“ | Greetings. I am Chara. Thank you. Your power awakened me from death. My human soul... My determination... They were not mine, but YOURS. At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life...? You. With your guidance. I realized the purpose of my reincarnation. Power. Together, we eradicated the enemy and became strong. HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV. Every time a number increases, that feeling... That's me. Chara. Now. Now we have reached the absolute. There is nothing left for us here. Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next. | „ |
~ Chara |
Chara is the true name of the first human to fall into the Underground. They are Asgore's and Toriel's adoptive child as well as Asriel's foster sibling. Although mourned by the Underground's residents after their death, their adoration for the fallen child belies a much more sinister persona that few are privy to and is only revealed in segments on the Pacifist Route before being showcased in full on the Genocide Route.
Tier: Low 7-B to 7-B, High 6-A | Unknown without a host. Varies through LV up to at least 5-C while using Frisk's body | High 2-A, possibly Low 1-C
Name: Chara (Name in-game varies depending on what the player chooses to name them, but "Chara" is the true name)
Origin: Undertale
Gender: Ambiguous
Age: 100+ (chronologically. Its implied that Undertale takes place 100 years after chara's fall, in which chara was shown to be alive before they fell. Chara's fall didn't happened too long after when the monsters where forced into the underground)
Classification: Human child, The Fallen Child, Adopted child of Asgore and Toriel, Asriel's adopted sibling, Manifestation of the player's willingness to kill just to increase their stats, The demon that comes when people call its name
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, SOUL Absorption and Fusionism (Humans can absorb monster souls. Combined with Asriel's SOUL of which split control of the body between them), limited Invulnerability (As a human, they should be capable of getting INV like Frisk does), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; As a human, they should be the same as Frisk), Longevity for their SOUL (A human's SOUL can exist even after death and can exist for incredible amounts of time, the 6 Human SOULS are a good example of this), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Should be capable of taking SOUL attacks like Frisk. A single human soul is nearly as strong as all monsters), Heat Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation, and possibly to also Poison Manipulation (As a human, they should be the same as Frisk due to them not being bothered at all from those)
Immortality (Types 1, 5, 6 and 7), Incorporeality and Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 1, Aspect Type 1. Lost both their body and soul after dying while having their soul combined with Asriel's, the latter collapsing into dust and his soul disappearing, reducing them to a nonexistent being who needs to possess hosts such as Frisk in order to interact with the world again. Flowey described them as empty inside just like him, him lacking a soul), Possession and Breaking the Fourth Wall (Took control of Frisk through the Genocide run, as shown with the text recognizing Frisk as Chara unlike in the other Routes, Flowey instantly recognizing them as Chara despite having a different appearance and other big changes in personality than Frisk's that other monsters notice. Despite said control can be broken if the Player does not collaborate with them in their guidance, Chara will still take full control of Frisk at the end of a True Pacifist completed after a Genocide run), Fear Manipulation (Chara's Influence has been shown to make victim's unnaturally scared, an example being Doggo who couldn't even see them or know if there was even someone there, Chara also did the same to Flowey even though flowey considers himself emotionless), likely Resistance to Empathic Manipulation (Should be the same as in their Absolute due to them lacking a soul)
All the powers they would have without a host outside of Incorporeality and Nonexistent Physiology. Almost all of Frisk's Powers and Abilities (While using them as a host, Chara should have access to almost all of their powers due to them showcasing even the ability to SAVE and LOAD, though the ones achieved through Peak Determination are not included, given that they were never displayed through the Genocide Route)
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Body Control (Capable of warping their face to an inhuman degree), Incorporeality, possibly Abstract Existence (Type 1. Became the player's feeling of a number increasing, although if this is meant to be taken literally is debatable), Time Manipulation, Reality Warping, Existence Erasure and Information Manipulation (Type 2. Erased the entirety of "Undertale", destroying the game world alongside all of its files, with attempts to reverse the damage through messing with said files being ineffective. Should be comparable to Frisk and restored the entire game world with possibly a TRUE RESET), possibly Type 1 Acausality Negation (Has possibly used a TRUE RESET to restore the entire game world, with the TRUE RESET also erasing the memories that Flowey and Frisk gained through resets), Possession and Fear Manipulation (Should still have these powers even after reaching the Absolute), Resurrection and Immortality (Types 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Reliant on