This category is for characters that have a level of power that is completely unknown.
All items (591)
- SCP-087 (Canon)/Sans2345
- SCP-3930 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-5002 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-5650 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-607 (Canon)/Sans2345
- SCP-682 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- SCP-963 (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- Scriptliss (Canon)/BeautifulDuwanged
- Search Man (Canon, Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- Seika Kumi (Canon)/ZeroTwo64
- Seiya Ryuuguuin (Canon)/Morning Star TM
- Shadow Freddy (Canon, Composite)/Sans2345
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Canon, Death Battle, Season 1)/Unbacked0
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Canon, Death Battle, Season 3)/Unbacked0
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Canon, Death Battle, Season 8)/Unbacked0
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Canon, SEGA)/Earthyboy
- Shahra (Canon, Game Character)/Adamjensen2030
- Shakedown Road (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Shang Tsung (Canon, Death Battle)/Unbacked0
- Shao Kahn (Canon, Composite)/DisguisedFerrari
- Shao Kahn (Canon, Death Battle, Season 2)/Unbacked0
- Shiki Tohno (Canon, Tsukihime)/Sosaxphoenix
- Shinya Kurai (Canon)/Lambdawg
- Shota Aoi (Canon)/Par.Lar39
- Shoto Todoroki (Canon, Death Battle)/Unbacked0
- Shovel Knight (Canon)/AdamGregory03
- Shuren (Canon, Fist of the North Star)/Unbacked0
- Sigma (Canon, Archie Comics)/Adamjensen2030
- Silver the Hedgehog (Canon, Archie Comics, Death Battle)/Unbacked0
- Sima (Fanon, Archon's Revenge)/Duragoji123
- Sirius (Canon, Re:Zero)/Morning Star TM
- Skelter Helter (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Skinwalker (Canon, RPG Maker)/Sans2345
- Slender Man (Canon)/Scourge 8
- Slenderman (Canon)/GokuBlacksolosyourverse
- Smile Dog (Canon)/Sans2345
- Sniping Lee (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Solar Man (Canon, Image)/Young-Jah
- Son Goku (Canon, Dragon Ball GT)/GoldenMaster7
- Son Goku (Canon, Dragon Ball GT)/Paleomario66
- Son Goku (Canon, Dragon Ball Kakumei)/KaaydoManic
- Son Goku (GT) (Canon, Dragonball Hyper)/KaaydoManic
- Son Goku (Joke, Young Jijii)/Yoru the Shipgirl
- Sonic Juice (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Composite)/Metal875
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Composite)/Paleomario66
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Composite)/Yapmaci1234
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Death Battle, Season 1)/Unbacked0
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Death Battle, Season 5)/Unbacked0
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Game Character)/Radical Resident Khan
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, IDW)/Yapmaci1234
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Nazo Unleashed)/Maverick Zero X
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Paramount)/Yapmaci1234
- Sonic The Hedgehog (Canon, Sonic For Hire)/Whyareesomanynamestaken
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon, Sonic X)/Yapmaci1234
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Fanon, SMBZ)/Maverick Zero X
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Fanon, TerminalMontage)/Maverick Zero X
- Sonic.EXE (Canon, 2017 Remake)/Duragoji123
- Sonic.EXE (Canon, 2017 Remake)/MemeLordGamer Trap
- Sonic.EXE (Canon, Original Creepypasta)/Duragoji123
- Speed Buster (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Speed Buster (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Splash Woman (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Splendorman (Canon)/FunbariVoid
- Spongebob Squarepants (Canon)/HughMann33
- Staff Officer Black (Canon)/Crim3322
- Star Rod (Canon)/Metal875
- Steve (Canon)/Ningen Zoo
- User blog:Stone Force/Ben Tennyson (Reboot)
- Suicide Mouse (Canon)/Sans2345
- Sunny (Canon, Fusiontale)/PaperPrince2
- Superman (Canon, Composite)/AgentStarter
- Superman (Canon, Pre-Crisis)/JHFjdnvfcmcd
- Tablos (Joke)/Yoru the Shipgirl
- Tails (Canon, Death Battle)/Unbacked0
- Tails Doll (Canon, Creepypasta)/Sans2345
- Takuma Hasumi (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Tama (Canon, AI: The Somnium Files)/Unbacked0
- Taokaka (Canon, Death Battle)/Unbacked0
- Terra (Canon, Mega Man)/Bulborb channel 3
- Terrormisu (Canon, Master of Disguise)/Piccolo823
- Thanos (Canon, Marvel Cinematic Universe)/DENSTIFY1
- Thanos (Canon, Marvel Cinematic Universe)/Ningen Zoo
- The Angler (Canon, Pressure)/Noyotix
- The Backrooms (Canon)/Sans2345
- The Boiled One (Canon)/Rip Tiberius
