Infinity
- SCP-3143 (Canon, Composite)/NotcreativewithnamesRE
- SCP-3309 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-3812 (Canon)/Ultra Neptune
- SCP-3999 (Canon, SCP Foundation)/GZ Infinity
- SCP-5000 (The Entity) (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-5650 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-6747-C (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-682 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-682 (Canon, SCP Foundation)/GZ Infinity
- SCP-682 (Canon, SCP Foundation)/NotcreativewithnamesRE
- SCP-6820 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-7709 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-INTEGER (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- Self-Reference ENGINE (Canon)/GZ Infinity
- Shiki Ryougi (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Sir Bowen (canon,Jake Bowen)/trollgil
- Son Goku (Canon, Real 4D)/KaaydoManic
- Son Goku (Joke, Dragon Ball AF)/Yoru the Shipgirl
- Space Ishtar (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Supreme Author (Canon, SCP Foundation)/The Unwritten
- Swirl of the Root (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Tamamo-no-Mae (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Tenma Momiji (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Tenma Ootake (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Tenma Tokoyo (Canon/Shinza Banshō)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- Tenma Yato (Canon)/MugenKokutoshoJigoku
- The Administrator (Canon, SCP Foundation)/Rip Tiberius
- The Brothers Death(Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- The Hegemony Gods (Canon, Shinza Bansho)/GZ Infinity
- The Koitern (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- The Leviathan of Stories (Canon, The Unwritten)/The Unwritten
- The Living Tribunal (Canon, Marvel)/Antipsw123
- The One Above All (Canon, Marvel Comics)/Antipsw123
- The Outer Gods (Canon, Cthulhu Mythos)/GZ Infinity
- The Pillars (Canon)/Itzmrbonezone
- The Sentry (Canon, Marvel Comics)/Xoax
- The Supreme Judge (Canon)/Michaelishere3
- The Ultimate Ones (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- The Baker (Canon, Composite)/Mr.Antboi155
- Tiamat (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Trollge (Canon,Scans)/trollgil
- True Antagonist (canon)/SCP edits
- True Creator (canon)/SCP edits
- User:TrulyDemonicZinc
- Type Venus (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity