“ | Fall into a hole in space! | „ |
~ Centaur Man |

Centaur Man is a robot who worked at a museum of ancient artifacts. However, it began to decline, so he entered the 1st Annual Robot Master tournament to fight against several other robots and hope to win and use his reward to repair the museum, but was reprogrammed by the tournament's sponsor, Dr. Wily, into a combat robot working for him.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Unknown. 7-B with weapons. Possibly at least Low 6-B with weapons.
Name: Centaur Man.
Origin: Mega Man 6.
Gender: Male.
Age: Unknown.
Classification: Robot. Robot Master.
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Weapon Mastery, Natural Weaponry, Energy Projection, Weapon Creation, Spatial Manipulation (Can bend space with Centaur Flash.), Time Stop, Resistance to Spatial Manipulation (Can no-sell his own Centaur Flash.), Resistance to Energy Manipulation (Can no-sell Plant Man's Plant Barrier.).
Attack Potency: Unknown. City Level with weapons (Fought Mega Man.). Possibly at least Small Country Level with weapons.
Speed: FTL.
Lifting Strength: Unknown.
Striking Strength: Unknown.
Durability: City Level. Possibly at least Small Country Level.
Stamina: Infinite (Is a robot and should not need stamina.).
Range: Standard Melee Range. Standard Melee Range to Hundreds of Meters with weapons.
Standard Equipment: Arm cannon. Shield. Staff.
Intelligence: Unknown.
Weaknesses: Centaur Flash lasts for a limited amount of time.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Centaur Flash: Centaur Man's signature attack, where he alters space in order to stop time. This generates energy and can hurt others.
- Centaur Arrow: Centaur Man creates an energy bow from his arm cannon and fires an arrow at his enemies.
Notable Victories:
Notable Loses:
Inconclusive Matches: