Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
You have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't because the fate of the universe depends on it.
~ Doctor Strange to Tony Stark

Summary SU[]

Doctor Strange (real name Stephen Vincent Strange) is the main protagonist of the 2016 film Doctor Strange. Originally a very accomplished yet arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange suffered severe nerve damage to his hands in a car accident, rendering him incapable of continuing his work. When all western medicines failed to heal the injuries, Strange traveled to Kamar-Taj in Nepal in search of another means of healing (having been told of a paralyzed man who traveled there and afterward managed to walk again) before being drawn into the world of magic by an old and mysterious woman known as the Ancient One.

Over the next several months, Strange would be taught the mystical arts, learning complicated magic far faster than most of his fellow pupils. Eventually, due to the battles with Kaecilius and stopping the imminent release of the extradimensional Dormammu, Strange is named the Master of the New York Sanctum and the leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts due to the Ancient One's death.


Tier: 9-C to possibly 9-A physically, 5-A to 2-C with Magic, 2-A to possibly High 1-C with Time Stone | 9-B to possibly 9-A physically, 4-C to High 4-C, possibly 4-B to 2-C with Magic, 2-A to possibly High 1-C with Time Stone | 8-C to 7-C physically, 4-B to 2-A with Magic

Name: Stephen Vincent Strange, Doctor Strange

Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Gender: Male

Age: Around the 40s

Classification: Human, Master of the Mystic Arts, Former Neurosurgeon


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Photographic Memory, Martial Arts, Magic, Energy Manipulation, Weapon Mastery (Can conjure the Sacred Sword of Vishanti), Energy Projection, Weapon Creation (Capable of conjuring different types of weaponry in the heat of battle, such as Tao Mandalas and Eldritch Whips), Barrier Creation, Astral Projection, Soul Manipulation (Can harm and kill souls when in astral form, but the latter is only when provided with enough energy from outside), Supernatural Willpower (He was killed by Dormammu several times in a time loop and was willing to keep dying forever to keep Dormammu imprisoned or until he may give up. Strange was aware of each death, but the loop was maintaining the situation until broken), BFR (Can trap people in the Mirror Dimension, a parallel dimension that mirrors the real world. Threw Loki into a portal and made him keep falling through dimensions for half an hour), Flight with the Cloak of Levitation, Portal Creation and Dimensional Travel with a Sling Ring, Extrasensory Perception (Keeps a watchlist of threats to Earth and sensed Loki's arrival to the planet. Was able to find the exact location of Odin), Platform Creation (Created platforms for Star-Lord to traverse), Duplication, Telekinesis, Teleportation (Capable of effortlessly teleporting both himself and those around him), Matter Manipulation & Transmutation (Transformed a teacup into a large glass of beer, and refilled the drink after Thor emptied it. Transformed a "Black Hole" into a group of butterflies), Thread Manipulation (Can cause orange bands of energy to form around and restrain his opponent), Elemental Manipulation (Stopped the windstorm caused by Maw's Q-ship. Created a water tornado. Split open the ground and made it swallow Thanos' soldiers. Can create balls of light that bring light to the surrounding area), Body Control (Can make a third eye appear on his forehead), Summoning (Summoned serpent creatures to attack Scarlet Witch. Summoned a gigantic beast to catch a car, saving a woman and her baby), Absorption and Power Absorption (Capable of absorbing America Chavez's ability to travel through universes, akin to Defender Strange), Creation (Created a magical web-shooter for Spider-Man. Formed beastial hands to tear off a pole from the ground and kill Gargantos), Attack Reflection (Was able to reflect an attack from Wanda using the Mirror Dimension), Deconstruction (Deconstructed and changed the form of a bus whilst lifting it into the air), Cloth Manipulation (Can change his clothes into anything and can even turn the Cloak of Levitation into a nifty scarf or hankerchief), Fire Manipulation (Shot a blast of green flames at Gargantos. Lit the fire place in the Sanctum Sanctorum with a wave of his hand), Memory Manipulation (Could erase the memory of Peter Parker being Spider-Man across the Multiverse, including Stephen's own memory of such knowledge, a spell that the latter considers to be "standard"), Sound Manipulation (Was able to create tangible musical notes made of Eldritch Magic's energy to attack Sinister Strange during their duel), Spatial Manipulation and Reality Warping with the Mirror Dimension (Easily capable of manipulating a city-wide space within the Mirror Dimension), and Invisibility Negation (Performed a spell which made Gargantos visible), Resistance to Time Stop (Was shown to be unaffected when time was stopped) and Mind Manipulation (Sorcerers can fortify their minds against those trying to invade it), Power Absorption and Absorption (Should be comparable to his variant good counterpart with preparation), Soul Manipulation and Possession (Was able to fight and overturn control of the Souls of the Damned, kicking them out of his body)

Time Manipulation, Time Stop, Time Travel and Precognition with the Eye of Agamotto (Capable of accelerating, reversing, looping, and travelling through time moreover is capable of affecting timeless beings. Saw into 14,000,605 possible alternate future timelines to discover a way of defeating Thanos)

