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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Dr. Eggman
I am Dr. Robotnik, the most cunning scientific genius in the world!
~ Eggman's recap intro

Summary SU[]

Dr. Ivo Robotnik, better known by the alias of Dr. Eggman, is the main antagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

He is a human and the archnemesis of Sonic the Hedgehog. He is a scientist with an IQ of 300 who has dreams of conquering the world, but his constant plots to create his Eggman Empire are always stopped by Sonic and his friends.


Tier: At least 8-C, Low 6-B, Low 4-C to High 4-C, possibly higher | Low 4-C to High 4-C | Varies from 4-A to 2-C to 2-B to 1-B | 1-B

Name: Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Age: mid-50s to early-60s (was born 10 years after Gerald died. Infinite says that sonic has beaten eggman for decades)

Classification: Human, Scientist


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Preparation, Expert Mechanic and Pilot, Flight (With Extreme Gear), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. He can breathe and talk in outer space like many other Sonic characters) and Flight (Via Jetpack and Eggmobile), Gas Projection (Via Eggmobile), Energy Projection (Via Laser gun), Resistance to Time Manipulation/Time Stop and Age Manipulation (Is able to traverse Little Planet to put his robot transporters all over it and even is capable of holding Time Stones, the mysterious Time Stones are said to be able to turn a desert into a jungle, and a polluted lake into a beautiful lake by crossing through time. Able to move normally even after he activates a Time Switch, which freezes enemies in place and stops the in-game counter. Can move within White Space, an area where Time doesn't exist), Black Holes (Was able to withstand being pulled into a black hole from within his Egg Mobile), Sound Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation and Transmutation/Deconstruction (Can withstand the effects of the Magenta, Ivory and Blue Wisps)

Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Large Size (Varies depending on the machine), Self-Sustenance (Types 2, and 3), True Flight, Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Mind Control, Fire Manipulation and resistance to it, Weather Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Size-Shifting, Body Control, Illusion Creation, Duplication (Can produce an exact replica of his opponents), Plasma Manipulation (The Crystal Egg Zone boss has plasma projectiles), Forcefield Creation, Multiple weapons, Lock-on system, Can use intangible hands, Can shoot rockets, missiles, lasers, chain balls, bombs, Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations

Same as previously, Information Analysis, Forcefield Creation (The Egg Walker has a shield that can recover with rings), Summoning, Poison Manipulation, Self-Destruction, Portal Creation, Can create mini-stars, Perception Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Homing Missiles, Levitation, Vibration Emission, Duplication of others (Can materialize thousands of clones of Shadow, Chaos 0, Zavok, Metal Sonic, and Infinite to aid him in combat), Aura, Dimensional BFR (Scaling from Infinite), Life Force Absorption (Can drain a planet’s life energy with the Extractor), Mind Manipulation (Of Planetary potency; Capable of mentally enslaving a world’s population with the Mind Control Ray and Brainwash Beam), Gravity Manipulation (His robots can negate gravity), Transmutation (With the Roboticizer and his camera; Planetary range with the Egg Destroyer), Black Hole Creation, Elemental Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Lava Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Danmaku, Omnidirectional Shock Wave Generation (Which induces dizziness upon impact), Ice Manipulation, The Final Egg Blaster yields immense destructive power to destroy planets and solar systems, Space Travel, while the Time Eater has Time Manipulation (Ranging from Time Travel, slowing down time, and destroying it. Able to send points in time to a white zone of non-existence), Can detach its arms and telekinetically control them, Existence Erasure, Able to stun foes with Restraint Trap, Able to create holes in time, Can travel to timelines that should not and don't exist, Spatial Manipulation and Creation (With the Egg Salamander), Fusionism of two universes, Resistance to Space-Time Erasure (Unaffected by a place of destabilized space-time and the erasure of space-time), Extreme Cold, and Cosmic Radiations

Gravity Manipulation and Psuedo-Black Hole Creation (With the Ark of the Cosmos) With the Color Powers: Transformation, Fire Manipulation and Explosion Manipulation (With Red Burst and Black Bomb), Vibration Manipulation (With Blue Cube and Gray Quake), Energy Projection (With Cyan Laser and Crimson Eagle), Electricity Manipulation (With Ivory Lightning), Invisibility (With Jade Ghost), Transmutation, Pseudo-Black Hole Creation, Gravity Manipulation, Size Manipulation, and Absorption (With Indigo Asteroid, Violet Void, and Purple Frenzy), Intangibility (With Violet Void), Flight and Levitation (With Crimson Eagle, Green Hover, Indigo Asteroid, Magenta Rhythm, Orange Rocket, and Violet Void), Void Manipulation (With Violet Void)