the player's desire to increase their statistics. Should be able to rewind time upon death like Frisk and harnessed enough DETERMINATION to likely do so. Can stall the Player for all eternity), Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 1, Aspect Types 1 and 4. Implied to still be in a nonexistent state even after getting enough DETERMINATION to being able to interact with the world from their own again, as they talked as the void left after the destruction of the game, with later on saying that their human soul wasn't actually theirs, but "yours"), Extrasensory Perception (Knew that the SOUL the player gave them resonated with a strange feeling), Soul Manipulation (Capable of taking the Player Entities SOUL, although only if it agreed to giving chara their SOUL beforehand), Acausality (Type 1, Completely unaffected by RESETS), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Can knowingly communicate with the Player Entity), Supernatural Willpower and Empowerment (Harnessed the extreme amounts of DETERMINATION that the Player produced, which is the extreme strength of will to keep living, and allows the user to increase their statistics depending on how determined they feel or also to survive attacks they would normally wouldn't, a good example of a DETERMINATION user being Frisk), Resistance to Type 1 Acausality Negation (Showcased to not be affected from the TRUE RESETs used from the Player, as they have permanentely changed the Pacifist Route ending after reaching the Absolute, and those changes are impossible to revert even with a TRUE RESET, but only through non-canon editing to the game files, other than noticing the Player making multiple Genocide Routes, with the game world being destroyed and recreated from Chara at the end of each of them), likely Empathic Manipulation (Cannot understand the sentimentality of the player and those feelings any more, which the demon may be literally unable to understand. Flowey's lack of a soul made him believe he was unable to love other people and thus lacked compassion)
Small City level to City level, Multi-Continent level (Should be comparable to a Frisk with Minimal Determinaton and LV 1) | Unknown without a host (After their death, Chara became a nonexistent being who cannot interact with the world from their own). Varies through LV up to at least Moon level while using Frisk's body (Can increase their power from gaining LV through killing people up to LV 20, although LOVE primarily measures violence and willingness to hurt, which is extremely effective against monsters. At LV 10/11 they could already harm and eventually kill Undyne the Undying) | High Multiverse level+ (Destroyed the entire game and its cosmology, and recreated it. As Sans says in his Genocide fight, with every RESET a new timeline is created, with Flowey alone having RESET and LOADED so much that he has done everything the Underground had to offer, seeing 'every line of dialogue, every set of numbers', etc. Due to the nature of the RESETS, there is canonically no cap on how many RESETS could be done, and thus the game can hold any amount of timelines that are generated from the RESETS, even if countless of them are made through constantly resetting over and over. The entire reality of Undertale has an infinite amount of timelines threw many statements, the reality of Undertale is also known as a 5D world), possibly Low Complex Multiverse level (Metafictionally transcends the Undertale Verse as they view it as a "Game" and "Code" since they can all kick you out of the code/game they would have to view it as fiction and transcend the verse inaccessibly to kick you out because it would be going beyond the limitations of it and transcending it to make you leave it to a higher level of existence or its code, and it kicks you away from the code)
FTL+ (Should be comparable to Frisk with minimal amounts of DT and low-level monsters like Froggit) | Unknown without a host. Varies up to Massively FTL+ while using Frisk's body (Could keep up with Undyne the Undying) | Immeasurable (Harnessed incredible amounts of Determination, giving them the power to destroy Undertale as a game entirely, due to their incredibly high Determination, they should be comparable to other high DT users like Frisk), Omnipresent (Their existence is that of an entirely abstract concept that said the concept is the feeling you get when you want to grind ETC... Chara is everywhere possible existing in every timeline and influencing everyone)
Peak Human (Should be the same as Frisk) | Unknown without a host. Peak Human while using Frisk's body | Likely Superhuman (Should be immensely superior than before)
Small City Class to City Class, Multi-Continent Class | Unknown without a host. Varies through LV up to at least Moon Class while using Frisk's body | High Multiversal+, possibly Low Complex Multiversal
Small City level to City level, Multi-Continent level | Unknown without a host. Varies through LV up to at least Moon level while using Frisk's body | High Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level (Was absolutely unaffected by Undertale's collapse, which is home to countless other timelines that were created by Flowey)
Limitless (Their existence is that of an entire abstract concept)
High Multiversal+ (Able to extend throughout all of time and space via SAVE and LOAD; Their natural existence also extends across the multiverse and can influence them)
- Cell Phone: Chara can call their "friends" using this phone. They can also receive calls from those friends.