Enhanced Astral Projection and Possession with Dreamwalking (Possessed a different version of himself from another universe to battle Scarlet Witch)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Street level (Can fight against Kaecilius, who is strong enough to decapitated a man with a blade at such an angle which would almost be impossible for even peak humans to replicate in real life) to possibly Small Building level+ physically (Should be comparable to his alternate universe self, who tried to kill Strange Supreme with a blast), Large Planet level to Low Multiverse level with Magic (Confirmed he didn't see Ultron as a threat whatsoever, in an interview. Ultron had been able to harm Thor. Blocked blasts from Dormammu, which cut through a formerly inhabited world. Superior to the Ancient One, who split a timeline), Multiverse level+ to possibly High Complexe Multiverse level with the Time Stone (The Time stones make up the flow of time, The stones have also been stated to have “limitless power”. The Time Stone is capable of breaking the Space-Time Continuum. Was able to affect Dormammu, who has absorbed countless dimensions into his Dark Dimension, which is an alternate universe. Plots to absorb all infinite realities and dimensions of the Multiverse. Dormammu is implied to be a 11-Dimensional entity and transcends human comprehension of physics, which views the word as 11-Dimensional) | Wall level to possibly Small Building level+ (Stronger than his past self), Star Level to Large Star Level, possibly Solar System Level to Low Multiverse level with Magic (Hide the Time Stone was being hidden amongst the stars. Blocked a black hole from Thanos. Fought Thanos when he owned four Infinity Stones and held his own against him better than anyone else. Attempted to trap Thanos within a Mirror Dimension wall, forcing him to use the Power Stone to break free, and later restrained him with many Magic Energy Whips, forcing him to use a combination of the Power Stone and the Soul Stone to break free. Thanos later went as far as to praise Strange for his power and skill.), Multiverse level+ to possibly High Complexe Multiverse level with the Time Stone | Building level to Town level physically (Stronger than his past self. Comparable to his own durability. Traded blows with 838 Mordo, who was capable of harming him with his physical strikes. Can fight Spider-Man), Solar System Level to Multiverse level+ with Magic (Accidentally cracked the multiverse open)


FTL to Massively FTL+ (Should be comparable to the Ancient One, who perceives lightning in slow motion. Likely at least comparable in speed to characters such as Ultron, due to not considering him a threat, whos repulsors are described as beams of light. Should be faster than Thor) | FTL to Massively FTL+ (Faster than before. Comparable to Thanos and Avengers such as Iron Man. Retrieves the Time Stone from among the stars) | FTL to Massively FTL+ (Faster than before)

Lifting Strength[]

Average Human, Unknown with magic | Average Human, Class T with magic (Briefly restrained Thanos. Formed a massive vortex of water) | Average Human, Class T with magic

Striking Strength[]

Street Class to possibly Small Building Class+ physically, Large Planet Class to Low Multiversal with Magic | Wall Class to possibly Small Building Class+ physically, Star Class to Large Star Class, possibly Solar System Class to Low Multiversal with Magic | Building Class to Town Class physically, Solar System Class to Multiversal+ with Magic


Street level to possibly Small Building level+ physically (Took attacks from Kaecilius), Large Planet level to Low Multiverse level with Magic | Wall level to possibly Small Building level+ physically (Tanked a small explosive), Star Level to Large Star Level, possibly Solar System Level to Low Multiverse level with Magic Barriers | Building level to Town level physically (Withstood a pumpkin bomb from Green Goblin, which vaporized Eddie Brock and the Symbiote and harmed Spider-Man. Survived being cut by the Lizard), Solar System Level to Multiverse level+ with Magic Barriers


Above Average (Even after suffering impalement, Strange still had enough strength in him to open a portal halfway across the world and receive the treatment)


Standard Melee Range, Several miles with magic, up to Multi-Stellar with certain spells (Hid the Time Stone in a star confirmed by WoG). Interdimensional with Extrasensory Perception (Sorcerers were able to sense the Ten Rings being used in Ta Lo, which is a pocket dimension outside of their native universe). Multiversal+ with portals and memory manipulation, and when Dreamwalking with the Darkhold


Cloak of Levitation, Sling Ring, Eye of Agamotto

  • Optional Equipment: The Darkhold


Extraordinary Genius (Possesses Eidetic Memory. Doctor Strange was one of the most renowned neurosurgeons in the world, having performed operations that were thought impossible by most other doctors. He was incredibly talented in the Mystic Arts despite his initial doubt and difficulties, teaching himself numerous complex techniques by reading advanced forbidden tomes overnight. He was able to formulate the plan of victory against Thanos and was one of the main reasons the Avengers won, remembering the details of every different possibility that he saw by using the Time Stone, despite having seen more than 14 million different outcomes. Able to understand and utilize Darkhold spells such as Dreamwalking within seconds of receiving the Darkhold despite having no previous experience with witchcraft magic. Managed to outwit and defeat Sinister Strange who himself had defeated and killed various other versions of himself.)


Rather arrogant and believes himself to be infallible, without his magic. The severe nerve damage in Strange's hands makes it all but impossible to use them properly, suffering immense pain when punching enemies. He cannot use some spells or activate the Eye of Agamotto if his arms are restrained; however, he can still teleport and transmute without any hand gesture. The Runes of Kof-Kol can have incredibly dangerous side effects should a second party interfere with the spell while Strange performs it, in one case pulling in several individuals from across the multiverse at an alarming rate.


Pre-Infinity War | Post-Infinity War | Post-Blip


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