Large Size (Type 1, shown to be this size) & Multilocation (Type 1, Incorporeal Presence. While in control of the Reverie, Dr. Eggman showed the capability to manifest in several locations simultaneously until he was defeated), Reality Warping (As Nightmare Eggman, he has complete control of the Reverie due to cutting off Ariem from her own power source), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1, Alteration; By corrupting the power of Magination, Dr. Eggman twisted the substance that allows for dreams and harnessed it into "literal nightmare fuel"), Additional Limbs (Has several extra arms he uses to attack), Portal Creation (Can easily open and attack through portals), Shockwave Generation (Slamming his fist to the ground produces shockwaves of purple energy), Energy Projection (Can shoot lasers from his fingertips), Body Control, Duplication, & Size Manipulation (Eggman can continuously extend the length of his arms, detach them, and create several more), Homing Attack (Smaller variations of his arms home in and detonate on impact)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

At least Building level (Casually punched futuristic small and large vehicles a good distance away from him), Small Country level (Scales to his durability), Small Star Level to Large Star Level (Despite being the weakest of the characters, he has shattered a single Chaos Emerald), possibly higher | Small Star Level to Large Star Level (Can match Classic Sonic) | Varies from Multi-Solar System level (Destroyed a constellation) to Low Multiverse level (With the Egg Wizard) to Multiverse level (Can match Sonic throughout the Adventure and Modern Eras) to Hyperverse level (With the Time Eater and Infinite) | Hyperverse level (Constructs of his fists can harm those such as Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy. Controlled the Reverie in its entirety after he sealed away Ariem's power)


Superhuman (Fast enough that, when given a head-start, he is capable of staying ahead of a casual Sonic long enough to reach a mech and get inside before Sonic is able to stop himself) with FTL to Immeasurable combat and reaction speed (Is consistently Sonic's main combative opponent. Is able to react to Sonic's Homing Attack when it charges in front of him and catches him as he is running away with a mech that reacts to his own movements. Can be chosen as a party character against Shadow without a mech. Fought Mania Sonic in the Egg Dragoon. Moved around white space, which has no time) | FTL to FTL+ (Capable of keeping up with Classic Sonic) | Massively FTL+ to Immeasurable (Capable of keeping up with Adventure and Modern Sonic. Destroyed a nearby constellation outside the Solar System while near the Earth) | Immeasurable (Nightmare Eggman targeted and followed the likes of Sonic, Amy, and Knuckles as they played a game of keep-away to protect and restore Ariem)

Lifting Strength[]

At least Class K (Punched a truck) | Pre-Stellar to Immeasurable with Machines

Striking Strength[]

At least Building Class, Small Country Class, Small Star Class to Large Star Class, possibly higher | Small Star Class to Large Star Class | Varies from Multi-Solar System Class to Low Multiversal to Multiversal to Hyperversal | Hyperversal (Can harm those such as Knuckles and Sonic with constructs of his fists)


At least Building level, Small Country level (Eggman survives an explosion encompassing a portion of the surface of the planet), Small Star Level to Large Star Level, possibly higher (From the Classic to Modern Eras, he has withstood an explosion that obliterated a mech tough enough to fight on par with Sonic, and regularly survived multiple direct hits from the latter and other comparable characters, as well as his own explosives designed to harm the likes of Shadow) | Small Star Level to Large Star Level | Varies from Multi-Solar System Level to Low Multiverse Level to Multiverse Level to Hyperverse level | Hyperverse level (None of the cast could harm Nightmare Eggman directly, as even their strongest such as Sonic and Knuckles could only run away)


High (Surprisingly athletic despite his obesity, can briefly keep ahead of a casual Sonic when given a head-start, can withstand explosions and still go on), Extremely high with machines


Standard melee range, higher with a laser gun. Ranges from hundreds of meters to Planetary to Interstellar to Universal+ with machines


His glasses, Eggmobile, Laser gun, and machines


At least Extraordinary Genius (He has an IQ of 300, as well as being able to create various machines that far surpass modern weaponry. Built a large empire of advanced robots. Has constructed machines capable of draining energy from sources of power greater than the Chaos Emeralds, granting enough power to slice through dimensions and essentially warp reality. Created a ray powerful enough to place the entire planet under mind control. Has made devices capable of forging miniature stars. Developed a method of turning animals into robots to serve him. The Final Egg Blaster has a laser powerful enough to destroy multiple star systems in a single shot. Created weaker prototypes of the Phantom Ruby, which were still capable of warping reality to a limited degree.)


Immature and short-tempered, has little direct combat experience outside of using his machines | Varies depending on the machine

Major Creations[]

  • Eggrobo
  • Death Egg Robot
  • Mecha Sonic (Death Egg Zone)/Silver Sonic
  • Mecha Sonic
  • Metal Sonic
  • E-101 Beta
  • E-102 Gamma
  • E-105 Zeta
  • E-123 Omega
  • Egg Golem
  • Super Egg Robot
  • Mecha Knuckles
  • Final Egg Blaster
  • Gemerl
  • Egg Dragoon
  • Nega-Wisp Armor
  • Death Egg Robot (Sonic Forces)
  • Egg Wizard (Built alongside Dr. Eggman Nega)
  • Controlled and piloted the Time Eater


By Himself | Classic Machines | Adventure and Modern Machines | Nightmare Eggman


Note 1: Check here for his other creations. Dr. Eggman being able to briefly stay ahead of Sonic in the classic games is a Game Mechanic.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