- Weapons: Chara can use these to combat their foes, or to interact with them by ACTing.
- Stick: It's bark is apparently worse than it's bite. Absolutely useless in combat. It does no damage. Though it's quite useful to distract dogs, or characters who act like a dog.
- Tough Glove: A worn glove for characters with five fingers. This adds 5ATK.
- Ballet Shoes: These shoes make Chara feel incredibly dangerous for some reason. This adds 7ATK.
- Burnt Pan: A pan that deals consistent damage. This adds 10ATK, and an additional 4HP every time a consumable Item is used.
- Worn Dagger: A tool used for cutting plants and vines. This adds 15ATK.
- Empty Gun: A unique revolver that doesn't require any ammo. This adds 12ATK.
- Torn Notebook: A notebook with extremely messy writing. This adds 2ATK and 6INV.
- Toy Knife: A knife made of plastic. This adds 3ATK.
- Real Knife: By far the most powerful weapon. This adds 99ATK.
- Armor: Chara can use these to improve their defense against attacks.
- Bandage: A bandage that has been used countless times, though somehow it still restores 10HP, but doesn't offer any DEF.
- Faded Ribbon: If you're cuter, apparently monsters won't hurt you as much. This adds 3DEF.
- Manly Bandanna: A worn bandanna with abs drawn on it. This adds 7DEF.
- Cowboy Hat: This hat makes Chara want to grow a beard. This adds 12DEF and 5ATK.
- Old Tutu: A tutu that somehow proves to be protective armor. This adds 10DEF.
- Cloudy Glasses: A worn pair of glasses. This adds 5DEF and 9INV.
- Stained Apron: A dirty apron is somehow useful. This adds 11DEF and 1HP per turn.
- Heart Locket: This locket has "Best Friends Forever." written on it. This adds 15DEF. However, this artifact is completely different in another route...
- The Locket: You can feel this locket beating, as if it were an actual heart. It adds 99DEF.
- Items: Chara can use these usually to heal them or gain a temporary boost in a stat.
- Temmie Flakes: Torn up pieces of construction paper by the Temmies. It only restores 2HP.
- Snowman Piece: A piece of a Snowman in Snowdin Forest. Chara can take it far away across the Earth...or they can just straight up eat it to restore 45HP.
- Crab Apple: An apple that's shaped a crustacean. It restores 18HP.
- Potato Chips: Nothing like a bag of Potato Chips. It restores 13HP.
- Cinnamon Bunny: A cinnamon roll that's shaped like a bunny. It restores 22HP.
- Starfait: A treat made of sparkling stars. It restores 14HP.
- Monster Candy: Candy with a distinct, non-licorice flavor. It restores 10HP.
- Spider Cider: A juice sold at the Spider Bake Sale that's been made from real spiders. Gross. It restores 24HP.
- Spider Donut: A donut sold at the Spider Bake Sale that's been made from Spider Cider. It restores 12HP.
- Butterscotch Pie: Toriel's delicious cinnamon pie. It restores all of Chara's health.
- Snail Pie: Toriel's delicious...snail pie. It restores almost all of Frisk's health.
- Nice Cream: An ice cream sold by the Nice Cream Guy. The wrapper always says something nice about the buyer. It restores 15HP.
- Bisicle: A popsicle divided into two so you can eat it twice. Both halves restore 11HP.
