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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Pages about Cell made by Had3s1235
Canon MangaToei
Fanon Dragon Ball MultiverseDragon Ball New HopeDragon Ball Rise

Cell (DBM)
Each of us has killed the other, we'll have to settle that.
~ Cell to Son Gohan.
Really, I had been proud of my power during the Cell Games, and now people just as strong come one after the other to fight me... It was the good old days, I had some challenges back then... Today, I am incomparably... stronger!
~ Cell to Bojack.

Majin Cell (DBM)
Each of us has killed the other, we'll have to settle that.
~ Cell to Son Gohan.
Really, I had been proud of my power during the Cell Games, and now people just as strong come one after the other to fight me... It was the good old days, I had some challenges back then... Today, I am incomparably... stronger!
~ Cell to Bojack.


Cell (セル, Seru) is the ultimate creation of the maniacal Red Ribbon Army scientist Dr. Gero, a Bio-Android constructed from the DNA of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Freeza, King Cold and several other people. After self-destructing and regenerating, Vegeta did not assist Gohan in his struggle with Cell, therefore allowing Cell to overwhelm Gohan and massacre everyone. Cell would later travel the universe causing terror in his wake along with his children.

Powers and stats[]

Tier: At least 4-B | At least 4-B

Keys: Multiverse Tournament | Majinized/Potential Unlocked.

Name: Cell.

Origin: Dragon Ball Multiverse.

Age: 33 (57 counting years spent developing).

Gender: Male.

Classification: Bio-Android.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Cell can breathe in space due to Freeza and King Cold's cells), Chi Manipulation, Transformation, Aura, Flight, Accelerated Development, Telekinesis, Master Martial Artist, Size Manipulation (Can grow when it increases in size like a Namekian), Self-Destruction, Transformation, Immortality (Types 2 and 3, possibly Type 1), Regeneration (Low-High; Cell can regenerate from a special, core cell nucleus contained in his head; given that he has regenerated from having his top half blown off and from self-destructing, it is likely that this cell is able to survive extensive damage), Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other fighting techniques after seeing them once), Light Manipulation (Can create flashes of light to blind opponents), Body Control, Elasticity (Due to his Namekian DNA, he should be capable of stretching his arms out to great lengths)

Attack Potency: At least Solar System level (Has become much stronger after 27 years, where he mentions that with his Kamehameha he had enough power to destroy the entire Solar System. Stronger than his second Cell Jr. who beat Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta [Universe 13] who, even if he had his full power, was not sure of victory) | At least Solar System level (Mentioned to be equal or higher to Ultimate Gohan, which makes him stronger Super Saiyan 3 Goku [Majin Buu Arc] who could have blown up the Solar System with an Explosion Wave)

Durability: At least Solar System level (Managed to tank Hirudegarn's attacks) | At least Solar System level (Equal to Ultimate Gohan, being able to tank several of Gohan's attacks. Withstood blasts from Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta)

Speed: At least Supersonic combat speed (Not that far off from his Majin Form), High Hypersonic flight speed (Faster than 27 years ago, where he had enough speed to fly out of the Earth, whose escape speed is 11.2 km/s, or Mach 32) | At least Supersonic combat speed (Comparable to Super Saiyan 3 Goku whose movements break the sound barrier), High Hypersonic flight speed (Higher than before)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 100 (Far stronger than Freeza in his fourth form who can casually move in a gravity 1000x greater than Earth's gravity) | At least Class 100 (Higher than before)

Striking Strength: At least Solar System level | At least Solar System level

Stamina: Very High

Range: Standard melee range, at least Interplanetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard melee range, at least Interplanetary with ki blasts and attacks

Intelligence: Genius

Standard Equipment: None notable.

  • Can Create/Summon: Cell Jr.'s

Weaknesses: Cell is extremely overconfident and desires a good fight above all else due to his Saiyan blood, he relishes a good challenge and will avoid fighting at full power and let opponents reach their most powerful states to get one. He cannot absorb mechanical beings by puncturing them with his tail, and he needs to locate a ki signature to teleport using Instant Transmission. Cell can use Kaioken, but Salagir doesn't intend to make him use it.



  • As expected Cell's main genetic code consists of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Freeza, and King Cold. However he also has Human cells, though from whom specifically remains ambiguous. Though speculative, it likely stems from Kulilin, Yamcha, Tien, or even from Gohan or Dr. Gero himself.
  • Although unconfirmed, but Android 17 is likely no longer a part of Cell and probably perished during Cell's failed suicide explosion.
  • According to Cell he has nearly died numerous times, growing stronger with each incident via Zenkai. This includes when he forcibly reverted himself into his larval state to travel back in time.
  • In a alternative ending, Cell was meant to destroy the Earth with a Genkidama, but ultimately never became the final product since "Cell wanted to see the terror on the people's faces".
  • Captain Ginyu believes that among the infinite universes in existence, there is likely one where a counterpart of Cell is so strong that he could destroy whole galaxies with a sneeze.
  • All the opponents that Cell faced from the thirty-second to the round of 16 are part of a saga or film that in Universe 18 takes place chronologically after his defeat.


Cell comes from the Dragon Ball Multiverse fan manga by Salagir. As its source material is fanfiction, it is not related to the Dragon Ball canon. Which means that the Dragon Ball manga and anime do not apply to this Doujin. Fanon's stories should be considered separate fictional universes depending on the context. Therefore, although Cell is as strong as Gohan (unlocked potential) and scales above Super Buu, he does not scale to 2-C, as there is nothing to prove that he scales with the canonical Super Buu.