- The Castle (Canon, Calamity)/Withersoul 235
- The Cat (Canon, Five Nights at Candy's)/LemonedEyes
- The Center for Chaos Containment (Canon, Composite)/Amazing Metal Mario
- The Civilian (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Collector ( Canon / The Owl House / Feats & Statements )
- The Collector (Canon, The Owl House)/MemeLordGamer Trap
- The Crawler (Canon, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes)/Yapmaci1234
- The Demoman (Canon, Team Fortress 2)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Demoman (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Dredge (Canon)/Agent 1306
- The Elder God (Canon)/Exerdragon1000
- The Engineer (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The G-Man (Canon)/Sans2345
- The Gray Man (Canon)/Sans2345
- The Heavy (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Horrible Thing (Canon, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark)/Sans2345
- The Intruder (Canon, Mandela Catalogue)/Sans2345
- The Intruder (Canon, Mandela Catalogue)/TheDarkins
- The Magical Button (Canon, SML)/Soupywolf5
- The Man With The Upside-Down Face (Canon)/Ktbro13
- The Medic (Canon, Team Fortress 2)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Medic (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Merchant (Canon, Resident Evil)/Agent 1306
- The Narrator (Canon, The Stanley Parable)/Withersoul 235
- The Player (Canon, Doki Doki Literature Club!)/Duragoji123
- The Player (Canon, Wizard101)/Ben CleverName
- The Pyro (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Red Death (Canon, Edgar Allan Poe)/StarManatee
- The Remote (Canon, SML)/Soupywolf5
- The Scout (Canon, Team Fortress 2)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Scout (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Sniper (Canon, Team Fortress 2)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Sniper (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Soldier (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Spy (Canon, Team Fortress Classic)/Bulborb channel 3
- The Taoist (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Thraximundar (Canon)/Tod the Eldrazi
- Thunder McQueen (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Thunder Ryu (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- TickTock (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Tikal (Canon, Game Character)/Adamjensen2030
- Time Cycles (Canon, Ben 10)/Neptune311
- Time Man (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Tiptron (Canon)/Adamjensen2030
- Toad (Canon)/Metal875
- Toad (Canon)/Paleomario66
- Toadette (Canon)/Adamjensen2030
- Tomoki Wu (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Toneri Ōtsutsuki (Canon)/Slappyjoe056
- Tornado of Terror (Canon)/Z's Universe
- Tracer (Canon, Death Battle)/Unbacked0
- Troy Calypso (Canon)/DAGE9
- Turbo Mecha Sonic (Canon)/Maverick Zero X
- Type Venus (Canon, TYPE-MOON)/GZ Infinity
- Uboa (Canon, Classic)/Sans2345
- Ultron (Canon)/Omnipotent gangster
- Ultron Sigma (Canon)/Omnipotent gangster
- Under The Moon (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Ungalo (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Unicorn (Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI, Canon)/Unbacked0
- Universo (Canon, Image Comics)/Young-Jah
- Uno Reverse Card (Canon, Internet Memes)/Luigi The Thunder Master
- Urayne (Canon)/AdamGregory03
- Uri Reiss (Canon)/Hikana
- Username 666 (Canon)/Sans2345
- Utareduyoi Tsubaki (Canon)/Lambdawg
- Uwasa of the Happy Stamp (Canon)/ZeroTwo64
- Uwasa of the Little Old Cocoa Shop (Canon)/ZeroTwo64
- Uwasa of the Tangled-Up Ruins (Canon)/ZeroTwo64
- Valoran Silver (Canon)/Chiko619
- Vanishing Point (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Vegeta (Canon, Dragon Ball Super Manga)/Paleomario66
- Velvet Chair Girl (Canon)/Bulborb channel 3
- Venom (Canon, Marvel, Death Battle, Season 7)/Unbacked0
- Venti (Canon)/Giannysmag
- Victim (Canon, Animator vs. Animation)/KaaydoManic
- W. D. Gaster (Canon)/Giannysmag
- W. D. Gaster (Canon)/Lord JJJ
- W. D. Gaster (Canon)/Sans2345
- W. D. Gaster (Canon)/Theuser789
- Wario Apparition (Canon, Mario Conspiracies)/Ican'tthinkof1goodname
- Weegee (Canon, Lawl Liquid Crystal)/Luigi The Thunder Master
- William Afton (Canon, Movie)/MrGuywastakenwastaken
- Wilson (Canon, Don't Starve)/Cr33ver
- Yami (Canon)/Omnipotent gangster
- Yonaka Kurai (Canon)/Lambdawg
- Yotsuyu Yagiyama (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Younger A. Phex Brother (Canon)/Unbacked0
- Yu Kirasawa (Canon)/Agent 1306
- Yugi Muto (Canon, Anime)/Hans0l013123897
- Yugo t Eliatrope (Canon, Wakfu)/Ndpeeler
- Yuria (Canon)/Unbacked0