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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
You're gonna take the coward's way out? Run away to more lives? Or you're gonna fight?
~ Death to Puss in Boots
Death (Shrek)

Summary SU[]

Death, alternatively referred to as The Wolf in promotional material or Lobo, is one of the two primary antagonists of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. He is the personification of death, seen and described to be a force of nature towards those he targets, especially towards that of Puss in Boots who he stalked and tantalized relentlessly throughout the film in order to snuff out the cat's ninth and last life.

Upon meeting Death, Puss mistakes the wolf as just another meager bounty hunter wishing to claim the hit on the cat's head and mocks him for it. After a mortifying conversation and one-sided fight with the alleged mercenary, Puss migrated into a brief retirement to secure his last life until hearing of The Last Wish, in which he embarks on a journey to claim the wish for himself in order to attain his previous eight lives, and restore his pride, with Death stalking him throughout it. Later on in the Forest of Magic, Puss soon finds out that the wolf that had stalked him throughout his journey wasn't a skilled bounty hunter, but instead the literal grim reaper, out to kill Puss after feeling insulted by the cat's ability to escape death more than once, telling the feline that he is "not a cat person" because of this.

Eventually, on the precipice of making his wish, Death and Puss engage in one last fight, to which Puss triumphs by exasperating Death with his newfound value of life, causing the wolf to dismiss Puss due to not viewing him as a legend anymore, causing their feud to end with Death reminding the cat that they will meet again one day.


Tier: Low 7-B, 7-B to High 7-A, 6-C, 7-A to 6-A, 5-B, possibly Low 2-C to 2-C

Name: Death, The Wolf (In promotional material), Lobo, "Bounty Hunter" (As falsely referred to as by Puss from their initial meeting)

Origin: Dreamworks (Shrek)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, possibly as old as the universe (Is ment to be the personifacation of Death)

Classification: The Grim Reaper and personification of death, Anthropomorphic grey wolf


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Proficiently fought with dual sickles, and can even combine them to make a double-bladed glaive to which he maneuvered just as well, in which he overpowered and outfought Puss with both weapon styles, causing the latter to lose his rapier in two different occasions), Immortality (Type 1 and 8; Is the physical embodiment of death itself), Bodily Weaponry (Claws and teeth), Enhanced Senses (Capable of smelling fear from his victims. As a wolf, Death should have a sense of smell 100x superior to a human's, better ability to see in the dark and better hearing), Acrobatics (Displays great athletic ability during combat), Vibration Manipulation (Shook the region around him simply by speaking his name), Stealth Mastery (Successfully stalked Puss not only throughout the entire film, but was there for all eight of his other deaths without the cat noticing this), Teleportation (Appeared in a stool next to Puss, and as well spontaneously manifested in a large crowd of people), Clairvoyance (Seems to know when to appear when Puss, and any of his victims are about to die), Fire Manipulation (Used his dual sickles to create a large wave of fire that surrounded him and Puss for their battle), likely Abstract Existence (Type 2; Is the physical embodiment of the concept of death), Perception Manipulation (Could not be seen or heard by anyone other than Puss prior to the final battle on the Wishing Star), Illusion Creation (Projected his face on crystals and changed their colour as he chased Puss), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (Unharmed from walking through his own fire), Deconstruction (Unaffected by the Wishing Star's barrier, which completely disintegrated people and would have done the same to Baby Bear)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Small City level, City level to Large Mountain level, Island level, Mountain Level to Continent level+ (Comparable to his durability), Planet level (If Jack had all the magic of the world, he would have destroyed the earth), possibly Universe Level+ to Low Multiverse Level (Made easy work of and managed to notably overpower Puss in Boots within both of their battles, rendering him superior to Puss, who overwhelmed and harmed Shrek, who survive being kicked in the balls by Donkey, who can knock out a full armored knight with one kick, and withstood Dragon's fire breath, which is strong enough to melt through mountains. Puss was quick to note that he could never defeat Death and only fought to protect his last life. Just being grazed by Death's sickles was enough to make Puss bleed. Is the Grim Reaper for everyone. Will eventually overtake everyone in the universe. It can be inferred that the entire time he was holding back against Puss in Boots to make him appreciate his lives as seen when he doesn’t want to fight him anymore after noticing that he wasn’t the once cocky and unappreciative Puss in Boots who used his lives tit for tat. Doesn't fear the power of the Wishing Star. The Wishing Star could be superior to Rumpelstiltskin's magic contracts, which can warp realities and create alternate universes by using his magical transactions/contacts)


Subsonic (Easily moved quick enough to outpace Puss and avoid his attacks, who caught an arrow in his mouth. Was able to immediately disarm Puss before the cat could even react. Chased Puss down a crystal cave with the cat not being able to outrun him), Sub-Relativistic+ to Relativistic+, FTL, Massively FTL, Inaccessible (Puss dodged magical blasts. Should scale above Fiona, who appears to be moving at normal speeds during slow-mo so slow that it looks like nothing else is moving. even the gravity affecting fiona appears to be frozen, and King Harold, who jumped in front of a lightning bolt), possibly higher (Was able to move so fast that Puss in Boots couldn't keep up with him), likely Nigh-Omnipresent (Is the Grim Reaper for everyone, meaning he can see the deaths of countless people, meaning if 2 or more people died at the exact same time he would have to be in both places at once)

Lifting Strength[]

Class 100 (Superior to Puss, who, despite being small, he could wrestle a bull as a child, as well as rein in a Giant Goose)

Striking Strength[]

Small City Class, City Class to Large Mountain Class, Island Class, Mountain Class to Continent Class+, Planet Class, possibly Universal+ to Low Multiversal


Small City level, City level to Large Mountain level, Island level, Mountain Level to Continent level+ (The Wishing Star raises immense amount of magical heat that vaporize anybody on stage and Death walked through it like nothing, while one of Jack's henchmen was killed and upon landing in the forest, the Wishing Star scorched thousands of trees), Planet level, possibly Universe Level+ to Low Multiverse Level (Took hits by Puss in Boots without visible damages. The Wishing Star is stated to be able to grant any wish, which would be possible endless power)


Superhuman, possibly Limitless


Extended melee range, higher with double-bladed glaive, Tens of Meters with Fire Manipulation, Universal with Teleportation


Dual sickles and cloak


Gifted (Death is a master in various fields such as combat, intimidation, and stalking his prey which all seem to factor into him being an extraordinary grim reaper. His combat prowess was able to trump and overcome that of Puss in Boots, who is reputable in swordsmanship as he's faced groups of skilled knights and giant monsters before. He was the catalyst of changing the person Puss is, being able to afflict so much fear, trauma and anxiety into him that it nearly forced him into an early retirement, which could have resulted in him living in among a house of normal house cats, showing that he knows exactly how to get under people's skin. Not much is known about Death outside of his connection with Puss himself, but it can easily be inferred that his track record is almost flawless, telling Puss that "no one's escaped him yet", and that running away will only delay the inevitable, in which Death chose to masterfully stalk Puss once he had done this with nothing he can do to counter, or in order to escape)


Somewhat sadistic and tends to play with his food. Can/will only fight when someone is nearing the end of their life or when sufficiently "disturbed" by someone, is overall cocky and will drag out a fight simply for the smell of fear in an opponent.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
