Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Summary []

Devo the Cursed is one of the assassins that was sent to kill the Joestar Group. He appears before Polnareff who he nearly killed, however, Polnareff destroyed the doll that Ebony Devil was bound to and as such Devo was killed.

Powers and Stats []

Tier: 10-B | High 7-C 

Name: Devo the Cursed

Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders 

Gender: Male 

Age: Unknown (Likely 20's) 

Classification: Assassin

Powers and Abilities: None Notable | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Possession (Ebony Devil can possess inanimate objects), Rage Power (The more Devo hates his opponent the stronger Ebony Devil is), Soul ManipulationNon-Physical Interaction (Stands are made up of their user's soul and can damage and destroy other Stands)

Attack Potency: Average Level | Large Town Level (Harmed Polnareff)

Speed: Average Human Movement Speed with MFTL reactions (Has reacted to attacks from Silver Chariot) | MFTL (Managed to attack and dodge attacks from Silver Chariot) 

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Average Human Level | Large Town Level

Durability: Average Human Level | Large Town Level (Survived attacks by Silver Chariot)

Stamina: High 

Range: Standard melee range Standard melee range to Extended melee range 

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Ebony Devil: Ebony Devil is a Bound Stand which can bind itself to any inanimate object, it usually possesses as a doll which has weapons. Ebony Devil will grow stronger the more Devo hates his opponent.

Key: Devo the Cursed | Ebony Devil
