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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Cozmic Brainz (Canon, GW2)[]

Cozmic Brainz

"Without Cozmic, The League has no stars!"- Cozmic Brainz


Cozmic Brainz is a Super Rare variant of the Super Brainz Class, the Canon Cozmic Brainz is a member of the league of awesome, alongside Super Duper Brainz and the other variants. They are the most powerful versions of their variants.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At Least 4-A, likely 2-C, possibly High 1-B

Name: Cozmic Brainz, "Purple Guy"

Origin: Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Zombie Supervillain

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: At Least Multi Solar System Level (Cozmic Brainz Can erase Sunflowers who produce hundreds of suns a day), likely Universe+ Level, possibly High Hyperverse Level (Cozmic Brains can erase Plasma Peas, who shoot the fabric of space and time in every Pea. They are made of the energy they fire and they would scale to their own attack potency as they are unharmed by their own Peas. Plasma Peas have an upgrade called 'Superpositional Peas' which allows them to harness Superposition in every Pea. This would theoretically make each universe they shoot be a type 3 multiverse, which is infinite-dimensional)

Speed: Immeasurable (Can move and run in the gnomiverse which exists outside the bounds of space and time)

Lifting Strength: Class Y (Lifts Planets to build his muscles)

Striking Strength: At Least Multi Solar System Level, likely Universe+ Level, possibly High Hyperverse Level

Durability: At Least Multi Solar System Level, likely Universe+ Level, possibly High Hyperverse Level (Can tank attacks from Sunflowers and Plasma Peas)

Stamina: Infinite (Zombies do not need sleep or rest)

Range: Extended Melee Range, up to Hundreds of Meters with Cozmic Beam

Standard Equipment: His Cosmic Bracelets and Armor

Intelligence: Above Average, possibly Gifted (Smarter than he looks. Was able to figure out he could reflect Green Shadow's blasts with a mirror. Evaded Grass Knuckles' attacks while taking selfies. Turned back into his human disguise and fooled the Plants so he wasn’t defeated. Is part of the Brainy zombie class. He also beat Solar Flare in a video game but was helped by Impfinity. Is imbued with Zomboss' DNA)

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Super Ultra Ball: When used, Super Brainz throws an explosive ball that deals up to 120 damage to the target, as well as a large amount of splash damage.
  • Super Multi Ball: When used, Super Brainz throws out three balls to the target.
  • Super Guided Ultra Ball: This ability is a homing type of ability similar to Rose. Some differences include the fact that it travels slower than its normal counterpart, explodes when it travels a certain distance, and, as its description suggests, chases plants once fired. The only downside is that it can only chase one plant aimed at and it is very slow, making it easy to avoid.
  • Turbo Twister: When used, Super Brainz will spin in a manner similar to the Jester Zombie. While spinning, it will deal 2 damage continuously to plants it hits. While he is in Turbo Twister, Super Brainz increases his speed and he takes 65% less damage, similar to abilities like Engineer's Big Bolt Blaster. It can be canceled early if he is hit by an attack that does knockback such as Big Stump's Club Bash or getting ensnared by a Spikeweed.
  • Heroic Kick: When used, Super Brainz will leap forwards (or down, if he is flying) and glide forwards while kicking for a few seconds, dealing damage to the first plant he hits. If the ability is activated while Super Brainz is jumping, he will kick towards the direction where the player is facing with.