Density Manipulation is the ability to manipulate the density of objects and living beings. This power can be used to make objects heavier, more durable, denser or even lighter. It also allows its user to alter solidity, change the size of substances, create or destroy matter/mass in a volume, change inertial resistance (mass), make things intangible, concentrate or expand matter, or create pressure differences in a fluid (gas, liquid, plasma) to induce a current and possibly use it to move solids. Some users might even be able to control electrical charge density, which is the amount of electric charge per unit volume, making them able to manipulate electromagnetic fields. This power can also be used at high levels to manipulate gravity and create black holes.
- Matter Manipulation
- Size Manipulation
- Intangibility
- Magnetism Manipulation
- Gravity Manipulation
- Black Hole Generation
- May be limited to manipulating only mass, density or solidity.
- May be limited to affecting only others, themselves or objects.
- Martial Manhunter (DC Comics)
- Swampfire (Ben 10)
- Vision (Marvel Comics)
- Suika Ibuki (Touhou Project)
- Minael (Magical Girl Raising Project)
- H.N. Elly and her Familiars (Puella Magi Verse)