Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Excuse me, did anyone order a hero?
~ Chase McCain.


Chase McCain is the main protagonist of the Lego City Undercover duology and a playable character in Lego Dimensions. He was a famous policeman well known throughout LEGO City who once brought down Rex Fury. Natalia testified against Rex anonymously, but Chase accidentally gave her identity away, making him have to leave LEGO City. Two years later, he returned and found out Rex Fury escaped and had begun a huge crime wave. In order to protect Natalia, Chase once again became a policeman and went undercover to bring down Rex Fury once and for all. (Credits to Brickipedia)

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B by himself, higher with equipment. At least 9-A with mech

Name: Chase McCain

Origin: Lego City Undercover

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Police Officer

Powers and Abilities:

  • Acrobatics (Is an expert at Parkour, being capable of vaulting over and sliding under obstacles, wall jumping, wall running, swinging from poles and scaling certain walls and ceilings)
  • Vehicular Mastery (Cars, trucks, motorcycles, helicopters, boats and other miscellaneous vehicles)
  • Social Influencing (He's a master of disguises, capable of infiltrating in several gangs without raising any suspicion)

  • Police Uniform
    • Enhanced Senses and Information Analysis with Police Communicator (The communicator allows Chase to identify criminals even when they are hiding behind walls, locate and listen in on conversations, scan for Super Bricks, find hidden objects, reveal footprints and show Chase the most direct route to a destination with its navigational system)
    • Limited Sound Manipulation with a whistle
  • Robber Disguise
    • Enhanced Hearing with stethoscope (Used to open up safes and hear through doors)
    • Paint Manipulation with Color Gun (Used to change the colors of LEGO bricks by shooting paint at them)
      • Technopathy (Can interact with machines with green and red paint, making machines turn on and off respectively)
      • Limited Attack Reflection (Silver paint makes any surface able to reflect lasers)
  • Astronaut Disguise
    • Flight and Limited Fire Manipulation with a jetpack (In Lego City Undercover, the jet pack has limited fuel and is used mainly to hover for a short period of time. In Lego Dimensions, Chase can fly indefinitely with a full range of movement and use the afterburners of the jetpack to burn enemies)
    • Energy Projection and Paralysis Inducement with a Ray Gun (In Lego City Undercover, while being powerful enough to blow up vehicles with a couple of shots, enemies hit by its blast are only temporarily paralysed. In Lego Dimensions, it no longer paralyses and can deal damage)
    • Non-Standard Breathing (Type 3) and Resistance to Cosmic Radiation (Can survive in space)
    • Possibly Heat Resistance (Didn't show any signs of heating up after an atmospheric reentry. However, it could be just an oversight from the developer's part)
  • Firefighter Disguise

All playable characters in both Lego City Undercover and Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins are in fact Chase in disguise. Those disguises are separated in classes already covered in the previous tab and share the same equipment/abilities. Some, however, provide Chase with extra material to work with, which are covered here.

  • Statistics Amplification (Can seemingly enhance his own strength with any Rex Fury disguise, allowing Chase to pull down walls he wouldn't be able to otherwise)
  • Healing (Carries a medkit in his Natalia Kowalski - Civilian disguise)

Attack Potency: Wall level by himself (Punched through prison walls. Can destroy several structures, such as trees, fire hydrants and bus stops, in a single attack. Fought with Rex Fury), higher with equipment (Can destroy several boulders at once with a pickaxe and destroy vehicles such as cars, buses and trucks with a couple shots from his ray gun. A single batch of dynamite can blow up a large metal statue). At least Small Building level with mech (Overpowered Rex Fury's mechanical T-Rex)

Speed: Athletic Human running speed (Outpaced several security guards) with Subsonic reactions and combat speed (Reacted and dodged flying debris while he was falling back to Earth)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can throw opponents across great distances), higher with a Rex Fury disguise (Can seemingly enhance his own strength with any Rex Fury disguise, allowing Chase to pull down walls he wouldn't be able to otherwise)

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level (Can survive bumping into flying debris during atmospheric re-entry, as well as crashing through wooden structures while halo jumping)

Stamina: High (Can complete free-running challenges without tiring)

Range: Standard Melee Range normally, Tens of Meters with projectiles

Standard Equipment:

  • Civilian Clothes
  • Police Uniform
    • Whistle
    • Handcuffs
    • Grapple Gun: Can be used to get up to higher places, pull objects closer, destroy LEGO objects and wrap up opponents.
    • Police Communicator: The communicator allows Chase to identify criminals even when they are hiding behind walls, locate and listen in on conversations, scan for Super Bricks, find hidden objects, reveal footprints and show Chase the most direct route to a destination with its navigational system. It also has other miscellaneous uses, such as a camera and receiving video calls
  • Robber Disguise
    • Crowbar: Used to break open doors.
    • Stethoscope: Used to open up safes and hear through doors.
    • Color Gun: Used to change the colors of LEGO bricks by shooting paint at them. This can have varying effects depending on the color. Green and red paint can interact with machines, turning them on and off respectively, silver paint makes any surface able to reflect lasers and blue paint can make surfaces climbable.
  • Miner Disguise
    • Pickaxe: Used to smash boulders and create shockwaves with its jumping attack.
    • TNT: Used to blow up silver LEGO objects. In Lego City Undercover, TNT has to be bought from vending machines and Chase can only use one batch at a time. In Lego Dimensions, Chase has a seemingly unlimited supply of TNT in his pocket, and can throw multiple batches at once.
  • Astronaut Disguise
    • Ray Gun: In Lego City Undercover, while being powerful enough to blow up vehicles with a couple of shots, enemies hit by its blast are only temporarily paralysed. In Lego Dimensions, it no longer paralyses and can deal damage.
    • Jet Pack: In Lego City Undercover, the jet pack has limited fuel and is used mainly to hover for a short period of time. The fuel could be replenished in midair by flying through rings. In Lego Dimensions, Chase can fly indefinitely with a full range of movement and use the afterburners of the jetpack to burn enemies.
  • Farmer Disguise
    • Chicken: Used to break objects and stun enemies by shooting eggs at them, glide over short distances and operate cannons. Time spent during the glide could be extended by passing through rings.
    • Watering Pot: Used to water plants and have them grow almost instantly.
  • Firefighter Disguise
    • Axe: Used to break open boarded-up doors.
    • Fire Extinguisher: Used to put out fires and push back opponents.
  • Construction Worker Disguise
    • Pneumatic Drill: Used to drill broken floors.
    • Hammer: Used to fix junction boxes.

Optional Equipment: A mech

Intelligence: Above Average (He's a master of disguises, capable of infiltrating in several gangs without raising any suspicion. Mastered Kung Fu in a single teaching)

Weaknesses: Afraid of French parrots.
