Clairvoyance is the power to gather information about an object, person, location, event and/or other entities through supernatural means, often by use of magic or other metaphysical means such as communicating with spirits. Clairvoyance can be accomplished with the assistance of specific tools (i.e magical artifacts such as crystal balls) or it can be portrayed as an ability that is intrinsic to the user.
Possible Uses
- Dream Insight: The ability to gather information through dreams.
- Psychic Insight: The ability to gather information through psychic powers.
- Sensory Linking: The ability to gather information through linking one's sensory to other's.
- Astral Projection: The ability to gather information through projecting your consciousness/soul/astral form beyond your physical form.
- Extrasensory Perception: The ability to gather information through "extra senses", often depicted as enhancing an existing sense with additional capabilities, such as sensory that can be remotely controlled beyond the user's physical form.
- Supernatural Senses: The ability to gather information through heightened senses, allowing perception of details that would normally be impossible.
- Precognition: The ability to perceive the future and thus gather information from there.
- Retrocognition: The ability to perceive the past and thus gather information from there.
Possible Limitation
May require to concentrate on one's specific clairvoyance type, leaving the user vulnerable.
Notable Users
- DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III Stardust Crusaders); via Jonathan's Stand
- Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil); via All-Seeing Eye
- Enchanted Mirror (Disney's Beauty and the Beast)
- Many Force Sensitives (Star Wars)
- Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Shroom (Dragon Ball Heroes)