Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Here the Master Hand loves to create, its alter ego is impulsive and destructive, consumed with that hollow feeling which comes from destroying your own creations. The Crazy Hand appears when a player clears obstacles quickly and the Master Hand's power is low. You have only one chance to defeat the Crazy Hand.
~ Crazy Hand's trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Crazy Hand SSBU


Crazy Hand is the secondary antagonist of the Super Smash Bros. series, and is Master Hand's left hand and brother. Crazy Hands attacks are more faster and dangerous than Master Hand.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 2-A, possibly High 2-A

Name: Crazy Hand

Origin: Super Smash Bros.

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: The destructive spirit

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, True Flight, Energy Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Can shoot bombs, bullets and lasers from his fingers, Spatial Manipulation (Can tear apart the fabric of space and creates a sucking vortex), Reality Warping (Can bend the rules of Smash to his will), Duplication (Can create clones of Smash fighters for solo or horde), Sleep Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement (Can make anyone mini, mega, metal, flowered, take increased knockback, etc), Teleportation (Flees in a burst of flames when Master Hand transforms into Master Core), Higher-Dimensional Physiology (Casually transcends the Smash Bros universe which was confirmed to have infinite timelines), One Hit Kill with Sudden Death, Elasticity (Can extend his finger), Black Hole Generation, Can release both light & darkness, Concept Embodiment and Conceptual Manipulation (Master Hand and Crazy Hand personify the concepts of creation and destruction in the Super Smash Bros universe)

Attack Potency: At least Multiverse level+ (Is Master Hand's equal, who created the Super Smash Bros universe by bringing toys of the characters to life), possibly High Multiverse level+ (Palutena and Viridi confirm that there are infinite timelines within the Super Smash Bros universe, and Crazy Hand is Master Hand's equal, Crazy Hand sees Dialga and Palkia as nothing but fiction)

Speed: Immeasurable (Crazy Hand transcends and is Master Hand's equal who creates the infinite multiverse, including time and space)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 10, likely higher (Can lift the likes of Bowser and Donkey Kong)

Striking Strength: At least Multiversal+, possibly High Multiversal+

Durability: At least Multiverse level+, possibly High Multiverse level+

Stamina: Extremely high

Range: Multiversal+, possibly High Multiversal+ (Is Master Hand's equal, who creates infinite timelines and is the creator of them)

Standard Equipment: Nothing notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Extremely insane.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Big Rip: Rips open the fabric of space, creating a vortex.
  • Finger Drill: Flies into the opponent and spins around like a drill to attack.
  • Spider Walk: Crawls on the ground.
  • Floor Sweep: Sweeps across length of the area.
  • Flying Punch: Flies in from behind to punch.
  • Flying Slap: Flies in from behind to slap.
  • Jetstream: Flies behind, then rockets forward like a jet.
  • Power Punch: Punches the opponent with electricity.
  • Finger Bombs: Drops a series of bombs.
  • Laser Nail: Shoots several lasers downward.
  • Reverse Throw: Grabs the opponent and throws them backwards.
  • Squeeze: Squeezes the opponent.
  • Pink Pillar: Produces a series of magenta orbs that he sticks to the ground and explodes when a target goes near them or when time passes by.
  • Shadow Ball Bash: Creates a ball of shadow energy and backhands it to the area.
  • Tri-Poke: Pokes the air thrice, having more power the third time.
  • Vertical Throw: Throws the opponent downwards with extreme force.
  • Fake-Out Slap: Pretends to punch, but actually slaps.
  • Spasm: Flops around the ground, damaging anyone that gets near him.
  • Snapper: Snaps, stunning the opponent if they are on the ground, and flying if they're in the air.
  • Toss Grab: Throws the opponent to the side.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
