Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Summary []

Coniglio was a student who possessed a Stand from birth. She was praised as "Coni the Immortal" since she was able to recover from any injury no matter how severe, however, this changed when she tried to heal one of her classmates and everyone became scared of her and she became known as "Coni the Witch".

She would later move from her home city of Rome to Venice as a way to escape from these insults, while there she met a woman named Winona who Coniglio became friends with. While in Venice she becomes a means for Passione to hunt down Bruno's group by luring them into a trap, however, they escaped and managed to help Coniglio over the death of her friend and afterwards, she moved to America to use her Stand to help people.

Powers and Stats []

Tier: 10-B | High 7-C 

Name: Coniglio (Nicknamed Coni)

Origin: GioGio's Bizarre Adventure 2: Golden Heart, Golden Ring 

Gender: Female 

Age: 17 

Classification: Student

Powers and Abilities: None Notable | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Healing (It will automatically heal anyone who has any injuries), Size Manipulation (After taking too much damage it will grow in size), Absorption (Any damage that The Cure takes will make it stronger), Soul ManipulationNon-Physical Interaction (Stands are made up of their user's soul and can damage and destroy other Stands), InvisibilityIntangibility (Stands are invisible to Non-Stand users and are intangible to any Non-Stand), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (The Cure is the only thing to be able to survive Purple Haze's virus aside from Purple Haze itself) 

Attack Potency: Average Human Level | Large Town Level (Is able to harm powerful Stands like Stick Fingers, Can gain more power the more damage it takes)

Speed: Normal Human Speed with MFTL reactions (Is comparable to the members of Bruno's group) | MFTL (Has shown the ability to fight on par with Sticky Fingers) 

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Average Human Level | Large Town Level

Durability: Average Human Level | Large Town Level (Can physically deflect attacks from Sticky Fingers)

Stamina: Unknown 

Range: Standard melee range Standard melee range to Extended melee range 

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: The Cure can become berserk and while it isn't berserk it cannot fight

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • The Cure: The Cure is a Close-Range Stand which takes the form of a small rabbit that is only thirty centimetres tall. It has the ability to heal those around it by absorbing the damage, however, if The Cure absorbs too much it will grow in size and become berserk with the only way to stop being to kill Coniglio or for Coniglio to calm it down.

Key: Coniglio | The Cure