- Unisicle: A popsicle divided into one...or a normal popsicle. It restores 11HP.
- Astronaut Food: Food used to feed a pet astronaut. It restores 21HP.
- Abandoned Quiche: A spinach egg pie that's been neglected. It restores 34HP.
- Instant Noodles: This was hanging around in Alphys' fridge. Instant Noodles normally restore 4HP to 15HP. However, if Serious Mode is enabled, then it restores 90HP.
- Steak in the Shape of Mettaton's Face: A massive steak shaped like Mettaton's face, but it's likely not real meat. It restores 60HP.
- Glamburger: A hamburger made out of...glitter and sequins. It restores 27HP.
- Dog Residue: Using this fills Chara's inventory with Dog Residues and Dog Salads. Thank the Annoying Dog for that one.
- Dog Salad: After receiving the Dog Residue, it fills Chara's inventory with Dog Salads. The amount of HP depends on what's being eaten. The amount of HP depends on what the salad contains. If it only contains bones, then it only restores 2HP, if it contains a fried tennis ball, it restores 10HP, if Chara thinks it tastes "yappy", then it restores 20HP, and if it's literally garbage, then it restores all Chara's health.
- Junk Food: Food that was likely thrown away at some point. It restores 17HP.
- Legendary Hero: A sandwich shaped like a sword. It restores 40HP.
- Sea Tea: Tea that was made from glowing marsh water. It restores 10HP, and gives Frisk a slight boost in SPEED until completing a said task. (For example, winning a battle)
- Hush Puppy: A spell that forbids dogs from using magic. It restores 65HP.
- Punch Card: These cards are made to temporarily make Frisk stronger during battle. Using it will make Chara's hands burn. They can have multiple Punch Cards at once. If the Tough Glove is currently equipped, then it adds 6ATK.
Seems to be high (Managed to trick Asriel), Nigh-Omniscient (knows everything everyone is gonna do except Frisk)
If someone with more DETERMINATION appears, they lose their SAVE and LOAD ability. Need someone with strong violent intent to manifest itself into reality.
- Determination: A power that allows SOULs to persist after death. It also allows Frisk to get more powerful for the time being. If Chara happens to get killed, they can use this power to keep fighting on by using the abilities listed below.
- SAVE: In-game, this feature is used to save your files. In other words, it saves Frisk's current point in the timeline they're in by using a SAVE Point.
- LOAD: In-game, this feature is used to return to the last time you saved in said file. In other words, it allows Frisk to return to their previous SAVE Point, commonly after being killed by someone or something. Characters with timeline awareness may be aware of the previous Loads.
- RESET: In-game, this feature is used to erase any files and most of the stored information within it. In other words, it completely restarts the said timeline. Just like with Loading, characters who have knowledge of previous timelines will recognize Frisk, but not aware of how they know them.
- TRUE RESET: In-game, this feature is used to erase a file and all the stored information within it. In other words, it completely refreshes anything in that timeline. Even the memories of characters with timeline awareness will be completely refreshed.
- SAVE: In-game, this feature is used to save your files. In other words, it saves Frisk's current point in the timeline they're in by using a SAVE Point.
- FIGHT: Chara will be prompted to attack a character.
- ACT: Chara will be prompted to select a character to learn more about them. This includes checking their stats or simply just interacting with them. Frisk can befriend them...or taunt them. In-game, ACTing can make it easier to Spare an opponent, depending on how flattered they are with Chara's interactions. (However, this technique doesn't work on those who are absolutely bloodlusted.)
- ITEM: Chara will be prompted to use an item in their inventory.
- Serious Mode: This disables any humor when fighting a character. (Some examples are when fighting a Boss Monster like Toriel, Asgore, Undyne the Undying, or Sans.)
Pre-Death | Post-Death | Absolute
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Fu (Canon, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2) (Whyareesomanynamestaken's Profile) (DBH Super Fu is used, High 2-A versions were used and speed was equalized, immortality was restricted)
Inconclusive Matches: